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Widyastuti, U., Sumiati, A., Herlitah, H & Melati, I. (2020). Financial education, financial literacy, and financial Behaviour: What does really matter?.Management Science Letters , 10(12), 2715-2720.
Alhenawi, Y. (2013). Financial literacy of US households: Knowledge vs. long-term financial planning. Financial Ser-vices review, 22, 211-244.
Allgood, S., & Walstad, W. B. (2016). The effects of perceived and actual financial literacy on financial behaviours. Eco-nomic Inquiry, 54(1), 675-697.
Atkinson, A., Monticone, C., & Mess, F. (2016). OECD/INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competen-cies. Technical Report, OECD.
Bateman, H., Louviere, J., Thorp, S., Islam, T., & Satchell, S. (2017). Investment decisions for retirement savings. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(3), 463-482.
Chen, H., & Volpe, R. P. (1998). An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students. Financial Services Re-view, 7(2), 107-128.
Clark, R., Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2016). Employee financial literacy and retirement plan behavior: a case study. Economic Inquiry, 55(1), 248-259.
de Bassa Scheresberg, C. (2013). Financial literacy and financial behavior among young adults: Evidence and implica-tions. Numeracy, 6(2), 5.
Fernandes, D., Lynch Jr, J. G., & Netemeyer, R. G. (2014). Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream finan-cial behaviors. Management Science, 60(8), 1861-1883.
Grohmann, A., & Menkhoff, L. (2015). School, parents, and financial literacy shape future financial behavior. DIW Eco-nomic Bulletin, 5(30/31), 407-412.
Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2016). A primer on partial least squares structural equation model-ing (PLS-SEM): Sage Publications.
Huston, S. J. (2010). Measuring financial literacy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(2), 296-316.
Jamal, A. A. A., Ramlan, W. K., Karim, M. A., & Osman, Z. (2015). The effects of social influence and financial literacy on savings behavior: A study on students of higher learning institutions in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(11), 110-119.
Kaiser, T., & Menkhoff, L. (2017). Does financial education impact financial literacy and financial behavior, and if so, when? The World Bank Economic Review, 31(3), 611-630.
Knoll, M. A., & Houts, C. R. (2012). The financial knowledge scale: An application of item response theory to the as-sessment of financial literacy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(3), 381-410.
Kumar, S., Watung, C., Eunike N, J., & Liunata, L. (2017). The influence of financial literacy towards financial behavior and its implication on financial decisions: A survey of President University students in Cikarang - Bekasi. Firm Jour-nal of Management Studies, 2(1), 169-179.
Kunovskaya, I. (2010). The impact of financial literacy on use of financial services in Russia. (Doctoral Dissertation), University of Georgia.
Lusardi, A. (2008). Household saving behavior: The role of financial literacy, information, and financial education pro-grams (No. w13824). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2005). Financial literacy and planning: Implications for retirement wellbeing (Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper No. WP 2005-108). Ann Arbor: Michigan Retirement Research Center.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2007a). Financial literacy and retirement planning: New evidence from the Rand American Life Panel. Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper No. WP, 157.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2007b). Financial literacy and retirement preparedness: Evidence and implications for fi-nancial education. Business Economics, 42(1), 35-44.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2008). Planning and financial literacy: How do women fare?. American and Economic Re-view, 98(2), 413-17.
Mandell, L., & Klein, L. S. (2009). The impact of financial literacy education on subsequent financial behavior. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 20(1).
Murendo, C., & Mutsonziwa, K. (2017). Financial literacy and savings decisions by adult financial consumers in Zimba-bwe. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(1), 95-103.
Nicolini, G., Cude, B. J., & Chatterjee, S. (2013). Financial literacy: A comparative study across four countries. Interna-tional Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(6), 689-705.
Rooij, M. V., Lusardi, A., & Alessie, R. (2011). Financial literacy and stock market participation. Journal of Financial Economics, 101(2), 449-472.
Schreiner, M., Clancy, M., & Sherraden, M. (2002). Saving performance in the American dream demonstration. Center for Social Development. St. Louis: Washington University.
Varcoe, K., Martin, A., Devitto, Z., & Go, C. (2005). Using a financial education curriculum for teens. Journal of Finan-cial Counseling and Planning, 16(1).
Wagner, J. F. (2015). An analysis of the effects of financial education on financial literacy and financial behaviors. (3689481 Ph.D.), The University of Nebraska. Retrieved from
Xu, L., & Zia, B. (2012). Financial literacy around the world: an overview of the evidence with practical suggestions for the way forward. The World Bank. Retrieved from
Zulaihati, S., Susanti, S., & Widyastuti, U. (2020). Teachers’ financial literacy: Does it impact on financial behaviour? Management Science Letters, 10(3), 653-658.
Allgood, S., & Walstad, W. B. (2016). The effects of perceived and actual financial literacy on financial behaviours. Eco-nomic Inquiry, 54(1), 675-697.
Atkinson, A., Monticone, C., & Mess, F. (2016). OECD/INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competen-cies. Technical Report, OECD.
Bateman, H., Louviere, J., Thorp, S., Islam, T., & Satchell, S. (2017). Investment decisions for retirement savings. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(3), 463-482.
Chen, H., & Volpe, R. P. (1998). An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students. Financial Services Re-view, 7(2), 107-128.
Clark, R., Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2016). Employee financial literacy and retirement plan behavior: a case study. Economic Inquiry, 55(1), 248-259.
de Bassa Scheresberg, C. (2013). Financial literacy and financial behavior among young adults: Evidence and implica-tions. Numeracy, 6(2), 5.
Fernandes, D., Lynch Jr, J. G., & Netemeyer, R. G. (2014). Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream finan-cial behaviors. Management Science, 60(8), 1861-1883.
Grohmann, A., & Menkhoff, L. (2015). School, parents, and financial literacy shape future financial behavior. DIW Eco-nomic Bulletin, 5(30/31), 407-412.
Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2016). A primer on partial least squares structural equation model-ing (PLS-SEM): Sage Publications.
Huston, S. J. (2010). Measuring financial literacy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44(2), 296-316.
Jamal, A. A. A., Ramlan, W. K., Karim, M. A., & Osman, Z. (2015). The effects of social influence and financial literacy on savings behavior: A study on students of higher learning institutions in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(11), 110-119.
Kaiser, T., & Menkhoff, L. (2017). Does financial education impact financial literacy and financial behavior, and if so, when? The World Bank Economic Review, 31(3), 611-630.
Knoll, M. A., & Houts, C. R. (2012). The financial knowledge scale: An application of item response theory to the as-sessment of financial literacy. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 46(3), 381-410.
Kumar, S., Watung, C., Eunike N, J., & Liunata, L. (2017). The influence of financial literacy towards financial behavior and its implication on financial decisions: A survey of President University students in Cikarang - Bekasi. Firm Jour-nal of Management Studies, 2(1), 169-179.
Kunovskaya, I. (2010). The impact of financial literacy on use of financial services in Russia. (Doctoral Dissertation), University of Georgia.
Lusardi, A. (2008). Household saving behavior: The role of financial literacy, information, and financial education pro-grams (No. w13824). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2005). Financial literacy and planning: Implications for retirement wellbeing (Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper No. WP 2005-108). Ann Arbor: Michigan Retirement Research Center.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2007a). Financial literacy and retirement planning: New evidence from the Rand American Life Panel. Michigan Retirement Research Center Research Paper No. WP, 157.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2007b). Financial literacy and retirement preparedness: Evidence and implications for fi-nancial education. Business Economics, 42(1), 35-44.
Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2008). Planning and financial literacy: How do women fare?. American and Economic Re-view, 98(2), 413-17.
Mandell, L., & Klein, L. S. (2009). The impact of financial literacy education on subsequent financial behavior. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 20(1).
Murendo, C., & Mutsonziwa, K. (2017). Financial literacy and savings decisions by adult financial consumers in Zimba-bwe. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41(1), 95-103.
Nicolini, G., Cude, B. J., & Chatterjee, S. (2013). Financial literacy: A comparative study across four countries. Interna-tional Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(6), 689-705.
Rooij, M. V., Lusardi, A., & Alessie, R. (2011). Financial literacy and stock market participation. Journal of Financial Economics, 101(2), 449-472.
Schreiner, M., Clancy, M., & Sherraden, M. (2002). Saving performance in the American dream demonstration. Center for Social Development. St. Louis: Washington University.
Varcoe, K., Martin, A., Devitto, Z., & Go, C. (2005). Using a financial education curriculum for teens. Journal of Finan-cial Counseling and Planning, 16(1).
Wagner, J. F. (2015). An analysis of the effects of financial education on financial literacy and financial behaviors. (3689481 Ph.D.), The University of Nebraska. Retrieved from
Xu, L., & Zia, B. (2012). Financial literacy around the world: an overview of the evidence with practical suggestions for the way forward. The World Bank. Retrieved from
Zulaihati, S., Susanti, S., & Widyastuti, U. (2020). Teachers’ financial literacy: Does it impact on financial behaviour? Management Science Letters, 10(3), 653-658.