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Anggraini, N., Yasa, N., Giantari, I & Ekawati, N. (2022). The impact of SNS marketing use on women entrepreneurs in the new normal era.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(3), 769-778.
Abbas, J., Aman, J., Nurunnabi, M., & Bano, S. (2019). The impact of social media on learning behavior for sustainable education: Evidence of students from selected universities in Pakistan. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(6).
Abedin, B. (2016). Diffusion of adoption of Facebook for customer relationship management in Australia: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 28(1), 56–72.
Ahmad, S.Z., Abu Bakar, A.R., & Ahmad, N. (2019). Social media adoption and its impact on firm performance: the case of the UAE. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 25(1), 84–111.
Akter, S., D'ambra, J., & Ray, P. (2011). An evaluation of PLS based complex models: the roles of power analysis, predic-tive relevance and GoF index. Proceedings,
Alnawas, I., & Abu Farha, A. (2020). Strategic orientations and capabilities' effect on SMEs' performance. Marketing In-telligence and Planning, 38(7), 829–845.
BPS. (2019). Indonesian Women Profile.
Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99–120.
BPS. (2016). Result of Establishment Listing Economic Census 2016 Bali Province. BPS-Statistics Indonesia.
Cao, Y., Ajjan, H., Hong, P., & Le, T. (2018). Using social media for competitive business outcomes: An empirical study of companies in China. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 15(2), 211–235.
Chang, W., Park, JE, & Chaiy, S. (2010). How does CRM technology transform into organizational performance? A medi-ating role of marketing capability. Journal of Business Research, 63(8), 849–855.
Charoensukmongkol, P., & Sasanun, P. (2017). Social media use for CRM and business performance satisfaction: The moderating roles of social skills and social media sales intensity. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22(1), 25–34.
Chatterjee, S., & Kumar Kar, A. (2020). Why do small and medium enterprises use social media marketing and what is the impact: Empirical insights from India. International Journal of Information Management, 53.
Cheng, C.C.J., & Shiu, E.C. (2019). How to enhance SMEs customer involvement using social media: The role of Social CRM. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 37(1), 22–42.
Day, G.S. (1994). The Capabilities of Market-Driven organizations. Journal of Marketing, 58, 37–52.
Eid, R., Abdelmoety, Z., & Agag, G. (2020). Antecedents and consequences of social media marketing use: an empirical study of the UK exporting B2B SMEs. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(2), 284–305.
Foltean, FS, Trif, SM, & Tuleu, DL (2019). Customer relationship management capabilities and social media technology use: Consequences on firm performance. Journal of Business Research, 104, 563–575.
Foroudi, P., Gupta, S., Nazarian, A., & Duda, M. (2017). Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs. Qualitative Market Research, 20(2), 230–246.
Garrido-Moreno, A., García-Morales, VJ, Lockett, N., & King, S. (2018). The missing link: Creating value with Social Media use in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 75, 94–104.
Giantari, I.G.A.K., Yasa, N.N.K., Suprasto, H.B., & Rahmayanti, P.L.D. (2022). The role of digital marketing in mediating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition on business performance. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(1), 217–232.
Henry, C., Foss, L., & Ahl, H. (2016). Gender and entrepreneurship research: A review of methodological approaches*. In-ternational Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 34(3), 217–241.
IFC Annual Report 2016. (2016). Experiences Matters.
Jeong, SW, Jin, BE, & Jung, S. (2019). The temporal effects of social and business networks on international performance of South Korean SMEs. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(4), 1042–1057.
Kachouie, R., Mavondo, F., & Sands, S. (2018). Dynamic marketing capabilities view on creating market change. Europe-an Journal of Marketing, 52(5–6), 1007–1036.
Kemp Simon. (2020). Digital 2020: Indonesia. Kepios.
Kim, H.G., & Wang, Z. (2019). Defining and measuring social customer-relationship management (CRM) capabilities. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 7(1), 40–50.
Kim, Y.J., & Jang, A. (2021). A longitudinal study of sales promotion on social networking sites (SNS) in the lodging in-dustry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 256–263.
Lee, PL, & Grewal Rajdeep. (2004). Strategic Responses to New Technologies and Their Impact on Firm Performance. Journal Of Marketing, 68, 157–171.
Maranti Estu. (2020). Riset Google: Angka Wirausaha Perempuan Indonesia Tertinggi di Asia Tenggara.
Marchand, A., Hennig-Thurau, T., & Flemming, J. (2021). Social media resources and capabilities as strategic determi-nants of social media performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(3), 549–571.
Michaelidou, N., Siamagka, NT, & Christodoulides, G. (2011). Usage, barriers and measurement of social media market-ing: An exploratory investigation of small and medium B2B brands. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(7), 1153–1159.
Muna, N., Yasa, N., Ekawati, N., Wibawa, I., Sriathi, A., & Adi, I. (2022a). Market entry agility in the process of enhanc-ing firm performance: A dynamic capability perspective. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(1), 99-106.
Muna, N., Yasa, N., Ekawati, N.W., Wibawa, I M.A. (2022b). A dynamic capability theory perspective: borderless media breakthrough to enhance SMEs performance, International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 363-374.
Qalati, SA, Yuan, LW, Khan, MAS, & Anwar, F. (2021). A mediated model on the adoption of social media and SMEs' performance in developing countries. Technology in Society, 64.
Rauth Bhardwaj, B. (2014). Impact of education and training on performance of women entrepreneurs: A study in emerg-ing market context. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 6(1), 38–52.
Rodriguez, M., Peterson, RM, & Krishnan, V. (2012). Social media's influence on business-to-business sales performance. In Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management,32(3), 365–378.
Sok, P., Snell, L., Lee, WJ (Thomas), & Sok, KM (2017). Linking entrepreneurial orientation and small service firm per-formance through marketing resources and marketing capability: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27(1), 231–249.
Solimun, Fernandes, AAR, & Nurjannah. (2017). Metode Statistika Multivariat Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural (SEM) Pendekatan WarpPLS.
Song, M., di Benedetto, CA, & Nason, RW (2007). Capabilities and financial performance: The moderating effect of stra-tegic type. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(1), 18–34.
Suartina, I. W., Wimba, I. G.A., Astrama, I. M., Wulandari, N.L.A.A. Rahmayanti, P.L.D., Yasa, N.N.K., & Sujana, I K. (2022), The role of brand love in mediating the effect of intensive distribution and social media promotion on brand loyalty and e-WOM, International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 335-346.
Tajvidi, R., & Karami, A. (2017). The effect of social media on firm performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 115.
Trainor, K.J., Rapp, A., Beitelspacher, L.S., & Schillewaert, N. (2011). Integrating information technology and marketing: An examination of the drivers and outcomes of e-Marketing capability. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1), 162–174.
Vorhies, D. W., & Morgan, N. A. (2005). Benchmarking marketing capabilities for sustainable competitive ad-vantage. Journal of marketing, 69(1), 80-94.
Wang, Z., & Kim, HG (2017). Can Social Media Marketing Improve Customer Relationship Capabilities and Firm Per-formance? Dynamic Capability Perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 39, 15–26.
Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A resource‐based view of the firm. Strategic management journal, 5(2), 171-180.
Yao, Q., & Qin, H. (2016). Marketing capability, competitive advantage, and business performance. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 16(3), 195-213.
Yasa, N.N.K., Adnyani, I G.A., Rahmayanti, P.L.D. (2020), The Influence of Social Media Usage on the Perceived Busi-ness Value and Its Impact on Business Performance of Silver Craft Smes in Celuk Village, Gianyar – Bali, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 19 (1), 1-12.
Yasa, NNK, Giantari, IGAK, Sukaatmadja, IPG, Sukawati, TGR, Ekawati, NW, Nurcaya, IN, Rahanatha, GB, & Astari, AAE (2021). The role of relational and informational capabilities in mediating the effect of social media adoption on business performance in fashion industry. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(4), 569–578.
Zhu, K., & Kraemer, K. L. (2005). Post-adoption variations in usage and value of e-business by organizations: cross-country evidence from the retail industry. Information systems research, 16(1), 61-84.
Zu, X., Diao, X., & Meng, Z. (2019). The impact of social media input intensity on firm performance: Evidence from Sina Weibo. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 536, 122556
Abedin, B. (2016). Diffusion of adoption of Facebook for customer relationship management in Australia: An exploratory study. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 28(1), 56–72.
Ahmad, S.Z., Abu Bakar, A.R., & Ahmad, N. (2019). Social media adoption and its impact on firm performance: the case of the UAE. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 25(1), 84–111.
Akter, S., D'ambra, J., & Ray, P. (2011). An evaluation of PLS based complex models: the roles of power analysis, predic-tive relevance and GoF index. Proceedings,
Alnawas, I., & Abu Farha, A. (2020). Strategic orientations and capabilities' effect on SMEs' performance. Marketing In-telligence and Planning, 38(7), 829–845.
BPS. (2019). Indonesian Women Profile.
Barney, J. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99–120.
BPS. (2016). Result of Establishment Listing Economic Census 2016 Bali Province. BPS-Statistics Indonesia.
Cao, Y., Ajjan, H., Hong, P., & Le, T. (2018). Using social media for competitive business outcomes: An empirical study of companies in China. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 15(2), 211–235.
Chang, W., Park, JE, & Chaiy, S. (2010). How does CRM technology transform into organizational performance? A medi-ating role of marketing capability. Journal of Business Research, 63(8), 849–855.
Charoensukmongkol, P., & Sasanun, P. (2017). Social media use for CRM and business performance satisfaction: The moderating roles of social skills and social media sales intensity. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22(1), 25–34.
Chatterjee, S., & Kumar Kar, A. (2020). Why do small and medium enterprises use social media marketing and what is the impact: Empirical insights from India. International Journal of Information Management, 53.
Cheng, C.C.J., & Shiu, E.C. (2019). How to enhance SMEs customer involvement using social media: The role of Social CRM. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 37(1), 22–42.
Day, G.S. (1994). The Capabilities of Market-Driven organizations. Journal of Marketing, 58, 37–52.
Eid, R., Abdelmoety, Z., & Agag, G. (2020). Antecedents and consequences of social media marketing use: an empirical study of the UK exporting B2B SMEs. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 35(2), 284–305.
Foltean, FS, Trif, SM, & Tuleu, DL (2019). Customer relationship management capabilities and social media technology use: Consequences on firm performance. Journal of Business Research, 104, 563–575.
Foroudi, P., Gupta, S., Nazarian, A., & Duda, M. (2017). Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs. Qualitative Market Research, 20(2), 230–246.
Garrido-Moreno, A., García-Morales, VJ, Lockett, N., & King, S. (2018). The missing link: Creating value with Social Media use in hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 75, 94–104.
Giantari, I.G.A.K., Yasa, N.N.K., Suprasto, H.B., & Rahmayanti, P.L.D. (2022). The role of digital marketing in mediating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition on business performance. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(1), 217–232.
Henry, C., Foss, L., & Ahl, H. (2016). Gender and entrepreneurship research: A review of methodological approaches*. In-ternational Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 34(3), 217–241.
IFC Annual Report 2016. (2016). Experiences Matters.
Jeong, SW, Jin, BE, & Jung, S. (2019). The temporal effects of social and business networks on international performance of South Korean SMEs. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31(4), 1042–1057.
Kachouie, R., Mavondo, F., & Sands, S. (2018). Dynamic marketing capabilities view on creating market change. Europe-an Journal of Marketing, 52(5–6), 1007–1036.
Kemp Simon. (2020). Digital 2020: Indonesia. Kepios.
Kim, H.G., & Wang, Z. (2019). Defining and measuring social customer-relationship management (CRM) capabilities. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 7(1), 40–50.
Kim, Y.J., & Jang, A. (2021). A longitudinal study of sales promotion on social networking sites (SNS) in the lodging in-dustry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 256–263.
Lee, PL, & Grewal Rajdeep. (2004). Strategic Responses to New Technologies and Their Impact on Firm Performance. Journal Of Marketing, 68, 157–171.
Maranti Estu. (2020). Riset Google: Angka Wirausaha Perempuan Indonesia Tertinggi di Asia Tenggara.
Marchand, A., Hennig-Thurau, T., & Flemming, J. (2021). Social media resources and capabilities as strategic determi-nants of social media performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 38(3), 549–571.
Michaelidou, N., Siamagka, NT, & Christodoulides, G. (2011). Usage, barriers and measurement of social media market-ing: An exploratory investigation of small and medium B2B brands. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(7), 1153–1159.
Muna, N., Yasa, N., Ekawati, N., Wibawa, I., Sriathi, A., & Adi, I. (2022a). Market entry agility in the process of enhanc-ing firm performance: A dynamic capability perspective. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(1), 99-106.
Muna, N., Yasa, N., Ekawati, N.W., Wibawa, I M.A. (2022b). A dynamic capability theory perspective: borderless media breakthrough to enhance SMEs performance, International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 363-374.
Qalati, SA, Yuan, LW, Khan, MAS, & Anwar, F. (2021). A mediated model on the adoption of social media and SMEs' performance in developing countries. Technology in Society, 64.
Rauth Bhardwaj, B. (2014). Impact of education and training on performance of women entrepreneurs: A study in emerg-ing market context. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 6(1), 38–52.
Rodriguez, M., Peterson, RM, & Krishnan, V. (2012). Social media's influence on business-to-business sales performance. In Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management,32(3), 365–378.
Sok, P., Snell, L., Lee, WJ (Thomas), & Sok, KM (2017). Linking entrepreneurial orientation and small service firm per-formance through marketing resources and marketing capability: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27(1), 231–249.
Solimun, Fernandes, AAR, & Nurjannah. (2017). Metode Statistika Multivariat Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural (SEM) Pendekatan WarpPLS.
Song, M., di Benedetto, CA, & Nason, RW (2007). Capabilities and financial performance: The moderating effect of stra-tegic type. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(1), 18–34.
Suartina, I. W., Wimba, I. G.A., Astrama, I. M., Wulandari, N.L.A.A. Rahmayanti, P.L.D., Yasa, N.N.K., & Sujana, I K. (2022), The role of brand love in mediating the effect of intensive distribution and social media promotion on brand loyalty and e-WOM, International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 335-346.
Tajvidi, R., & Karami, A. (2017). The effect of social media on firm performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 115.
Trainor, K.J., Rapp, A., Beitelspacher, L.S., & Schillewaert, N. (2011). Integrating information technology and marketing: An examination of the drivers and outcomes of e-Marketing capability. Industrial Marketing Management, 40(1), 162–174.
Vorhies, D. W., & Morgan, N. A. (2005). Benchmarking marketing capabilities for sustainable competitive ad-vantage. Journal of marketing, 69(1), 80-94.
Wang, Z., & Kim, HG (2017). Can Social Media Marketing Improve Customer Relationship Capabilities and Firm Per-formance? Dynamic Capability Perspective. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 39, 15–26.
Wernerfelt, B. (1984). A resource‐based view of the firm. Strategic management journal, 5(2), 171-180.
Yao, Q., & Qin, H. (2016). Marketing capability, competitive advantage, and business performance. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 16(3), 195-213.
Yasa, N.N.K., Adnyani, I G.A., Rahmayanti, P.L.D. (2020), The Influence of Social Media Usage on the Perceived Busi-ness Value and Its Impact on Business Performance of Silver Craft Smes in Celuk Village, Gianyar – Bali, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 19 (1), 1-12.
Yasa, NNK, Giantari, IGAK, Sukaatmadja, IPG, Sukawati, TGR, Ekawati, NW, Nurcaya, IN, Rahanatha, GB, & Astari, AAE (2021). The role of relational and informational capabilities in mediating the effect of social media adoption on business performance in fashion industry. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(4), 569–578.
Zhu, K., & Kraemer, K. L. (2005). Post-adoption variations in usage and value of e-business by organizations: cross-country evidence from the retail industry. Information systems research, 16(1), 61-84.
Zu, X., Diao, X., & Meng, Z. (2019). The impact of social media input intensity on firm performance: Evidence from Sina Weibo. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 536, 122556