How to cite this paper
Suartina, I., Wimba, I., Astrama, I., Wulandari, N., Rahmayanti, P., Yasa, N & Sujana, I. (2022). The role of brand love in mediating the effect of intensive distribution and social media promotion on brand loyalty and e-WOM.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 335-346.
Abushaikha, I. (2018). The influence of logistics clustering on distribution capabilities: a qualitative study. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(6), 577-594.
Akoglu, H.E. and Özbek, O. (2021). The effect of brand experiences on brand loyalty through perceived quality and brand trust: a study on sports consumers, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,
Al-Dmour, H., Al-Zu’bi, M.F., & Dana, K. (2013). The effect of services marketing mix elements on customer-based brand equity: an empirical study on mobile telecom service recipients in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(11), 13-26.
Amaro, S., Barroco, C., & Antunes, J. (2020). Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of destination brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(3), 433-448.
Amegbe, H., Dzandu, M.D., & Hanu, C. (2021). The role of brand love on bank customers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(1), 189-208.
Amini, A., Mahdi, D., Minoo, & Zahra, A. (2012). Effectiveness of marketing strategies and corporate image on brand eq-uity as a sustainable competitive advantage, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCRB), 4(2), 192-205.
Amoako, G.K., Doe, J.K., & Dzogbenuku, R.K. (2021). Perceived firm ethicality and brand loyalty: the mediating role of corporate social responsibility and perceived green marketing. Society and Business Review, 16(3), 398-419.
Bairrada, C.M., Coelho, A., & Lizanets, V. (2019). The impact of brand personality on consumer behavior: the role of brand love. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(1), 30-47.
Bellaaj, M. (2021). Why and how do individual entrepreneurs use digital channels in an emerging market? Determinants of use and channel coordination. International Journal of Emerging Markets,
Bu, Y., Thaichon, P., & Parkinson, J. (2021). Igniting the Flame with Electronic Word-of-mouth in Digital Marketing, Thaichon, P. and Ratten, V. (Ed.) Developing Digital Marketing, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 181-190.
Coelho, A., Bairrada, C., & Peres, F. (2019). Brand communities’ relational outcomes, through brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(2), 154-165.
Dörnyei, K.R. (2020). Limited edition packaging: objectives, implementations and related marketing mix decisions of a scarcity product tactic. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(6), 617-627.
Efanny, W., Haryanto, J., Kashif, M., & Widyanto, H.A. (2018). The relationship between marketing mix and retailer-perceived brand equity. IMP Journal, 12(1), 192-208.
Espinosa, J.A., Ortinau, D.J., Krey, N., & Monahan, L. (2018). I’ll have the usual: how restaurant brand image, loyalty, and satisfaction keep customers coming back. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(6), 599-614.
Fernandes, T., & Inverneiro, I. (2021). From fandom to fad: are millennials really engaged with and loyal to their loved brands on social media?. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(2), 320-334.
Ghorbanzadeh, D., & Rahehagh, A. (2021). Emotional brand attachment and brand love: the emotional bridges in the pro-cess of transition from satisfaction to loyalty. Rajagiri Management Journal, 15(1), 16-38.
Guan, J., Wang, W., Guo, Z., Chan, J.H., & Qi, X. (2021). Customer experience and brand loyalty in the full-service hotel sector: the role of brand affect. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(5), 1620-1645.
Hamzah, Z.L., Abdul Wahab, H., & Waqas, M. (2021). Unveiling drivers and brand relationship implications of consumer engagement with social media brand posts. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15(2), 336-358.
Hazzam, J. (2021). The moderating role of age on social media marketing activities and customer brand engagement on Instagram social network, Young Consumers,
Huang, C.C., Yen, S.W., Liu, C.Y., & Chang, T.P. (2014). The relationship among brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand resonance to repurchase intention of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. The International Journal of Or-ganizational Innovation, 6(3), 106-120.
Huang, C.-C. (2017). The impacts of brand experiences on brand loyalty: mediators of brand love and trust. Management Decision, 55(5), 915-934.
Ismail, A.R. (2017). The influence of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty: The mediation effect of brand and value consciousness. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(1), 129-144.
Jose, S. (2018). Strategic use of digital promotion strategies among female emigrant entrepreneurs in UAE, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13(6), 1699-1718.
Kataria, S., & Saini, V. (2020). The mediating impact of customer satisfaction in relation of brand equity and brand loyal-ty: An empirical synthesis and re-examination. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 9(1), 62-87.
Khan, A., Mohammad, A.S., & Muhammad, S. (2021). An integrated model of brand experience and brand love for halal brands: survey of halal fast food consumers in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(8), 1492-1520.
Kazemi, A., Abadi, H.R.D., & Kabiry, N. (2013). Analyzing the effect of customer equity on repurchase intentions. Inter-national Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(6), 78-92.
Kim, J.H., & Yong, J.H. (2011). A model to investigate the influence of marketing-mix efforts and corporate image on brand equity in the it software sector. Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 424-438.
Kim, M.-S., & Kim, J. (2018). Linking marketing mix elements to passion-driven behavior toward a brand: Evidence from the foodservice industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(10), 3040-3058.
Kim, S.-H., & Lee, S.A. (2020). The role of marketing communication mix on Korean customers' coffee shop brand eval-uations, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 3(3), 291-309.
Kwon, J.-H., Jung, S.-H., Choi, H.-J., & Kim, J. (2021). Antecedent factors that affect restaurant brand trust and brand loyalty: focusing on US and Korean consumers. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(7), 990-1015.
Langga, A., Kusumawati, A., & Alhabsji, T. (2021). Intensive distribution and sales promotion for improving customer-based brand equity (CBBE), re-purchase intention and word-of-mouth (WOM). Journal of Economic and Administra-tive Sciences, 37(4), 577-595.
Le, M.T.H. (2021). The impact of brand love on brand loyalty: the moderating role of self-esteem, and social influences. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 25(1), 156-180.
Li, Y.-H., Zheng, J., Yue, S.-T., & Fan, Z.-P. (2021), Capturing and analyzing e-WOM for travel products: a method based on sentiment analysis and stochastic dominance, Kybernetes,
Lin, P.-C., Lin, C.-J., Shen, C.-W., & Wang, J. (2020). The revenue and logistics costs of convenience store chains in Tai-wan. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(11), 1255-1273.
Loureiro, S.M.C., Gorgus, T., & Kaufmann, H.R. (2017). Antecedents and outcomes of online brand engagement: The role of brand love on enhancing electronic-word-of-mouth. Online Information Review, 41(7), 985-1005.
Machado, J.C., Martins, C.C., Ferreira, F.C., Silva, S.C., & Duarte, P.A. (2020). Motives to engage with sports brands on Facebook and Instagram–The case of a Portuguese football club. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Spon-sorship, 21(2), 325-349.
Mainolfi, G., & Vergura, D.T. (2021). The influence of fashion blogger credibility, engagement and homophily on inten-tions to buy and e-WOM. Results of a binational study, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management,
Nyamekye, M.B., Adam, D.R., Boateng, H., & Kosiba, J.P. (2021). Place attachment and brand loyalty: the moderating role of customer experience in the restaurant setting. International Hospitality Review,
Ong, K.S., Nguyen, B., & Syed Alwi, S.F. (2017). Consumer-based virtual brand personality (CBVBP), customer satisfac-tion and brand loyalty in the online banking industry. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(3), 370-390.
Raji, R.A., Rashid, S., & Ishak, S. (2019). The mediating effect of brand image on the relationships between social media advertising content, sales promotion content and behaviuoral intention. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 13(3), 302-330.
Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N., & Parrott, G. (2017). Role of social media in retail network operations and marketing to enhance customer satisfaction. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(1), 105-123.
Rubio, N., Oubiña, J., & Gómez-Suárez, M. (2015). Understanding brand loyalty of the store brand’s customer base, Jour-nal of Product & Brand Management, 24(7), 679-692.
Safeer, A.A., He, Y., & Abrar, M. (2021a). The influence of brand experience on brand authenticity and brand love: an empirical study from Asian consumers’ perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(5), 1123-1138.
Safeer, A.A., Yuanqiong, H., Abrar, M., Shabbir, R., & Rasheed, H.M.W. (2021). Role of brand experience in predicting consumer loyalty. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(8), 1042-1057.
Santos, M., & Schlesinger, W. (2021), When love matters. Experience and brand love as antecedents of loyalty and will-ingness to pay a premium price in streaming services, Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC,
Sheng, H., Yang, P., & Feng, Y. (2020), How to inspire customers via social media. Industrial Management & Data Sys-tems, 120(6), 1041-1057.
Soni, P. (2021), Web-store image dimensions and online retail customer loyalty: investigating mediators and moderators. American Journal of Business, 36(1), 20-34.
Yasa, N.N.K, Adnyani, I G.D.A, & Rahmayanti, P.L.D, (2020). The Influence Of Social Media Usage On The Perceived Business Value And Its Impact On Business Performance Of Silver Craft Smes In Celuk Village, Gianyar – Bali, Acad-emy of Strategic Management Journal, 19(1).
Yasa, N.N.K, Giantari, IGAK, Sukaatmadja, I P.G, Sukawati, T.G.R., Ekawati, N.W., Nurcaya, I N., Rahanatha, G.B., & Astari, A.A.E. (2021). The role of relational and informational capabilities in mediating the effect of social media adoption on business performance in fashion industry. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(4), 569-578.
Yoo, B., Donthu, N., & Lee, S. (2000). An examination of selected marketing mix elements and brand equity, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), 195-211.
Yu, C.-M.J., Lin, H.-W., & Chiu, H.-Y. (2014). Channel strategies of foreign sales subsidiaries: The case of firms from developing countries operating in developed countries, International Marketing in Rapidly Changing Environments (Advances in International Marketing, 24, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 127-160.
Akoglu, H.E. and Özbek, O. (2021). The effect of brand experiences on brand loyalty through perceived quality and brand trust: a study on sports consumers, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,
Al-Dmour, H., Al-Zu’bi, M.F., & Dana, K. (2013). The effect of services marketing mix elements on customer-based brand equity: an empirical study on mobile telecom service recipients in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(11), 13-26.
Amaro, S., Barroco, C., & Antunes, J. (2020). Exploring the antecedents and outcomes of destination brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(3), 433-448.
Amegbe, H., Dzandu, M.D., & Hanu, C. (2021). The role of brand love on bank customers' perceptions of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 39(1), 189-208.
Amini, A., Mahdi, D., Minoo, & Zahra, A. (2012). Effectiveness of marketing strategies and corporate image on brand eq-uity as a sustainable competitive advantage, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business (IJCRB), 4(2), 192-205.
Amoako, G.K., Doe, J.K., & Dzogbenuku, R.K. (2021). Perceived firm ethicality and brand loyalty: the mediating role of corporate social responsibility and perceived green marketing. Society and Business Review, 16(3), 398-419.
Bairrada, C.M., Coelho, A., & Lizanets, V. (2019). The impact of brand personality on consumer behavior: the role of brand love. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 23(1), 30-47.
Bellaaj, M. (2021). Why and how do individual entrepreneurs use digital channels in an emerging market? Determinants of use and channel coordination. International Journal of Emerging Markets,
Bu, Y., Thaichon, P., & Parkinson, J. (2021). Igniting the Flame with Electronic Word-of-mouth in Digital Marketing, Thaichon, P. and Ratten, V. (Ed.) Developing Digital Marketing, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 181-190.
Coelho, A., Bairrada, C., & Peres, F. (2019). Brand communities’ relational outcomes, through brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(2), 154-165.
Dörnyei, K.R. (2020). Limited edition packaging: objectives, implementations and related marketing mix decisions of a scarcity product tactic. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 37(6), 617-627.
Efanny, W., Haryanto, J., Kashif, M., & Widyanto, H.A. (2018). The relationship between marketing mix and retailer-perceived brand equity. IMP Journal, 12(1), 192-208.
Espinosa, J.A., Ortinau, D.J., Krey, N., & Monahan, L. (2018). I’ll have the usual: how restaurant brand image, loyalty, and satisfaction keep customers coming back. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 27(6), 599-614.
Fernandes, T., & Inverneiro, I. (2021). From fandom to fad: are millennials really engaged with and loyal to their loved brands on social media?. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(2), 320-334.
Ghorbanzadeh, D., & Rahehagh, A. (2021). Emotional brand attachment and brand love: the emotional bridges in the pro-cess of transition from satisfaction to loyalty. Rajagiri Management Journal, 15(1), 16-38.
Guan, J., Wang, W., Guo, Z., Chan, J.H., & Qi, X. (2021). Customer experience and brand loyalty in the full-service hotel sector: the role of brand affect. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(5), 1620-1645.
Hamzah, Z.L., Abdul Wahab, H., & Waqas, M. (2021). Unveiling drivers and brand relationship implications of consumer engagement with social media brand posts. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15(2), 336-358.
Hazzam, J. (2021). The moderating role of age on social media marketing activities and customer brand engagement on Instagram social network, Young Consumers,
Huang, C.C., Yen, S.W., Liu, C.Y., & Chang, T.P. (2014). The relationship among brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand resonance to repurchase intention of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan. The International Journal of Or-ganizational Innovation, 6(3), 106-120.
Huang, C.-C. (2017). The impacts of brand experiences on brand loyalty: mediators of brand love and trust. Management Decision, 55(5), 915-934.
Ismail, A.R. (2017). The influence of perceived social media marketing activities on brand loyalty: The mediation effect of brand and value consciousness. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 29(1), 129-144.
Jose, S. (2018). Strategic use of digital promotion strategies among female emigrant entrepreneurs in UAE, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13(6), 1699-1718.
Kataria, S., & Saini, V. (2020). The mediating impact of customer satisfaction in relation of brand equity and brand loyal-ty: An empirical synthesis and re-examination. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 9(1), 62-87.
Khan, A., Mohammad, A.S., & Muhammad, S. (2021). An integrated model of brand experience and brand love for halal brands: survey of halal fast food consumers in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(8), 1492-1520.
Kazemi, A., Abadi, H.R.D., & Kabiry, N. (2013). Analyzing the effect of customer equity on repurchase intentions. Inter-national Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(6), 78-92.
Kim, J.H., & Yong, J.H. (2011). A model to investigate the influence of marketing-mix efforts and corporate image on brand equity in the it software sector. Industrial Marketing Management, 40, 424-438.
Kim, M.-S., & Kim, J. (2018). Linking marketing mix elements to passion-driven behavior toward a brand: Evidence from the foodservice industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(10), 3040-3058.
Kim, S.-H., & Lee, S.A. (2020). The role of marketing communication mix on Korean customers' coffee shop brand eval-uations, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 3(3), 291-309.
Kwon, J.-H., Jung, S.-H., Choi, H.-J., & Kim, J. (2021). Antecedent factors that affect restaurant brand trust and brand loyalty: focusing on US and Korean consumers. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(7), 990-1015.
Langga, A., Kusumawati, A., & Alhabsji, T. (2021). Intensive distribution and sales promotion for improving customer-based brand equity (CBBE), re-purchase intention and word-of-mouth (WOM). Journal of Economic and Administra-tive Sciences, 37(4), 577-595.
Le, M.T.H. (2021). The impact of brand love on brand loyalty: the moderating role of self-esteem, and social influences. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, 25(1), 156-180.
Li, Y.-H., Zheng, J., Yue, S.-T., & Fan, Z.-P. (2021), Capturing and analyzing e-WOM for travel products: a method based on sentiment analysis and stochastic dominance, Kybernetes,
Lin, P.-C., Lin, C.-J., Shen, C.-W., & Wang, J. (2020). The revenue and logistics costs of convenience store chains in Tai-wan. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(11), 1255-1273.
Loureiro, S.M.C., Gorgus, T., & Kaufmann, H.R. (2017). Antecedents and outcomes of online brand engagement: The role of brand love on enhancing electronic-word-of-mouth. Online Information Review, 41(7), 985-1005.
Machado, J.C., Martins, C.C., Ferreira, F.C., Silva, S.C., & Duarte, P.A. (2020). Motives to engage with sports brands on Facebook and Instagram–The case of a Portuguese football club. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Spon-sorship, 21(2), 325-349.
Mainolfi, G., & Vergura, D.T. (2021). The influence of fashion blogger credibility, engagement and homophily on inten-tions to buy and e-WOM. Results of a binational study, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management,
Nyamekye, M.B., Adam, D.R., Boateng, H., & Kosiba, J.P. (2021). Place attachment and brand loyalty: the moderating role of customer experience in the restaurant setting. International Hospitality Review,
Ong, K.S., Nguyen, B., & Syed Alwi, S.F. (2017). Consumer-based virtual brand personality (CBVBP), customer satisfac-tion and brand loyalty in the online banking industry. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(3), 370-390.
Raji, R.A., Rashid, S., & Ishak, S. (2019). The mediating effect of brand image on the relationships between social media advertising content, sales promotion content and behaviuoral intention. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 13(3), 302-330.
Ramanathan, U., Subramanian, N., & Parrott, G. (2017). Role of social media in retail network operations and marketing to enhance customer satisfaction. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 37(1), 105-123.
Rubio, N., Oubiña, J., & Gómez-Suárez, M. (2015). Understanding brand loyalty of the store brand’s customer base, Jour-nal of Product & Brand Management, 24(7), 679-692.
Safeer, A.A., He, Y., & Abrar, M. (2021a). The influence of brand experience on brand authenticity and brand love: an empirical study from Asian consumers’ perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(5), 1123-1138.
Safeer, A.A., Yuanqiong, H., Abrar, M., Shabbir, R., & Rasheed, H.M.W. (2021). Role of brand experience in predicting consumer loyalty. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(8), 1042-1057.
Santos, M., & Schlesinger, W. (2021), When love matters. Experience and brand love as antecedents of loyalty and will-ingness to pay a premium price in streaming services, Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC,
Sheng, H., Yang, P., & Feng, Y. (2020), How to inspire customers via social media. Industrial Management & Data Sys-tems, 120(6), 1041-1057.
Soni, P. (2021), Web-store image dimensions and online retail customer loyalty: investigating mediators and moderators. American Journal of Business, 36(1), 20-34.
Yasa, N.N.K, Adnyani, I G.D.A, & Rahmayanti, P.L.D, (2020). The Influence Of Social Media Usage On The Perceived Business Value And Its Impact On Business Performance Of Silver Craft Smes In Celuk Village, Gianyar – Bali, Acad-emy of Strategic Management Journal, 19(1).
Yasa, N.N.K, Giantari, IGAK, Sukaatmadja, I P.G, Sukawati, T.G.R., Ekawati, N.W., Nurcaya, I N., Rahanatha, G.B., & Astari, A.A.E. (2021). The role of relational and informational capabilities in mediating the effect of social media adoption on business performance in fashion industry. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(4), 569-578.
Yoo, B., Donthu, N., & Lee, S. (2000). An examination of selected marketing mix elements and brand equity, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(2), 195-211.
Yu, C.-M.J., Lin, H.-W., & Chiu, H.-Y. (2014). Channel strategies of foreign sales subsidiaries: The case of firms from developing countries operating in developed countries, International Marketing in Rapidly Changing Environments (Advances in International Marketing, 24, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 127-160.