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Berry, L. L. (2000). Cultivating service brand equity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1), 128-137.
Erdem, T., & Swait, J. (1998). Brand equity as a signaling phenomenon. Journal of consumer Psychology, 7(2), 131-157.
Erdem, T., Swait, J., & Louviere, J. (2002). The impact of brand credibility on consumer price sensitivity. International Journal of Research in Marketing,19(1), 1-19.
Erdem, T., & Swait, J. (2004). Brand credibility, brand consideration, and choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(1), 191-198.
Franco, J. J. (1990). Customer satisfaction: The partnership imperative. Training and Development Journal, 44(7), 80-82.
Gilliland, D. I., & Bello, D. C. (2002). Two sides to attitudinal commitment: the effect of calculative and loyalty commitment on enforcement mechanisms in distribution channels. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 30(1), 24-43.
Harris, L. C., & Goode, M. M. (2004). The four levels of loyalty and the pivotal role of trust: a study of online service dynamics. Journal of retailing, 80(2), 139-158.
Hsieh, A.T., & Li, C.K. (2011). The moderating effect of brand image on public relations perception and customer loyalty. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26(1), 26-42.
Leuthesser, L., Kohli, C.S. & Harich, K.R. (2010). Brand image: the halo effect measure. European Journal of Marketing, 29(4), 57-66.
Stigler, G. J. (1961). The economics of information. The journal of political economy, 69(3), 213-225.
Stiglitz, J. E., & Weiss, A. (1981). Credit rationing in markets with imperfect information. The American economic review, 71(3), 393-410.
Sweeney, J., & Swait, J. (2008). The effects of brand credibility on customer loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15(3), 179-193.
Wray, B., Palmer, A., & Bejou, D. (1994). Using neural network analysis to evaluate buyer-seller relationships. European Journal of Marketing, 28(10), 32-48.