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Sharifi, E. (2022). The role of wildfires in a sustainable future.Journal of Future Sustainability, 2(1), 17-22.
Arce, R. S. C., Onuki, M., Esteban, M., & Shibayama, T. (2017). Risk awareness and intended tsunami evacuation be-haviour of international tourists in Kamakura City, Japan. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 23, 178-192.
Baker, S. J. (2022). Fossil evidence that increased wildfire activity occurs in tandem with periods of global warming in Earth’s past. Earth-Science Reviews, 224, 103871.
Beverly, J. L., & Bothwell, P. (2011). Wildfire evacuations in Canada 1980–2007. Natural Hazards, 59(1), 571-596.
Black, C., Tesfaigzi, Y., Bassein, J. A., & Miller, L. A. (2017). Wildfire smoke exposure and human health: Significant gaps in research for a growing public health issue. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 55, 186-195.
Bowman, D. M., Balch, J. K., Artaxo, P., Bond, W. J., Carlson, J. M., Cochrane, M. A., ... & Pyne, S. J. (2009). Fire in the Earth system. science, 324(5926), 481-484.
Bowman, D. M., Balch, J., Artaxo, P., Bond, W. J., Cochrane, M. A., D’antonio, C. M., ... & Swetnam, T. W. (2011). The human dimension of fire regimes on Earth. Journal of biogeography, 38(12), 2223-2236.
Burke, M., Driscoll, A., Heft-Neal, S., Xue, J., Burney, J., & Wara, M. (2021). The changing risk and burden of wildfire in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(2), e2011048118.
Cannon, S. H., & Gartner, J. E. (2005). Wildfire-related debris flow from a hazards perspective. In Debris-flow hazards and related phenomena (pp. 363-385). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Chang, H. L., Chen, C. M., Sun, C. H., & Lin, H. D. (2015, June). Carbon footprint of automotive ignition coil. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 87, No. 1, p. 012016). IOP Publishing.
Cohn, P. J., Carroll, M. S., & Kumagai, Y. (2006). Evacuation behavior during wildfires: results of three case studies. Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 21(1), 39-48.
Dmitrenko, A., Pavlova, V., Lesnykh, E., Buryanina, N., & Lesnykh, A. (2022). Development of preventive measures to eliminate wildfires with the use of transport and other services. Transportation Research Procedia, 63, 1758-1765.
Flannigan, M. D., Bergeron, Y., Engelmark, O., & Wotton, B. M. (1998). Future wildfire in circumboreal forests in rela-tion to global warming. Journal of vegetation science, 9(4), 469-476.
Girardin, M. P., & Wotton, B. M. (2009). Summer moisture and wildfire risks across Canada. Journal of Applied Mete-orology and Climatology, 48(3), 517-533.
Haikerwal, A., Akram, M., Sim, M. R., Meyer, M., Abramson, M. J., & Dennekamp, M. (2016). Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) exposure durin
Henry, S., Ospina, M. B., Dennett, L., & Hicks, A. (2021). Assessing the Risk of Respiratory-Related Healthcare Visits Associated with Wildfire Smoke Exposure in Children 0–18 Years Old: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(16), 8799.
Holm, S. M., Miller, M. D., & Balmes, J. R. (2021). Health effects of wildfire smoke in children and public health tools: a narrative review. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 31(1), 1-20.
Kiser, D., Metcalf, W. J., Elhanan, G., Schnieder, B., Schlauch, K., Joros, A., ... & Grzymski, J. (2020). Particulate mat-ter and emergency visits for asthma: A time-series study of their association in the presence and absence of wildfire smoke in Reno, Nevada, 2013–2018. Environmental Health, 19(1), 1-12.
Liu, J. C., Pereira, G., Uhl, S. A., Bravo, M. A., & Bell, M. L. (2015). A systematic review of the physical health impacts from non-occupational exposure to wildfire smoke. Environmental research, 136, 120-132.
McCaffrey, S., Rhodes, A., & Stidham, M. (2014). Wildfire evacuation and its alternatives: perspectives from four United States’ communities. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(2), 170-178.
Mckenzie, D., Geffroy, B., & Farrell, A. (2021). Effects of global warming on fishes and fisheries. Journal of Fish Bi-ology, 98(6), 1489-1492.
McLennan, J., Ryan, B., Bearman, C., & Toh, K. (2019). Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation under wildfire threat. Fire technology, 55(2), 487-516.
McMorrow, J. (2011, August). Wildfire in the United Kingdom: status and key issues. In Second International Asso-ciation of Wildland Fire Conference on Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire (pp. 44-56). International Association of Wildland Fire.
Moore, G. W. K. (2016). The December 2015 North Pole warming event and the increasing occurrence of such events. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 1-11.
Moritz, M. A., Batllori, E., Bradstock, R. A., Gill, A. M., Handmer, J., Hessburg, P. F., ... & Syphard, A. D. (2014). Learning to coexist with wildfire. Nature, 515(7525), 58-66.
Mutch, R. W. (1970). Wildland Fires and Ecosystems‐‐A Hypothesis. Ecology, 51(6), 1046-1051.
Navarro, K. (2020). Working in Smoke:: Wildfire Impacts on the Health of Firefighters and Outdoor Workers and Mit-igation Strategies. Clinics in chest medicine, 41(4), 763-769.
Neary, D. G., Ryan, K. C., & DeBano, L. F. (2005). Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on soils and water. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 4. Ogden, UT: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Re-search Station. 250 p., 42.
O’Donnell, D. T., Venn, T. J., & Calkin, D. E. (2014). Are wildfire management resources in the United States effi-ciently allocated to protect resources at risk? A case study from Montana. Economic Analysis and Policy, 44(3), 318-332.
Pausas, J. G., & Keeley, J. E. (2009). A burning story: the role of fire in the history of life. BioScience, 59(7), 593-601.
Piñol, J., Terradas, J., & Lloret, F. (1998). Climate warming, wildfire hazard, and wildfire occurrence in coastal eastern Spain. Climatic change, 38(3), 345-357.
Reinhardt, T. E., & Ottmar, R. D. (2004). Baseline measurements of smoke exposure among wildland firefighters. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 1(9), 593-606.
Running, S. W. (2006). Is global warming causing more, larger wildfires?. Science, 313(5789), 927-928.
Scott, A. C. (2000). The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 164(1-4), 281-329.
Semmens, E. O., Leary, C. S., West, M. R., Noonan, C. W., Navarro, K. M., & Domitrovich, J. W. (2021). Carbon mon-oxide exposures in wildland firefighters in the United States and targets for exposure reduction. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 31(5), 923-929.
Shen, B., Abdelaziz, O., Shrestha, S., & Elatar, A. (2018). Model-based optimizations of packaged rooftop air condi-tioners using low global warming potential refrigerants. International Journal of Refrigeration, 87, 106-117.
Tymstra, C., Stocks, B. J., Cai, X., & Flannigan, M. D. (2020). Wildfire management in Canada: Review, challenges and opportunities. Progress in Disaster Science, 5, 100045.
Wotton, B. M., Flannigan, M. D., & Marshall, G. A. (2017). Potential climate change impacts on fire intensity and key wildfire suppression thresholds in Canada. Environmental Research Letters, 12(9), 095003.
Baker, S. J. (2022). Fossil evidence that increased wildfire activity occurs in tandem with periods of global warming in Earth’s past. Earth-Science Reviews, 224, 103871.
Beverly, J. L., & Bothwell, P. (2011). Wildfire evacuations in Canada 1980–2007. Natural Hazards, 59(1), 571-596.
Black, C., Tesfaigzi, Y., Bassein, J. A., & Miller, L. A. (2017). Wildfire smoke exposure and human health: Significant gaps in research for a growing public health issue. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 55, 186-195.
Bowman, D. M., Balch, J. K., Artaxo, P., Bond, W. J., Carlson, J. M., Cochrane, M. A., ... & Pyne, S. J. (2009). Fire in the Earth system. science, 324(5926), 481-484.
Bowman, D. M., Balch, J., Artaxo, P., Bond, W. J., Cochrane, M. A., D’antonio, C. M., ... & Swetnam, T. W. (2011). The human dimension of fire regimes on Earth. Journal of biogeography, 38(12), 2223-2236.
Burke, M., Driscoll, A., Heft-Neal, S., Xue, J., Burney, J., & Wara, M. (2021). The changing risk and burden of wildfire in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(2), e2011048118.
Cannon, S. H., & Gartner, J. E. (2005). Wildfire-related debris flow from a hazards perspective. In Debris-flow hazards and related phenomena (pp. 363-385). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Chang, H. L., Chen, C. M., Sun, C. H., & Lin, H. D. (2015, June). Carbon footprint of automotive ignition coil. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 87, No. 1, p. 012016). IOP Publishing.
Cohn, P. J., Carroll, M. S., & Kumagai, Y. (2006). Evacuation behavior during wildfires: results of three case studies. Western Journal of Applied Forestry, 21(1), 39-48.
Dmitrenko, A., Pavlova, V., Lesnykh, E., Buryanina, N., & Lesnykh, A. (2022). Development of preventive measures to eliminate wildfires with the use of transport and other services. Transportation Research Procedia, 63, 1758-1765.
Flannigan, M. D., Bergeron, Y., Engelmark, O., & Wotton, B. M. (1998). Future wildfire in circumboreal forests in rela-tion to global warming. Journal of vegetation science, 9(4), 469-476.
Girardin, M. P., & Wotton, B. M. (2009). Summer moisture and wildfire risks across Canada. Journal of Applied Mete-orology and Climatology, 48(3), 517-533.
Haikerwal, A., Akram, M., Sim, M. R., Meyer, M., Abramson, M. J., & Dennekamp, M. (2016). Fine particulate matter (PM 2.5) exposure durin
Henry, S., Ospina, M. B., Dennett, L., & Hicks, A. (2021). Assessing the Risk of Respiratory-Related Healthcare Visits Associated with Wildfire Smoke Exposure in Children 0–18 Years Old: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(16), 8799.
Holm, S. M., Miller, M. D., & Balmes, J. R. (2021). Health effects of wildfire smoke in children and public health tools: a narrative review. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 31(1), 1-20.
Kiser, D., Metcalf, W. J., Elhanan, G., Schnieder, B., Schlauch, K., Joros, A., ... & Grzymski, J. (2020). Particulate mat-ter and emergency visits for asthma: A time-series study of their association in the presence and absence of wildfire smoke in Reno, Nevada, 2013–2018. Environmental Health, 19(1), 1-12.
Liu, J. C., Pereira, G., Uhl, S. A., Bravo, M. A., & Bell, M. L. (2015). A systematic review of the physical health impacts from non-occupational exposure to wildfire smoke. Environmental research, 136, 120-132.
McCaffrey, S., Rhodes, A., & Stidham, M. (2014). Wildfire evacuation and its alternatives: perspectives from four United States’ communities. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(2), 170-178.
Mckenzie, D., Geffroy, B., & Farrell, A. (2021). Effects of global warming on fishes and fisheries. Journal of Fish Bi-ology, 98(6), 1489-1492.
McLennan, J., Ryan, B., Bearman, C., & Toh, K. (2019). Should we leave now? Behavioral factors in evacuation under wildfire threat. Fire technology, 55(2), 487-516.
McMorrow, J. (2011, August). Wildfire in the United Kingdom: status and key issues. In Second International Asso-ciation of Wildland Fire Conference on Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire (pp. 44-56). International Association of Wildland Fire.
Moore, G. W. K. (2016). The December 2015 North Pole warming event and the increasing occurrence of such events. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 1-11.
Moritz, M. A., Batllori, E., Bradstock, R. A., Gill, A. M., Handmer, J., Hessburg, P. F., ... & Syphard, A. D. (2014). Learning to coexist with wildfire. Nature, 515(7525), 58-66.
Mutch, R. W. (1970). Wildland Fires and Ecosystems‐‐A Hypothesis. Ecology, 51(6), 1046-1051.
Navarro, K. (2020). Working in Smoke:: Wildfire Impacts on the Health of Firefighters and Outdoor Workers and Mit-igation Strategies. Clinics in chest medicine, 41(4), 763-769.
Neary, D. G., Ryan, K. C., & DeBano, L. F. (2005). Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on soils and water. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-42-vol. 4. Ogden, UT: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Re-search Station. 250 p., 42.
O’Donnell, D. T., Venn, T. J., & Calkin, D. E. (2014). Are wildfire management resources in the United States effi-ciently allocated to protect resources at risk? A case study from Montana. Economic Analysis and Policy, 44(3), 318-332.
Pausas, J. G., & Keeley, J. E. (2009). A burning story: the role of fire in the history of life. BioScience, 59(7), 593-601.
Piñol, J., Terradas, J., & Lloret, F. (1998). Climate warming, wildfire hazard, and wildfire occurrence in coastal eastern Spain. Climatic change, 38(3), 345-357.
Reinhardt, T. E., & Ottmar, R. D. (2004). Baseline measurements of smoke exposure among wildland firefighters. Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 1(9), 593-606.
Running, S. W. (2006). Is global warming causing more, larger wildfires?. Science, 313(5789), 927-928.
Scott, A. C. (2000). The Pre-Quaternary history of fire. Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 164(1-4), 281-329.
Semmens, E. O., Leary, C. S., West, M. R., Noonan, C. W., Navarro, K. M., & Domitrovich, J. W. (2021). Carbon mon-oxide exposures in wildland firefighters in the United States and targets for exposure reduction. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 31(5), 923-929.
Shen, B., Abdelaziz, O., Shrestha, S., & Elatar, A. (2018). Model-based optimizations of packaged rooftop air condi-tioners using low global warming potential refrigerants. International Journal of Refrigeration, 87, 106-117.
Tymstra, C., Stocks, B. J., Cai, X., & Flannigan, M. D. (2020). Wildfire management in Canada: Review, challenges and opportunities. Progress in Disaster Science, 5, 100045.
Wotton, B. M., Flannigan, M. D., & Marshall, G. A. (2017). Potential climate change impacts on fire intensity and key wildfire suppression thresholds in Canada. Environmental Research Letters, 12(9), 095003.