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Destari, F., Handriana, T., Afandi, M & Komariyah, S. (2024). Holistic analysis of social media user behavior in agricultural context: Bibliometric analysis and systematic review.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(3), 1659-1678.
Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179–211.
Ajzen, I. (2002). Perceived behavioral control, self‐efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 665–683.
Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1975). A Bayesian analysis of attribution processes. Psychological Bulletin, 82(2), 261.
Ajzen, I., & Madden, T. J. (1986). Prediction of goal-directed behavior: Attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22(5), 453–474.
Asogwa, C. E., Oyesomi, K., Olijo, I. I., Igboke, A., Onah, O. G., & Gever, V. C. (2023). Impact of Internet-based media on food supply chain among Ukrainian farmers following Russia’s invasion. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies.
Bagozzi, R. P. (2000). On the concept of intentional social action in consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(3), 388–396.
Bianchi, C., & Andrews, L. (2018). Consumer engagement with retail firms through social media: an empirical study in Chile. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(4), 364–385.
Casaló, L. V, Flavián, C., & Guinalíu, M. (2010). Antecedents and consequences of consumer participation in on-line communities: The case of the travel sector. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 15(2), 137–167.
Chivers, C.-A., Bliss, K., de Boon, A., Lishman, L., Schillings, J., Smith, R., & Rose, D. C. (2023). Videos and podcasts for delivering agricultural extension: achieving credibility, relevance, legitimacy and accessibility. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 29(2), 173–197.
Cohen, J. (1988). Set correlation and contingency tables. Applied Psychological Measurement, 12(4), 425–434.
Cui, Y. (2014). Examining farmers markets’ usage of social media: an investigation of a farmers market Facebook Page. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 5(1), 87–103.
Cundill, G., & Rodela, R. (2012). A review of assertions about the processes and outcomes of social learning in natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 113, 7–14.
Curran, J. M., & Lennon, R. (2011). Participating in the conversation: exploring usage of social media networking sites. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 15, 21.
Dangi, N., & Narula, S. A. (2020). Sharing economy approach for the development of the organic food market in India. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 32(1), 114–126.
Das, P., & Pradip, D. (2021). Usability and effectiveness of new media in agricultural learning and development: a case study on the southern states of India. Journal of Social Marketing, 11(4), 357–377.
Davies, J., Foxall, G. R., & Pallister, J. (2002). Beyond the intention–behaviour mythology: an integrated model of recycling. Marketing Theory, 2(1), 29–113.
Dholakia, U. M., Bagozzi, R. P., & Gopinath, M. (2007). How formulating implementation plans and remembering past actions facilitate the enactment of effortful decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20(4), 343–364.
Dilleen, G., Claffey, E., Foley, A., & Doolin, K. (2023). Investigating knowledge dissemination and social media use in the farming network to build trust in smart farming technology adoption. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
Dowin Kennedy, E., Horky, A. B., & Kaufmann, E. (2023). Ties that bind: leveraging horizontal and vertical ties within an entrepreneurial community in cross-promotional social media marketing. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 25(2), 310–327.
Dumpit, D. Z., & Fernandez, C. J. (2017). Analysis of the use of social media in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) using the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 14(1), 1–16.
El‐Haddadeh, R., Weerakkody, V., & Peng, J. (2012). Social networking services adoption in corporate communication: the case of China. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 25(6), 559–575.
Elsevier. (2022). "Content policy and selection". Data Retrieved at: (accessed 7 March 2022).
Fatemi, H., Kao, E., Schillo, R. S., Li, W., Du, P., Jian-Yun, N., & Dube, L. (2023). Using social media to analyze consumers’ attitude toward natural food products. British Food Journal.
Faxon, H. O. (2023). Small farmers, big tech: agrarian commerce and knowledge on Myanmar Facebook. Agriculture and Human Values, 1–15.
Filippini, R., Marescotti, M. E., Demartini, E., & Gaviglio, A. (2020). Social networks as drivers for technology adoption: a study from a rural mountain area in Italy. Sustainability, 12(22), 9392.
Garner, B. (2022). Using social media to establish authenticity: An analysis of a small dairy farm’s use of Facebook. Journal of Promotion Management, 28(6), 826–842.
Gauthier, L., Morel, A., Anceriz, N., Rossi, B., Blanchard-Alvarez, A., Grondin, G., Trichard, S., Cesari, C., Sapet, M., & Bosco, F. (2019). Multifunctional natural killer cell engagers targeting NKp46 trigger protective tumor immunity. Cell, 177(7), 1701–1713.
Gessesse, A. T., Li, H., He, G., & Berhe, A. A. (2018). Study on farmers land consolidation adaptation intention: A structural equation modeling approach, the case of Sichuan province, China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 10(4), 666–682.
Gever, V. C., Abdullah, N. N., Onakpa, M. S., Onah, O. G., Onyia, C. C., Iwundu, I. E., & Gever, E. R. (2023). Developing and testing a social media-based intervention for improving business skills and income levels of young smallholder farmers. Aslib Journal of Information Management.
Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementation intentions: strong effects of simple plans. American Psychologist, 54(7), 493.
Goodman, M. K. (2004). Reading fair trade: political ecological imaginary and the moral economy of fair trade foods. Political Geography, 23(7), 891–915.
Gwandu, T., Mtambanengwe, F., Mapfumo, P., Mashavave, T. C., Chikowo, R., & Nezomba, H. (2014). Factors influencing access to integrated soil fertility management information and knowledge and its uptake among smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 20(1), 79–93.
Kabir, S., Hasan, M. R., Hossain, M. I., Suraiya, S., Islam, F. B., Nayan, M. I. H., Haq, I., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). Determinants and Trends of Health Facility Delivery in Bangladesh: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach. BioMed Research International, 2022.
Kim, B., & Kim, Y. (2019). Facebook versus Instagram: How perceived gratifications and technological attributes are related to the change in social media usage. The Social Science Journal, 56(2), 156–167.
Laurett, R., Paço, A., & Mainardes, E. W. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of sustainable development in agriculture and the moderator role of the barriers: Proposal and test of a structural model. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 270–281.
Lee, G., & Suzuki, A. (2020). Motivation for information exchange in a virtual community of practice: Evidence from a Facebook group for shrimp farmers. World Development, 125, 104698.
Lin, C. A., & Kim, T. (2016). Predicting user response to sponsored advertising on social media via the technology acceptance model. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 710–718.
Mansour, E. (2023). Information and communication technologies’(ICTs) use among farmers in Qena Governorate of Upper Egypt. Library Hi Tech.
Martindale, L. (2021). ‘I will know it when I taste it’: trust, food materialities and social media in Chinese alternative food networks. Agriculture and Human Values, 38(2), 365–380.
Materia, V. C., Giarè, F., & Klerkx, L. (2015). Increasing knowledge flows between the agricultural research and advisory system in Italy: combining virtual and non-virtual interaction in communities of practice. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21(3), 203–218.
Minet, J., Curnel, Y., Gobin, A., Goffart, J.-P., Mélard, F., Tychon, B., Wellens, J., & Defourny, P. (2017). Crowdsourcing for agricultural applications: A review of uses and opportunities for a farmsourcing approach. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142, 126–138.
Munthali, N., Van Paassen, A., Leeuwis, C., Lie, R., van Lammeren, R., Aguilar-Gallegos, N., & Oppong-Mensah, B. (2021). Social media platforms, open communication and problem solving in the back-office of Ghanaian extension: A substantive, structural and relational analysis. Agricultural Systems, 190, 103123.
Murendo, C., Wollni, M., De Brauw, A., & Mugabi, N. (2018). Social network effects on mobile money adoption in Uganda. The Journal of Development Studies, 54(2), 327–342.
Norton, W. (2003). ‘After‐the‐fact causality’: a different direction for cultural geography. Area, 35(4), 418–426.
Odoom, R., Anning-Dorson, T., & Acheampong, G. (2017). Antecedents of social media usage and performance benefits in small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(3), 383–399.
Paris, R., Fournier, J., Poizot, E., Etienne, S., Morin, J., Lavigne, F., & Wassmer, P. (2010). Boulder and fine sediment transport and deposition by the 2004 tsunami in Lhok Nga (western Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia): A coupled offshore–onshore model. Marine Geology, 268(1–4), 43–54.
Phillips, T., Klerkx, L., & McEntee, M. (2018). An investigation of social media’s roles in knowledge exchange by farmers. 13th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium, Farming Systems: Facing Uncertainties and Enhancing Opportunities, 1–5.
Pilař, L., Balcarová, T., & Rojík, S. (2016). FARMERS’MARKETS: POSITIVE FEELINGS OF INSTAGRAM POSTS. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 64(6).
Pilař, L., Balcarová, T., Rojik, S., Tichá, I., & Poláková, J. (2018). Customer experience with farmers’ markets: What hashtags can reveal. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 21(6), 755–770.
Prost, M., Gross, H., & Prost, L. (2022). How could social media support farmers concerned with sustainability issues? The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1–23.
Rauniar, R., Rawski, G., Yang, J., & Johnson, B. (2014). Technology acceptance model (TAM) and social media usage: an empirical study on Facebook. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 27(1), 6–30.
Robichaud, Z., & Yu, H. (2022). Do young consumers care about ethical consumption? Modelling Gen Z’s purchase intention towards fair trade coffee. British Food Journal, 124(9), 2740–2760.
Rojík, S., Zámková, M., Chalupová, M., Pilař, L., Prokop, M., Stolín, R., Malec, K., Appiah-Kubi, S. N. K., Maitah, M., & Dziekański, P. (2022). Pre-COVID-19 Organic Market in the European Union—Focus on the Czech, German, and Slovak Markets. Agriculture, 12(1), 82.
Shaharudin, M. S., Fernando, Y., Jabbour, C. J. C., Sroufe, R., & Jasmi, M. F. A. (2019). Past, present, and future low carbon supply chain management: A content review using social network analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, 629–643.
Shiri, N. (2021). Attitude toward organic agribusiness: an approach to developing sustainable business. British Food Journal, 123(10), 3265–3276.
Sisson, D. C., & Bowen, S. A. (2017). Reputation management and authenticity: A case study of Starbucks’ UK tax crisis and “# SpreadTheCheer” campaign. Journal of Communication Management, 21(3), 287–302.
Stern, P. C. (2000). New environmental theories: toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 407–424.
Stevens, T. M., Aarts, N., Termeer, C., & Dewulf, A. (2016). Social media as a new playing field for the governance of agro-food sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 18, 99–106.
Sutherland, L.-A., & Labarthe, P. (2022). Introducing ‘microAKIS’: a farmer-centric approach to understanding the contribution of advice to agricultural innovation. In The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Vol. 28, Issue 5, pp. 525–547). Taylor & Francis.
Wamba, S. F., Bhattacharya, M., Trinchera, L., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2017). Role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in user social media acceptance within workspace: Assessing unobserved heterogeneity. International Journal of Information Management, 37(2), 1–13.
Wang, Z., Ali, S., Akbar, A., & Rasool, F. (2020). Determining the influencing factors of biogas technology adoption intention in Pakistan: The moderating role of social media. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2311.
Wilburn, K., & Wilburn, R. (2015). Social purpose in a social media world. Journal of Global Responsibility, 6(2), 163–177.
Zachary, M., Yin, L., Zacharia, M., Sakwa, A., Zhang, X., Zheng, Y., & Mukolwe, B. (2021). The use of traditional knowledge in weather forecasting by Nganyi community. SCIREA Journal of Environment, 5(2), 27–45.
Zhang, W., Chintagunta, P. K., & Kalwani, M. U. (2021). Social media, influencers, and adoption of an eco-friendly product: Field experiment evidence from rural China. Journal of Marketing, 85(3), 10–27.
Ajzen, I. (2002). Perceived behavioral control, self‐efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior 1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 665–683.
Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1975). A Bayesian analysis of attribution processes. Psychological Bulletin, 82(2), 261.
Ajzen, I., & Madden, T. J. (1986). Prediction of goal-directed behavior: Attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22(5), 453–474.
Asogwa, C. E., Oyesomi, K., Olijo, I. I., Igboke, A., Onah, O. G., & Gever, V. C. (2023). Impact of Internet-based media on food supply chain among Ukrainian farmers following Russia’s invasion. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies.
Bagozzi, R. P. (2000). On the concept of intentional social action in consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(3), 388–396.
Bianchi, C., & Andrews, L. (2018). Consumer engagement with retail firms through social media: an empirical study in Chile. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 46(4), 364–385.
Casaló, L. V, Flavián, C., & Guinalíu, M. (2010). Antecedents and consequences of consumer participation in on-line communities: The case of the travel sector. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 15(2), 137–167.
Chivers, C.-A., Bliss, K., de Boon, A., Lishman, L., Schillings, J., Smith, R., & Rose, D. C. (2023). Videos and podcasts for delivering agricultural extension: achieving credibility, relevance, legitimacy and accessibility. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 29(2), 173–197.
Cohen, J. (1988). Set correlation and contingency tables. Applied Psychological Measurement, 12(4), 425–434.
Cui, Y. (2014). Examining farmers markets’ usage of social media: an investigation of a farmers market Facebook Page. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 5(1), 87–103.
Cundill, G., & Rodela, R. (2012). A review of assertions about the processes and outcomes of social learning in natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 113, 7–14.
Curran, J. M., & Lennon, R. (2011). Participating in the conversation: exploring usage of social media networking sites. Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 15, 21.
Dangi, N., & Narula, S. A. (2020). Sharing economy approach for the development of the organic food market in India. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 32(1), 114–126.
Das, P., & Pradip, D. (2021). Usability and effectiveness of new media in agricultural learning and development: a case study on the southern states of India. Journal of Social Marketing, 11(4), 357–377.
Davies, J., Foxall, G. R., & Pallister, J. (2002). Beyond the intention–behaviour mythology: an integrated model of recycling. Marketing Theory, 2(1), 29–113.
Dholakia, U. M., Bagozzi, R. P., & Gopinath, M. (2007). How formulating implementation plans and remembering past actions facilitate the enactment of effortful decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 20(4), 343–364.
Dilleen, G., Claffey, E., Foley, A., & Doolin, K. (2023). Investigating knowledge dissemination and social media use in the farming network to build trust in smart farming technology adoption. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
Dowin Kennedy, E., Horky, A. B., & Kaufmann, E. (2023). Ties that bind: leveraging horizontal and vertical ties within an entrepreneurial community in cross-promotional social media marketing. Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 25(2), 310–327.
Dumpit, D. Z., & Fernandez, C. J. (2017). Analysis of the use of social media in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) using the Technology Acceptance Model. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 14(1), 1–16.
El‐Haddadeh, R., Weerakkody, V., & Peng, J. (2012). Social networking services adoption in corporate communication: the case of China. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 25(6), 559–575.
Elsevier. (2022). "Content policy and selection". Data Retrieved at: (accessed 7 March 2022).
Fatemi, H., Kao, E., Schillo, R. S., Li, W., Du, P., Jian-Yun, N., & Dube, L. (2023). Using social media to analyze consumers’ attitude toward natural food products. British Food Journal.
Faxon, H. O. (2023). Small farmers, big tech: agrarian commerce and knowledge on Myanmar Facebook. Agriculture and Human Values, 1–15.
Filippini, R., Marescotti, M. E., Demartini, E., & Gaviglio, A. (2020). Social networks as drivers for technology adoption: a study from a rural mountain area in Italy. Sustainability, 12(22), 9392.
Garner, B. (2022). Using social media to establish authenticity: An analysis of a small dairy farm’s use of Facebook. Journal of Promotion Management, 28(6), 826–842.
Gauthier, L., Morel, A., Anceriz, N., Rossi, B., Blanchard-Alvarez, A., Grondin, G., Trichard, S., Cesari, C., Sapet, M., & Bosco, F. (2019). Multifunctional natural killer cell engagers targeting NKp46 trigger protective tumor immunity. Cell, 177(7), 1701–1713.
Gessesse, A. T., Li, H., He, G., & Berhe, A. A. (2018). Study on farmers land consolidation adaptation intention: A structural equation modeling approach, the case of Sichuan province, China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 10(4), 666–682.
Gever, V. C., Abdullah, N. N., Onakpa, M. S., Onah, O. G., Onyia, C. C., Iwundu, I. E., & Gever, E. R. (2023). Developing and testing a social media-based intervention for improving business skills and income levels of young smallholder farmers. Aslib Journal of Information Management.
Gollwitzer, P. M. (1999). Implementation intentions: strong effects of simple plans. American Psychologist, 54(7), 493.
Goodman, M. K. (2004). Reading fair trade: political ecological imaginary and the moral economy of fair trade foods. Political Geography, 23(7), 891–915.
Gwandu, T., Mtambanengwe, F., Mapfumo, P., Mashavave, T. C., Chikowo, R., & Nezomba, H. (2014). Factors influencing access to integrated soil fertility management information and knowledge and its uptake among smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 20(1), 79–93.
Kabir, S., Hasan, M. R., Hossain, M. I., Suraiya, S., Islam, F. B., Nayan, M. I. H., Haq, I., & Hossain, M. S. (2022). Determinants and Trends of Health Facility Delivery in Bangladesh: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach. BioMed Research International, 2022.
Kim, B., & Kim, Y. (2019). Facebook versus Instagram: How perceived gratifications and technological attributes are related to the change in social media usage. The Social Science Journal, 56(2), 156–167.
Laurett, R., Paço, A., & Mainardes, E. W. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of sustainable development in agriculture and the moderator role of the barriers: Proposal and test of a structural model. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 270–281.
Lee, G., & Suzuki, A. (2020). Motivation for information exchange in a virtual community of practice: Evidence from a Facebook group for shrimp farmers. World Development, 125, 104698.
Lin, C. A., & Kim, T. (2016). Predicting user response to sponsored advertising on social media via the technology acceptance model. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 710–718.
Mansour, E. (2023). Information and communication technologies’(ICTs) use among farmers in Qena Governorate of Upper Egypt. Library Hi Tech.
Martindale, L. (2021). ‘I will know it when I taste it’: trust, food materialities and social media in Chinese alternative food networks. Agriculture and Human Values, 38(2), 365–380.
Materia, V. C., Giarè, F., & Klerkx, L. (2015). Increasing knowledge flows between the agricultural research and advisory system in Italy: combining virtual and non-virtual interaction in communities of practice. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21(3), 203–218.
Minet, J., Curnel, Y., Gobin, A., Goffart, J.-P., Mélard, F., Tychon, B., Wellens, J., & Defourny, P. (2017). Crowdsourcing for agricultural applications: A review of uses and opportunities for a farmsourcing approach. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142, 126–138.
Munthali, N., Van Paassen, A., Leeuwis, C., Lie, R., van Lammeren, R., Aguilar-Gallegos, N., & Oppong-Mensah, B. (2021). Social media platforms, open communication and problem solving in the back-office of Ghanaian extension: A substantive, structural and relational analysis. Agricultural Systems, 190, 103123.
Murendo, C., Wollni, M., De Brauw, A., & Mugabi, N. (2018). Social network effects on mobile money adoption in Uganda. The Journal of Development Studies, 54(2), 327–342.
Norton, W. (2003). ‘After‐the‐fact causality’: a different direction for cultural geography. Area, 35(4), 418–426.
Odoom, R., Anning-Dorson, T., & Acheampong, G. (2017). Antecedents of social media usage and performance benefits in small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(3), 383–399.
Paris, R., Fournier, J., Poizot, E., Etienne, S., Morin, J., Lavigne, F., & Wassmer, P. (2010). Boulder and fine sediment transport and deposition by the 2004 tsunami in Lhok Nga (western Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia): A coupled offshore–onshore model. Marine Geology, 268(1–4), 43–54.
Phillips, T., Klerkx, L., & McEntee, M. (2018). An investigation of social media’s roles in knowledge exchange by farmers. 13th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium, Farming Systems: Facing Uncertainties and Enhancing Opportunities, 1–5.
Pilař, L., Balcarová, T., & Rojík, S. (2016). FARMERS’MARKETS: POSITIVE FEELINGS OF INSTAGRAM POSTS. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 64(6).
Pilař, L., Balcarová, T., Rojik, S., Tichá, I., & Poláková, J. (2018). Customer experience with farmers’ markets: What hashtags can reveal. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 21(6), 755–770.
Prost, M., Gross, H., & Prost, L. (2022). How could social media support farmers concerned with sustainability issues? The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 1–23.
Rauniar, R., Rawski, G., Yang, J., & Johnson, B. (2014). Technology acceptance model (TAM) and social media usage: an empirical study on Facebook. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 27(1), 6–30.
Robichaud, Z., & Yu, H. (2022). Do young consumers care about ethical consumption? Modelling Gen Z’s purchase intention towards fair trade coffee. British Food Journal, 124(9), 2740–2760.
Rojík, S., Zámková, M., Chalupová, M., Pilař, L., Prokop, M., Stolín, R., Malec, K., Appiah-Kubi, S. N. K., Maitah, M., & Dziekański, P. (2022). Pre-COVID-19 Organic Market in the European Union—Focus on the Czech, German, and Slovak Markets. Agriculture, 12(1), 82.
Shaharudin, M. S., Fernando, Y., Jabbour, C. J. C., Sroufe, R., & Jasmi, M. F. A. (2019). Past, present, and future low carbon supply chain management: A content review using social network analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, 629–643.
Shiri, N. (2021). Attitude toward organic agribusiness: an approach to developing sustainable business. British Food Journal, 123(10), 3265–3276.
Sisson, D. C., & Bowen, S. A. (2017). Reputation management and authenticity: A case study of Starbucks’ UK tax crisis and “# SpreadTheCheer” campaign. Journal of Communication Management, 21(3), 287–302.
Stern, P. C. (2000). New environmental theories: toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior. Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 407–424.
Stevens, T. M., Aarts, N., Termeer, C., & Dewulf, A. (2016). Social media as a new playing field for the governance of agro-food sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 18, 99–106.
Sutherland, L.-A., & Labarthe, P. (2022). Introducing ‘microAKIS’: a farmer-centric approach to understanding the contribution of advice to agricultural innovation. In The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension (Vol. 28, Issue 5, pp. 525–547). Taylor & Francis.
Wamba, S. F., Bhattacharya, M., Trinchera, L., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2017). Role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in user social media acceptance within workspace: Assessing unobserved heterogeneity. International Journal of Information Management, 37(2), 1–13.
Wang, Z., Ali, S., Akbar, A., & Rasool, F. (2020). Determining the influencing factors of biogas technology adoption intention in Pakistan: The moderating role of social media. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 2311.
Wilburn, K., & Wilburn, R. (2015). Social purpose in a social media world. Journal of Global Responsibility, 6(2), 163–177.
Zachary, M., Yin, L., Zacharia, M., Sakwa, A., Zhang, X., Zheng, Y., & Mukolwe, B. (2021). The use of traditional knowledge in weather forecasting by Nganyi community. SCIREA Journal of Environment, 5(2), 27–45.
Zhang, W., Chintagunta, P. K., & Kalwani, M. U. (2021). Social media, influencers, and adoption of an eco-friendly product: Field experiment evidence from rural China. Journal of Marketing, 85(3), 10–27.