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Abu-Alhaija, A. (2025). Does product innovation mediate the relationship between marketing innovation and innovative performance in manufacturing companies?.Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 13(3), 525-536.
Abu-Alhaija, A. S. (2018). Influence of religious orientation on Jordanian viewers’ loyalty towards satellite TV channels. University Putra Malaysia (UPM).
Afriyie, S., Du, J., & Ibn Musah, A.-A. (2019). Innovation and marketing performance of SME in an emerging economy: the moderating effect of transformational leadership. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 9(1).
Akpoviroro, K. S., & Olufemi Amos, A. (2021). Efficacy of Marketing in Innovation Processes. Periodicidad: Semestral, 16(1), 1870–6479.
Aksoy, H. (2017). How do innovation culture, marketing innovation and product innovation affect the market performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? Technology in Society, 51, 133–141.
Althuwaini, S., & Abu-Alhaija, A. S. (2021). The relationship between a celebrity’s perceived credibility dimensions and purchasing intentions on social media: The moderating role of the customer’s gender. International Journal of Management Practice, 14(5), 580–600.
Atalay, M., Anafarta, N., & Sarvan, F. (2013). The Relationship between Innovation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Evidence from Turkish Automotive Supplier Industry. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 226–235.
Aydin, H. (2021). Market orientation and product innovation: the mediating role of technological capability. European Journal of Innovation Management, 24(4), 1233–1267.
Chang, Y. Y., Wannamakok, W., & Lin, Y. H. (2023). Work conformity as a double-edged sword: Disentangling intra-firm social dynamics and employees’ innovative performance in technology-intensive firms. Asia Pacific Management Review, 28(4), 439–448.
Chang-Muñoz, E. A., Guarín-García, A. F., Charris-Sevilla, Y., Gallego-Nicholls, J. F., Santos-Rojo, C., & Ortigosa-Blanch, A. (2023). Innovation Activities and Their Impact on Product Innovation Results: Evidence from a Sectorial Study. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(8).
Chin, W. W. (2010). How to write up and report PLS analyses “Handbook of Partial Least Squares.” In Handbook of Partial Least Squares (pp. 655–690). Springer, .
Chuwiruch, N., Jhundra-Indra, P., & Boonlua, Sutana. (2015). MARKETING INNOVATION STRATEGY AND MARKETING PERFORMANCE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Marketing Studies. Proceedings; Arden.
Damanpour, F., Walker, R. M., & Avellaneda, C. N. (2009). Combinative effects of innovation types and organizational Performance: A longitudinal study of service organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 46(4), 650–675.
De Luca, L. M., & Atuahene-Gima, K. (2007). Market knowledge dimensions and cross-functional collaboration: Examining the different routes to product innovation performance. Journal of Marketing, 71(1), 95–112.
Fatah, N. A., & Amin, S. O. (2023). The Scientific Journal of Cihan University – Sulaimaniya. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University – Sulaimaniya, 7(1), 76–94. org/10.25098/7.1.5
Gunday, G., Ulusoy, G., Kilic, K., & Alpkan, L. (2011). Effects of innovation types on firm performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 133(2), 662–676.
Hagedoorn, J., & Cloodt, M. (2003). Measuring innovative performance: Is there an advantage in using multiple indicators? Research Policy, 32(8), 1365–1379.
Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2016). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM),. Sage Publications.
He, P., Pei, Y., Lin, C.,, & Ye, D. (2021). Ambidextrous Marketing Capabilities, Exploratory and Exploitative Market-Based Innovation, and Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study on China’s Manufacturing Sector. Sustainability, 13, 1146.
Jiang, S., Wang, J., Zhang, R., & Liu, O. (2023). Innovation climate for individual motivation and innovation performance: Is innovative behavior a missing link? Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 8(4), 100440.
Jiménez-Jiménez, D., & Sanz-Valle, R. (2011). Innovation, organizational learning, and performance. Journal of Business Research, 64(4), 408–417.
Joueid, A., & Coenders, G. (2018). Marketing innovation and new product portfolios. A compositional approach. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 4(2).
Kaya, B., Abubakar, A. M., Behravesh, E., Yildiz, H., & Mert, I. S. (2020). Antecedents of innovative performance: Findings from PLS-SEM and fuzzy sets (fsQCA). Journal of Business Research, 114, 278–289.
Kumbara, V. B., & Afuan, M. (2021). The Impact Of Product Innovation And Market Orientation On The Competitive Advantage of Souvenirs In Padang. Jurnal Ekobistek, 9(1), 21–28.
Mitchell, M. L., Jolley, J. M., & O’Shea, R. P. (2012). Writing for psychology. Cengage Learning.
Peng, J., Qin, Q., & Tang, T. (2021). The influence of marketing innovations on firm performance under different market environments: Evidence from china. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(18), 1–15.
Ponta, L., Puliga, G., & Manzini, R. (2021). A measure of innovation performance: the Innovation Patent Index. Management Decision, 59(13), 73–98.
Purchase, S., & Volery, T. (2020). Marketing innovation: a systematic review. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(10), 763–793.
Ramayah, T., Cheah, J., Chuah, F., Ting, H., & Memon, M. A. (2016). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using SmartPLS 3.0:an Updated Guide and Practical Guide to Statistical Analysis. Pearson.
Ramirez, F. J., Parra-Requena, G., Ruiz-Ortega, M. J., & Garcia-Villaverde, P. M. (2018). From external information to marketing innovation: the mediating role of product and organizational innovation. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(5), 693–705.
Reguia, C. (2014). Product Innovatıon And The Competıtıve Advantage. European Scientific Journa, 1(June), 140–157.
Robertson, J., Caruana, A., & Ferreira, C. (2023a). Innovation performance: The effect of knowledge-based dynamic capabilities in cross-country innovation ecosystems. International Business Review, 32(2).
Sapaloglu, I., & Bolatan, G. I. S. (2022). The Impact Of Innovation Performance On Operational Performance: The Example Of Technopark Istanbul. 2022 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference: Societal Challenges: Technology, Transitions and Resilience Virtual Conference, TEMSCON EUROPE 2022, April, 100–105.
Shanak, H. S. H., & Abu-Alhaija, A. S. (2023). Does market performance mediates the nexus between production performance and financial performance in manufacturing companies? Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(10), 2531–2549.
ul Hassan, M., Shaukat, S., Nawaz, M. S., & Naz, S. (2013). Effects of innovation types on firm performance: An empirical study on Pakistan’s manufacturing sector. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 7(2), 243–262.
Verhees, F. J. H. M., & Meulenberg, M. T. G. (2004). Market Orientation, Innovativeness, Product Innovation, and Performance in Small Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 42(2), 134–154.
Ye, J., Wan, Q., Li, R., Yao, Z., & Huang, D. (2022). How do R&D agglomeration and economic policy uncertainty affect the innovative performance of Chinese high-tech industry?,. Technology in Society, 69.
Zhang, W., & Wang, Y. (2023). Impacts of subsidy reallocation policy on the innovative performance: Empirical evidence from photovoltaic industry in China. Finance Research Letters, 58.
Zotoo, K. I., Lu, Z., & Liu, G. (2021). Big data management capabilities and librarians’ innovative performance: The role of value perception using the theory of knowledge-based dynamic capability. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2).
Afriyie, S., Du, J., & Ibn Musah, A.-A. (2019). Innovation and marketing performance of SME in an emerging economy: the moderating effect of transformational leadership. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 9(1).
Akpoviroro, K. S., & Olufemi Amos, A. (2021). Efficacy of Marketing in Innovation Processes. Periodicidad: Semestral, 16(1), 1870–6479.
Aksoy, H. (2017). How do innovation culture, marketing innovation and product innovation affect the market performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? Technology in Society, 51, 133–141.
Althuwaini, S., & Abu-Alhaija, A. S. (2021). The relationship between a celebrity’s perceived credibility dimensions and purchasing intentions on social media: The moderating role of the customer’s gender. International Journal of Management Practice, 14(5), 580–600.
Atalay, M., Anafarta, N., & Sarvan, F. (2013). The Relationship between Innovation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Evidence from Turkish Automotive Supplier Industry. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 75, 226–235.
Aydin, H. (2021). Market orientation and product innovation: the mediating role of technological capability. European Journal of Innovation Management, 24(4), 1233–1267.
Chang, Y. Y., Wannamakok, W., & Lin, Y. H. (2023). Work conformity as a double-edged sword: Disentangling intra-firm social dynamics and employees’ innovative performance in technology-intensive firms. Asia Pacific Management Review, 28(4), 439–448.
Chang-Muñoz, E. A., Guarín-García, A. F., Charris-Sevilla, Y., Gallego-Nicholls, J. F., Santos-Rojo, C., & Ortigosa-Blanch, A. (2023). Innovation Activities and Their Impact on Product Innovation Results: Evidence from a Sectorial Study. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(8).
Chin, W. W. (2010). How to write up and report PLS analyses “Handbook of Partial Least Squares.” In Handbook of Partial Least Squares (pp. 655–690). Springer, .
Chuwiruch, N., Jhundra-Indra, P., & Boonlua, Sutana. (2015). MARKETING INNOVATION STRATEGY AND MARKETING PERFORMANCE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Marketing Studies. Proceedings; Arden.
Damanpour, F., Walker, R. M., & Avellaneda, C. N. (2009). Combinative effects of innovation types and organizational Performance: A longitudinal study of service organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 46(4), 650–675.
De Luca, L. M., & Atuahene-Gima, K. (2007). Market knowledge dimensions and cross-functional collaboration: Examining the different routes to product innovation performance. Journal of Marketing, 71(1), 95–112.
Fatah, N. A., & Amin, S. O. (2023). The Scientific Journal of Cihan University – Sulaimaniya. The Scientific Journal of Cihan University – Sulaimaniya, 7(1), 76–94. org/10.25098/7.1.5
Gunday, G., Ulusoy, G., Kilic, K., & Alpkan, L. (2011). Effects of innovation types on firm performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 133(2), 662–676.
Hagedoorn, J., & Cloodt, M. (2003). Measuring innovative performance: Is there an advantage in using multiple indicators? Research Policy, 32(8), 1365–1379.
Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C., & Sarstedt, M. (2016). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM),. Sage Publications.
He, P., Pei, Y., Lin, C.,, & Ye, D. (2021). Ambidextrous Marketing Capabilities, Exploratory and Exploitative Market-Based Innovation, and Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study on China’s Manufacturing Sector. Sustainability, 13, 1146.
Jiang, S., Wang, J., Zhang, R., & Liu, O. (2023). Innovation climate for individual motivation and innovation performance: Is innovative behavior a missing link? Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 8(4), 100440.
Jiménez-Jiménez, D., & Sanz-Valle, R. (2011). Innovation, organizational learning, and performance. Journal of Business Research, 64(4), 408–417.
Joueid, A., & Coenders, G. (2018). Marketing innovation and new product portfolios. A compositional approach. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 4(2).
Kaya, B., Abubakar, A. M., Behravesh, E., Yildiz, H., & Mert, I. S. (2020). Antecedents of innovative performance: Findings from PLS-SEM and fuzzy sets (fsQCA). Journal of Business Research, 114, 278–289.
Kumbara, V. B., & Afuan, M. (2021). The Impact Of Product Innovation And Market Orientation On The Competitive Advantage of Souvenirs In Padang. Jurnal Ekobistek, 9(1), 21–28.
Mitchell, M. L., Jolley, J. M., & O’Shea, R. P. (2012). Writing for psychology. Cengage Learning.
Peng, J., Qin, Q., & Tang, T. (2021). The influence of marketing innovations on firm performance under different market environments: Evidence from china. Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(18), 1–15.
Ponta, L., Puliga, G., & Manzini, R. (2021). A measure of innovation performance: the Innovation Patent Index. Management Decision, 59(13), 73–98.
Purchase, S., & Volery, T. (2020). Marketing innovation: a systematic review. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(10), 763–793.
Ramayah, T., Cheah, J., Chuah, F., Ting, H., & Memon, M. A. (2016). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) Using SmartPLS 3.0:an Updated Guide and Practical Guide to Statistical Analysis. Pearson.
Ramirez, F. J., Parra-Requena, G., Ruiz-Ortega, M. J., & Garcia-Villaverde, P. M. (2018). From external information to marketing innovation: the mediating role of product and organizational innovation. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 33(5), 693–705.
Reguia, C. (2014). Product Innovatıon And The Competıtıve Advantage. European Scientific Journa, 1(June), 140–157.
Robertson, J., Caruana, A., & Ferreira, C. (2023a). Innovation performance: The effect of knowledge-based dynamic capabilities in cross-country innovation ecosystems. International Business Review, 32(2).
Sapaloglu, I., & Bolatan, G. I. S. (2022). The Impact Of Innovation Performance On Operational Performance: The Example Of Technopark Istanbul. 2022 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference: Societal Challenges: Technology, Transitions and Resilience Virtual Conference, TEMSCON EUROPE 2022, April, 100–105.
Shanak, H. S. H., & Abu-Alhaija, A. S. (2023). Does market performance mediates the nexus between production performance and financial performance in manufacturing companies? Journal of Islamic Marketing, 14(10), 2531–2549.
ul Hassan, M., Shaukat, S., Nawaz, M. S., & Naz, S. (2013). Effects of innovation types on firm performance: An empirical study on Pakistan’s manufacturing sector. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 7(2), 243–262.
Verhees, F. J. H. M., & Meulenberg, M. T. G. (2004). Market Orientation, Innovativeness, Product Innovation, and Performance in Small Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 42(2), 134–154.
Ye, J., Wan, Q., Li, R., Yao, Z., & Huang, D. (2022). How do R&D agglomeration and economic policy uncertainty affect the innovative performance of Chinese high-tech industry?,. Technology in Society, 69.
Zhang, W., & Wang, Y. (2023). Impacts of subsidy reallocation policy on the innovative performance: Empirical evidence from photovoltaic industry in China. Finance Research Letters, 58.
Zotoo, K. I., Lu, Z., & Liu, G. (2021). Big data management capabilities and librarians’ innovative performance: The role of value perception using the theory of knowledge-based dynamic capability. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2).