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Shen, Y & Panichakarn, B. (2023). Sustainability of agricultural trade supply chains status, opportunities, and future directions.Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 11(4), 1769-1782.
Adhikari, J., Timsina, J., Khadka, S. R., Ghale, Y., & Ojha, H. (2021). COVID-19 impacts on agriculture and food systems in Nepal: Implications for SDGs. Agricultural Systems, 186, 102990.
Ajzen, I. (1985). From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior. In J. Kuhl & J. Beckmann (Eds.), Action Control: From Cognition to Behavior (pp. 11-39). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Kumar, A., Zailani, S., & Tan, K. H. (2021). A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: Lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170, 120870.
Alves-Pinto, H. N., Newton, P., & Pinto, L. F. G. (2015). Reducing Deforestation and Enhancing Sustainability in Commodity Supply Chains: Interactions between Governance Interventions and Cattle Certification in Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science, 8(4), 1053-1079.
Aschemann-Witzel, J., de Hooge, I. E., Rohm, H., Normann, A., Bossle, M. B., Grønhøj, A., & Oostindjer, M. (2017). Key characteristics and success factors of supply chain initiatives tackling consumer-related food waste – A multiple case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155, 33-45.
Ashraf, S. A., Siddiqui, A. J., Elkhalifa, A. E. O., Khan, M. I., Patel, M., Alreshidi, M., Moin, A., Singh, R., Snoussi, M., & Adnan, M. (2021). Innovations in nanoscience for the sustainable development of food and agriculture with implications on health and environment. Science of The Total Environment, 768, 144990.
Boyack, K. W., & Klavans, R. (2010). Co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and technology, 61(12), 2389-2404.
Bräutigam, K.-R., Jörissen, J., & Priefer, C. (2014). The extent of food waste generation across EU-27: Different calculation methods and the reliability of their results. Waste Management & Research, 32(8), 683-694.
Buzby, J. C., & Hyman, J. (2012). Total and per capita value of food loss in the United States. Food Policy, 37(5), 561-570.
Charatsari, C., Lioutas, E. D., Papadaki-Klavdianou, A., Michailidis, A., & Partalidou, M. (2022). Farm advisors amid the transition to Agriculture 4.0: Professional identity, conceptions of the future and future-specific competencies. Sociologia Ruralis, 62(2), 335-362.
Chen, C. (2014). The citespace manual. College of Computing and Informatics, 1(1), 1-84.
Chen, C. (2017). Science Mapping: A Systematic Review of the Literature [10.1515/jdis-2017-0006]. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2, 1-40.
Chen, C., & Song, M. (2019). Visualizing a field of research: A methodology of systematic scientometric reviews. PLoS One, 14(10), e0223994.
de Hooge, I. E., Oostindjer, M., Aschemann-Witzel, J., Normann, A., Loose, S. M., & Almli, V. L. (2017). This apple is too ugly for me!: Consumer preferences for suboptimal food products in the supermarket and at home. Food Quality and Preference, 56, 80-92.
Delgado, J. A., Short, N. M., Roberts, D. P., & Vandenberg, B. (2019). Big Data Analysis for Sustainable Agriculture on a Geospatial Cloud Framework [Review]. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3.
Devereux, S., Béné, C., & Hoddinott, J. (2020). Conceptualising COVID-19’s impacts on household food security. Food Security, 12(4), 769-772.
Duncan, E., Rotz, S., Magnan, A., & Bronson, K. (2022). Disciplining land through data: The role of agricultural technologies in farmland assetisation. Sociologia Ruralis, 62(2), 231-249.
Dunning, T. (1994). Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence. Computational linguistics, 19(1), 61-74.
FAO. (2017). The future of food and agriculture – Trends and and challenges.
Friel, S., Dangour, A. D., Garnett, T., Lock, K., Chalabi, Z., Roberts, I., Butler, A., Butler, C. D., Waage, J., McMichael, A. J., & Haines, A. (2009). Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: food and agriculture [10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61753-0]. The Lancet, 374(9706), 2016-2025.
Gao, T., Erokhin, V., & Arskiy, A. (2019). Dynamic Optimization of Fuel and Logistics Costs as a Tool in Pursuing Economic Sustainability of a Farm. Sustainability, 11(19), 5463.
Garrett, R. D., Levy, S., Carlson, K. M., Gardner, T. A., Godar, J., Clapp, J., Dauvergne, P., Heilmayr, R., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Ayre, B., Barr, R., Døvre, B., Gibbs, H. K., Hall, S., Lake, S., Milder, J. C., Rausch, L. L., Rivero, R., Rueda, X., . . . Villoria, N. (2019). Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments. Global Environmental Change, 54, 135-147.
Garrone, P., Melacini, M., & Perego, A. (2014). Opening the black box of food waste reduction. Food Policy, 46, 129-139.
Gerassimidou, S., Martin, O. V., Chapman, S. P., Hahladakis, J. N., & Iacovidou, E. (2021). Development of an integrated sustainability matrix to depict challenges and trade-offs of introducing bio-based plastics in the food packaging value chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125378.
Giampietro, M., & Mayumi, K. (2009). The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large Scale Agro-Biofuels Production. The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large Scale Agro-Biofuels Production, 1-318.
GÖKKÜR, S., & SINAV, E. (2020). Sustainable Agriculture and New Food Marketing Management System. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(1), 45-55.
Grote, U., Fasse, A., Nguyen, T. T., & Erenstein, O. (2021). Food security and the dynamics of wheat and maize value chains in Africa and Asia. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 617009.
Hajjar, R., Newton, P., Adshead, D., Bogaerts, M., Maguire-Rajpaul, V. A., Pinto, L. F. G., McDermott, C. L., Milder, J. C., Wollenberg, E., & Agrawal, A. (2019). Scaling up sustainability in commodity agriculture: Transferability of governance mechanisms across the coffee and cattle sectors in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 124-132.
Hoogwijk, M., Faaij, A., van den Broek, R., Berndes, G., Gielen, D., & Turkenburg, W. (2003). Exploration of the ranges of the global potential of biomass for energy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 25(2), 119-133.
Horrigan, L., Lawrence, R. S., & Walker, P. (2002). How sustainable agriculture can address the environmental and human health harms of industrial agriculture. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(5), 445-456.
Jackson, E. L., & Cook, S. (2022). The complex adoption pathways of digital technology in Australian livestock supply chains systems. Crop and Pasture Science, -.
Jung, J., Maeda, M., Chang, A., Bhandari, M., Ashapure, A., & Landivar-Bowles, J. (2021). The potential of remote sensing and artificial intelligence as tools to improve the resilience of agriculture production systems. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 70, 15-22.
Kamble, S. S., Gunasekaran, A., & Gawankar, S. A. (2020). Achieving sustainable performance in a data-driven agriculture supply chain: A review for research and applications. International Journal of Production Economics, 219, 179-194.
Khan, I., Hou, F., & Le, H. P. (2021). The impact of natural resources, energy consumption, and population growth on environmental quality: Fresh evidence from the United States of America. Science of The Total Environment, 754, 142222.
Khan, S. A. R., Sharif, A., Golpîra, H., & Kumar, A. (2019). A green ideology in Asian emerging economies: From environmental policy and sustainable development. Sustainable Development, 27(6), 1063-1075.
Khan, S. A. R., Yu, Z., Belhadi, A., & Mardani, A. (2020). Investigating the effects of renewable energy on international trade and environmental quality. Journal of Environmental Management, 272, 111089.
Kremen, C., Iles, A., & Bacon, C. (2012). Diversified Farming Systems: An Agroecological, Systems-based Alternative to Modern Industrial Agriculture. Ecology and Society, 17(4), Article 44.
Kretschmer, B., Smith, C., Watkins, E., Allen, B., Buckwell, A., Desbarats, J., & Kieve, D. (2013). Recycling Agricultural, Forestry & Food Wastes and Residues for Sustainable Bioenergy and Biomaterials (Part of the Project'Technology Options for Feeding 10 Billion People').
Laborde, D., Martin, W., Swinnen, J., & Vos, R. (2020). COVID-19 risks to global food security. Science, 369(6503), 500-502.
Lambin, E. F., Gibbs, H. K., Heilmayr, R., Carlson, K. M., Fleck, L. C., Garrett, R. D., le Polain de Waroux, Y., McDermott, C. L., McLaughlin, D., Newton, P., Nolte, C., Pacheco, P., Rausch, L. L., Streck, C., Thorlakson, T., & Walker, N. F. (2018). The role of supply-chain initiatives in reducing deforestation. Nature Climate Change, 8(2), 109-116.
Lamidi, R. O., Jiang, L., Pathare, P. B., Wang, Y. D., & Roskilly, A. P. (2019). Recent advances in sustainable drying of agricultural produce: A review. Applied Energy, 233-234, 367-385.
Lang, J. T. (2013). Elements of public trust in the American food system: Experts, organizations, and genetically modified food. Food Policy, 41, 145-154.
Leduc, G., Kubler, S., & Georges, J.-P. (2021). Innovative blockchain-based farming marketplace and smart contract performance evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 306, 127055.
Liao, H., Tang, M., Luo, L., Li, C., Chiclana, F., & Zeng, X.-J. (2018). A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Medical Big Data Research. Sustainability, 10(1), 166.
Lioutas, E. D., Charatsari, C., La Rocca, G., & De Rosa, M. (2019). Key questions on the use of big data in farming: An activity theory approach. NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90-91(1), 1-12.
Mangla, S. K., Kazancoglu, Y., Ekinci, E., Liu, M., Özbiltekin, M., & Sezer, M. D. (2021). Using system dynamics to analyze the societal impacts of blockchain technology in milk supply chainsrefer. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 149, 102289.
Nayal, K., Raut, R., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Narkhede, B. E., & Gedam, V. V. (2021). Integrated technologies toward sustainable agriculture supply chains: missing links. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Nelson, G. C., Rosegrant, M. W., Koo, J., Robertson, R., Sulser, T., Zhu, T., Ringler, C., Msangi, S., Palazzo, A., & Batka, M. (2009). Climate change: Impact on agriculture and costs of adaptation (Vol. 21). Intl Food Policy Res Inst.
Nettle, R., Klerkx, L., Faure, G., & Koutsouris, A. (2017). Governance dynamics and the quest for coordination in pluralistic agricultural advisory systems. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 23(3), 189-195.
Niles, M. T., Bertmann, F., Belarmino, E. H., Wentworth, T., Biehl, E., & Neff, R. (2020). The Early Food Insecurity Impacts of COVID-19. Nutrients, 12(7), 2096.
O’Neill, B. C., Carter, T. R., Ebi, K., Harrison, P. A., Kemp-Benedict, E., Kok, K., Kriegler, E., Preston, B. L., Riahi, K., Sillmann, J., van Ruijven, B. J., van Vuuren, D., Carlisle, D., Conde, C., Fuglestvedt, J., Green, C., Hasegawa, T., Leininger, J., Monteith, S., & Pichs-Madruga, R. (2020). Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework. Nature Climate Change, 10(12), 1074-1084.
Rohm, H., Oostindjer, M., Aschemann-Witzel, J., Symmank, C., L. Almli, V., De Hooge, I. E., Normann, A., & Karantininis, K. (2017). Consumers in a Sustainable Food Supply Chain (COSUS): Understanding Consumer Behavior to Encourage Food Waste Reduction. Foods, 6(12), 104.
Sánchez-Bravo, P., Chambers V, E., Noguera-Artiaga, L., Sendra, E., Chambers Iv, E., & Carbonell-Barrachina, Á. A. (2021). Consumer understanding of sustainability concept in agricultural products. Food Quality and Preference, 89, 104136.
Sarkodie, S. A., Ntiamoah, E. B., & Li, D. (2019). Panel heterogeneous distribution analysis of trade and modernized agriculture on CO2 emissions: The role of renewable and fossil fuel energy consumption []. Natural Resources Forum, 43(3), 135-153.
Tickner, D., Opperman, J. J., Abell, R., Acreman, M., Arthington, A. H., Bunn, S. E., Cooke, S. J., Dalton, J., Darwall, W., Edwards, G., Harrison, I., Hughes, K., Jones, T., Leclère, D., Lynch, A. J., Leonard, P., McClain, M. E., Muruven, D., Olden, J. D., . . . Young, L. (2020). Bending the Curve of Global Freshwater Biodiversity Loss: An Emergency Recovery Plan. BioScience, 70(4), 330-342.
Welfle, A., Gilbert, P., & Thornley, P. (2014). Securing a bioenergy future without imports. Energy Policy, 68, 1-14.
WTO. (2019). World TradeStatistical Review 2019.
Xu, Z., Li, Y., Chau, S. N., Dietz, T., Li, C., Wan, L., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Chung, M. G., & Liu, J. (2020). Impacts of international trade on global sustainable development. Nature Sustainability, 3(11), 964-971.
Yadav, S., Luthra, S., & Garg, D. (2021). Modelling Internet of things (IoT)-driven global sustainability in multi-tier agri-food supply chain under natural epidemic outbreaks. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(13), 16633-16654.
Yang, C., Zeng, W., & Yang, X. (2020). Coupling coordination evaluation and sustainable development pattern of geo-ecological environment and urbanization in Chongqing municipality, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 61, 102271.
Zkik, K., Belhadi, A., Rehman Khan, S. A., Kamble, S. S., Oudani, M., & Touriki, F. E. (2022). Exploration of barriers and enablers of blockchain adoption for sustainable performance: implications for e-enabled agriculture supply chains. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1-38.
Ajzen, I. (1985). From Intentions to Actions: A Theory of Planned Behavior. In J. Kuhl & J. Beckmann (Eds.), Action Control: From Cognition to Behavior (pp. 11-39). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Ali, M. H., Chung, L., Kumar, A., Zailani, S., & Tan, K. H. (2021). A sustainable Blockchain framework for the halal food supply chain: Lessons from Malaysia. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170, 120870.
Alves-Pinto, H. N., Newton, P., & Pinto, L. F. G. (2015). Reducing Deforestation and Enhancing Sustainability in Commodity Supply Chains: Interactions between Governance Interventions and Cattle Certification in Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science, 8(4), 1053-1079.
Aschemann-Witzel, J., de Hooge, I. E., Rohm, H., Normann, A., Bossle, M. B., Grønhøj, A., & Oostindjer, M. (2017). Key characteristics and success factors of supply chain initiatives tackling consumer-related food waste – A multiple case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155, 33-45.
Ashraf, S. A., Siddiqui, A. J., Elkhalifa, A. E. O., Khan, M. I., Patel, M., Alreshidi, M., Moin, A., Singh, R., Snoussi, M., & Adnan, M. (2021). Innovations in nanoscience for the sustainable development of food and agriculture with implications on health and environment. Science of The Total Environment, 768, 144990.
Boyack, K. W., & Klavans, R. (2010). Co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation: Which citation approach represents the research front most accurately? Journal of the American Society for Information Science and technology, 61(12), 2389-2404.
Bräutigam, K.-R., Jörissen, J., & Priefer, C. (2014). The extent of food waste generation across EU-27: Different calculation methods and the reliability of their results. Waste Management & Research, 32(8), 683-694.
Buzby, J. C., & Hyman, J. (2012). Total and per capita value of food loss in the United States. Food Policy, 37(5), 561-570.
Charatsari, C., Lioutas, E. D., Papadaki-Klavdianou, A., Michailidis, A., & Partalidou, M. (2022). Farm advisors amid the transition to Agriculture 4.0: Professional identity, conceptions of the future and future-specific competencies. Sociologia Ruralis, 62(2), 335-362.
Chen, C. (2014). The citespace manual. College of Computing and Informatics, 1(1), 1-84.
Chen, C. (2017). Science Mapping: A Systematic Review of the Literature [10.1515/jdis-2017-0006]. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2, 1-40.
Chen, C., & Song, M. (2019). Visualizing a field of research: A methodology of systematic scientometric reviews. PLoS One, 14(10), e0223994.
de Hooge, I. E., Oostindjer, M., Aschemann-Witzel, J., Normann, A., Loose, S. M., & Almli, V. L. (2017). This apple is too ugly for me!: Consumer preferences for suboptimal food products in the supermarket and at home. Food Quality and Preference, 56, 80-92.
Delgado, J. A., Short, N. M., Roberts, D. P., & Vandenberg, B. (2019). Big Data Analysis for Sustainable Agriculture on a Geospatial Cloud Framework [Review]. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 3.
Devereux, S., Béné, C., & Hoddinott, J. (2020). Conceptualising COVID-19’s impacts on household food security. Food Security, 12(4), 769-772.
Duncan, E., Rotz, S., Magnan, A., & Bronson, K. (2022). Disciplining land through data: The role of agricultural technologies in farmland assetisation. Sociologia Ruralis, 62(2), 231-249.
Dunning, T. (1994). Accurate methods for the statistics of surprise and coincidence. Computational linguistics, 19(1), 61-74.
FAO. (2017). The future of food and agriculture – Trends and and challenges.
Friel, S., Dangour, A. D., Garnett, T., Lock, K., Chalabi, Z., Roberts, I., Butler, A., Butler, C. D., Waage, J., McMichael, A. J., & Haines, A. (2009). Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: food and agriculture [10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61753-0]. The Lancet, 374(9706), 2016-2025.
Gao, T., Erokhin, V., & Arskiy, A. (2019). Dynamic Optimization of Fuel and Logistics Costs as a Tool in Pursuing Economic Sustainability of a Farm. Sustainability, 11(19), 5463.
Garrett, R. D., Levy, S., Carlson, K. M., Gardner, T. A., Godar, J., Clapp, J., Dauvergne, P., Heilmayr, R., le Polain de Waroux, Y., Ayre, B., Barr, R., Døvre, B., Gibbs, H. K., Hall, S., Lake, S., Milder, J. C., Rausch, L. L., Rivero, R., Rueda, X., . . . Villoria, N. (2019). Criteria for effective zero-deforestation commitments. Global Environmental Change, 54, 135-147.
Garrone, P., Melacini, M., & Perego, A. (2014). Opening the black box of food waste reduction. Food Policy, 46, 129-139.
Gerassimidou, S., Martin, O. V., Chapman, S. P., Hahladakis, J. N., & Iacovidou, E. (2021). Development of an integrated sustainability matrix to depict challenges and trade-offs of introducing bio-based plastics in the food packaging value chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 286, 125378.
Giampietro, M., & Mayumi, K. (2009). The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large Scale Agro-Biofuels Production. The Biofuel Delusion: The Fallacy of Large Scale Agro-Biofuels Production, 1-318.
GÖKKÜR, S., & SINAV, E. (2020). Sustainable Agriculture and New Food Marketing Management System. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 4(1), 45-55.
Grote, U., Fasse, A., Nguyen, T. T., & Erenstein, O. (2021). Food security and the dynamics of wheat and maize value chains in Africa and Asia. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 617009.
Hajjar, R., Newton, P., Adshead, D., Bogaerts, M., Maguire-Rajpaul, V. A., Pinto, L. F. G., McDermott, C. L., Milder, J. C., Wollenberg, E., & Agrawal, A. (2019). Scaling up sustainability in commodity agriculture: Transferability of governance mechanisms across the coffee and cattle sectors in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 124-132.
Hoogwijk, M., Faaij, A., van den Broek, R., Berndes, G., Gielen, D., & Turkenburg, W. (2003). Exploration of the ranges of the global potential of biomass for energy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 25(2), 119-133.
Horrigan, L., Lawrence, R. S., & Walker, P. (2002). How sustainable agriculture can address the environmental and human health harms of industrial agriculture. Environmental Health Perspectives, 110(5), 445-456.
Jackson, E. L., & Cook, S. (2022). The complex adoption pathways of digital technology in Australian livestock supply chains systems. Crop and Pasture Science, -.
Jung, J., Maeda, M., Chang, A., Bhandari, M., Ashapure, A., & Landivar-Bowles, J. (2021). The potential of remote sensing and artificial intelligence as tools to improve the resilience of agriculture production systems. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 70, 15-22.
Kamble, S. S., Gunasekaran, A., & Gawankar, S. A. (2020). Achieving sustainable performance in a data-driven agriculture supply chain: A review for research and applications. International Journal of Production Economics, 219, 179-194.
Khan, I., Hou, F., & Le, H. P. (2021). The impact of natural resources, energy consumption, and population growth on environmental quality: Fresh evidence from the United States of America. Science of The Total Environment, 754, 142222.
Khan, S. A. R., Sharif, A., Golpîra, H., & Kumar, A. (2019). A green ideology in Asian emerging economies: From environmental policy and sustainable development. Sustainable Development, 27(6), 1063-1075.
Khan, S. A. R., Yu, Z., Belhadi, A., & Mardani, A. (2020). Investigating the effects of renewable energy on international trade and environmental quality. Journal of Environmental Management, 272, 111089.
Kremen, C., Iles, A., & Bacon, C. (2012). Diversified Farming Systems: An Agroecological, Systems-based Alternative to Modern Industrial Agriculture. Ecology and Society, 17(4), Article 44.
Kretschmer, B., Smith, C., Watkins, E., Allen, B., Buckwell, A., Desbarats, J., & Kieve, D. (2013). Recycling Agricultural, Forestry & Food Wastes and Residues for Sustainable Bioenergy and Biomaterials (Part of the Project'Technology Options for Feeding 10 Billion People').
Laborde, D., Martin, W., Swinnen, J., & Vos, R. (2020). COVID-19 risks to global food security. Science, 369(6503), 500-502.
Lambin, E. F., Gibbs, H. K., Heilmayr, R., Carlson, K. M., Fleck, L. C., Garrett, R. D., le Polain de Waroux, Y., McDermott, C. L., McLaughlin, D., Newton, P., Nolte, C., Pacheco, P., Rausch, L. L., Streck, C., Thorlakson, T., & Walker, N. F. (2018). The role of supply-chain initiatives in reducing deforestation. Nature Climate Change, 8(2), 109-116.
Lamidi, R. O., Jiang, L., Pathare, P. B., Wang, Y. D., & Roskilly, A. P. (2019). Recent advances in sustainable drying of agricultural produce: A review. Applied Energy, 233-234, 367-385.
Lang, J. T. (2013). Elements of public trust in the American food system: Experts, organizations, and genetically modified food. Food Policy, 41, 145-154.
Leduc, G., Kubler, S., & Georges, J.-P. (2021). Innovative blockchain-based farming marketplace and smart contract performance evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 306, 127055.
Liao, H., Tang, M., Luo, L., Li, C., Chiclana, F., & Zeng, X.-J. (2018). A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Medical Big Data Research. Sustainability, 10(1), 166.
Lioutas, E. D., Charatsari, C., La Rocca, G., & De Rosa, M. (2019). Key questions on the use of big data in farming: An activity theory approach. NJAS: Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 90-91(1), 1-12.
Mangla, S. K., Kazancoglu, Y., Ekinci, E., Liu, M., Özbiltekin, M., & Sezer, M. D. (2021). Using system dynamics to analyze the societal impacts of blockchain technology in milk supply chainsrefer. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 149, 102289.
Nayal, K., Raut, R., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Narkhede, B. E., & Gedam, V. V. (2021). Integrated technologies toward sustainable agriculture supply chains: missing links. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Nelson, G. C., Rosegrant, M. W., Koo, J., Robertson, R., Sulser, T., Zhu, T., Ringler, C., Msangi, S., Palazzo, A., & Batka, M. (2009). Climate change: Impact on agriculture and costs of adaptation (Vol. 21). Intl Food Policy Res Inst.
Nettle, R., Klerkx, L., Faure, G., & Koutsouris, A. (2017). Governance dynamics and the quest for coordination in pluralistic agricultural advisory systems. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 23(3), 189-195.
Niles, M. T., Bertmann, F., Belarmino, E. H., Wentworth, T., Biehl, E., & Neff, R. (2020). The Early Food Insecurity Impacts of COVID-19. Nutrients, 12(7), 2096.
O’Neill, B. C., Carter, T. R., Ebi, K., Harrison, P. A., Kemp-Benedict, E., Kok, K., Kriegler, E., Preston, B. L., Riahi, K., Sillmann, J., van Ruijven, B. J., van Vuuren, D., Carlisle, D., Conde, C., Fuglestvedt, J., Green, C., Hasegawa, T., Leininger, J., Monteith, S., & Pichs-Madruga, R. (2020). Achievements and needs for the climate change scenario framework. Nature Climate Change, 10(12), 1074-1084.
Rohm, H., Oostindjer, M., Aschemann-Witzel, J., Symmank, C., L. Almli, V., De Hooge, I. E., Normann, A., & Karantininis, K. (2017). Consumers in a Sustainable Food Supply Chain (COSUS): Understanding Consumer Behavior to Encourage Food Waste Reduction. Foods, 6(12), 104.
Sánchez-Bravo, P., Chambers V, E., Noguera-Artiaga, L., Sendra, E., Chambers Iv, E., & Carbonell-Barrachina, Á. A. (2021). Consumer understanding of sustainability concept in agricultural products. Food Quality and Preference, 89, 104136.
Sarkodie, S. A., Ntiamoah, E. B., & Li, D. (2019). Panel heterogeneous distribution analysis of trade and modernized agriculture on CO2 emissions: The role of renewable and fossil fuel energy consumption []. Natural Resources Forum, 43(3), 135-153.
Tickner, D., Opperman, J. J., Abell, R., Acreman, M., Arthington, A. H., Bunn, S. E., Cooke, S. J., Dalton, J., Darwall, W., Edwards, G., Harrison, I., Hughes, K., Jones, T., Leclère, D., Lynch, A. J., Leonard, P., McClain, M. E., Muruven, D., Olden, J. D., . . . Young, L. (2020). Bending the Curve of Global Freshwater Biodiversity Loss: An Emergency Recovery Plan. BioScience, 70(4), 330-342.
Welfle, A., Gilbert, P., & Thornley, P. (2014). Securing a bioenergy future without imports. Energy Policy, 68, 1-14.
WTO. (2019). World TradeStatistical Review 2019.
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