Recognizing the critical importance of worker technical capability and the work environment is a pressing need to enhance employee performance within a power plant. Prioritizing the improvement of worker capabilities and fostering favorable work environments is urgently required for project managers to align their workforce with project objectives and enhance overall operational results. This study aims to explore the impact of key operational and human resource management (HRM) practices on the performance of the Tanjung Jati B Steam Power Plant in Jepara, Indonesia. A sample of 110 employees was selected through a simple random sampling method, and data analyzed by multiple regression analysis with SPSS software. The results reveal significant effects of work ability, work discipline, and work environment and employee performance. Furthermore, an ANOVA test underscores that these three independent variables collectively have a positive and significant impact on employee performance. This research emphasizes the critical role of HRM practices and operational aspects in enhancing power plant performance. In the context of project management, these findings highlight the significance of developing and maintaining a workforce with the necessary skills, discipline, and conducive work environments to ensure the successful execution of operational success of a power plant. By comprehending the impact of worker technical capability on employee performance, project managers can make informed decisions and implement strategies to enhance project outcomes.