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Zehir, C. Ertosun, ?. G., Zehir, S. & Müceldili, B. (2011). The Effects of Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture over Firm Performance: Multi-National Companies in ?stanbul. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1460-1474.
Jahromi, S.A.S., Gholtash, A., & Saeedian, M. (2011). A study of the relationship between dominant brain hemispheres with leadership styles, task oriented and relation oriented (integrated) among active managers of Shiraz University of medical sciences. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 633-636.
?zsahin, M., Zehir, C., Acar, A.Z. (2011). Linking leadership style to firm performance: the mediating effect of the learning orientation. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1546-1559.
Rodgers, J.L., & Nicewander, W.L. (1988). Thirteen ways to look at the correlation coefficient. The American Statistician, 42(1), 59–66.
Shondrick, S.J., Dinh, J.E., & Lord, R.G. (2010). Developments in implicit leadership theory and cognitive science: Applications to improving measurement and understanding alternatives to hierarchical leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(6), 959-978.
Soper, H.E., Young, A.W., Cave, B.M., Lee, A., Pearson, K. (1917). On the distribution of the correlation coefficient in small samples. Appendix II to the papers of "Student" and R. A. Fisher. A co-operative study, Biometrika, 11, 328-413.
Zehir, C. Ertosun, ?. G., Zehir, S. & Müceldili, B. (2011). The Effects of Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture over Firm Performance: Multi-National Companies in ?stanbul. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 1460-1474.