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Raza, M., Alyoussef, I., Dahri, A., Polyakova, A., Alshebami, A & Thomran, M. (2021). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship quality education in higher educational institutions: A mediating effect of entrepreneurial training.Management Science Letters , 11(4), 1221-1230.
Ahram, T., Karwowski, W., & Taiar, R. (2018). Human Systems Engineering and Design. In Conference proceedings IH-SED (p. 25).
Altinay, L., Madanoglu, M., Daniele, R., and Lashley, C. (2012). The influence of family tradition and psychological traits on entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 489-499.
Alshebami, A. S., Al-Jubarib, I., Alyoussef, I. Y., & Raza, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial education as a predictor of community college of Abqaiq students' entrepreneurial. Management Science Letter, 10(15), 3605–3612.
Aramand, M. (2013). Women entrepreneurship in Mongolia: the role of culture on entrepreneurial motivation. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 32(1), 68-82.
Asante, E.A., & Affum-Osei, E. (2019). Entrepreneurship as a career choice: The impact of locus of control on aspiring entrepreneurs' opportunity recognition. Journal of Business Research, 98, 227-235.
Avkiran, N., & Ringle, C. (2018). Partial least squares structural equation modeling. Handbook of Market Research (Vol. 267).
Bae, T.J., Qian, S., Miao, C., & Fiet, J.O. (2014). The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions: A meta–analytic review. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(2), 217-254.
Bipp, T., & van Dam, K. (2014). Extending hierarchical achievement motivation models: The role of motivational needs for achievement goals and academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 157-162.
Brandstätter, H. (2011). Personality aspects of entrepreneurship: A look at five meta-analyzes. Personality and Individual Differences, 51(3), 222-230.
Byun, C.G., Sung, C.S., Park, J.Y., & Choi, D.S. (2018). A study on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education pro-grams in higher education institutions: A case study of Korean graduate programs. Journal of Open Innovation: Tech-nology, Market, and Complexity, 4(3), 26.
Chen, S., Su, X., & Wu, S. (2012). Need for achievement, education, and entrepreneurial risk-taking behavior. Social Be-havior and Personality: An International Journal, 40(8), 1311-1318.
Çolakoğlu, N., & Gözükara, İ. (2016). A comparison study on personality traits based on the attitudes of university stu-dents toward entrepreneurship. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229, 133-140.
Din, B.H., Anuar, A.R., & Usman, M. (2016). The effectiveness of the entrepreneurship education program in upgrading entrepreneurial skills among public university students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 224, 117-123.
Dweck, C.S. (2017). From needs to goals and representations: Foundations for a unified theory of motivation, personality, and development. Psychological review, 124(6), p.689.
Ekpe, I., & Mat, N. (2012). The moderating effect of social environment on the relationship between entrepreneurial ori-entation and entrepreneurial intentions of female students at Nigerian universities. International Journal of Manage-ment Sciences and Business, 1(4).
Entrialgo, M., & Iglesias, V. (2016). The moderating role of entrepreneurship education on the antecedents of entrepre-neurial intention. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(4), 1209-1232.
Etikan, I., Musa, S.A., & Alkassim, R.S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1-4.
Fatoki, O., & Oni, O. (2014). Students’ perception of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education at a South African University. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(20), 585-585.
Forbes. (2012). Indonesia Minister: We Need Four Million Entrepreneurs', Forbes. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Fuad, N., & Bohari, A.M. (2011). Malay women entrepreneurs in the small and medium sized ICT-related business: A study on need for achievement. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(13).
Gartner, W., & Liao, J. (2012). The effects of perceptions of risk, environmental uncertainty, and growth aspirations on new venture creation success. Small Business Economics, 39(3), 703-712.
GEI. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Index | Global Entrepreneurship Development Institution. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Gerba, D.T. (2012). Impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of business and engineering stu-dents in Ethiopia. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 3(2), 258-277.
Ghina, A. (2014). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions. Procedia-Social and Be-havioral Sciences, 115, 332-345.
Hadi, C., Wekke, I.S., & Cahaya, A. (2015). Entrepreneurship and education: creating business awareness for students in East Java Indonesia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 177, 459-463.
Hair Jr, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C. and Sarstedt, M. (2016). A primer on partial least squares structural equation mod-eling (PLS-SEM). Sage publications.
Hassan, R.A., & Wafa, S.A. (2012). Predictors towards entrepreneurial intention: a Malaysian case study. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 1(11), 1-10.
Henry, C., Hill, F., & Leitch, C. (2017). Entrepreneurship education and training: the issue of effectiveness: the issue of effectiveness. Routledge.
Herkenhoff, L., & Fogli, J. (2013). Applied statistics for business and management using Microsoft Excel. New York: Springer.
Hsiao, C., Lee, Y.H., & Chen, H.H. (2016). The effects of internal locus of control on entrepreneurship: the mediating mechanisms of social capital and human capital. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(11), 1158-1172.
Ishak, S., Omar, A.R.C., & Moen, J.A. (2015). World-view, locus of control and entrepreneurial orientation in social en-trepreneurship endeavour. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3 S1), 592-592.
Jefferies, A., & Cubric, M. eds. (2015). October. ECEL2015-14th European Conference on e-Learning: ECEl2015. Aca-demic Conferences and publishing limited.
Josien, L. (2012). Entrepreneurial orientation: an empirical study of the risk-propensity dimension of entrepre-neurs. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 18(1), p.21.
Khan, M.S., Breitenecker, R.J., & Schwarz, E.J. (2014). Entrepreneurial team locus of control: diversity and trust. Management Decision.
Kraiczy, N.D., Hack, A., & Kellermanns, F.W. (2015). What makes a family firm innovative? CEO risk‐taking propensity and the organizational context of family firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(3), 334-348.
Lekoko, M., Rankhumise, E.M., & Ras, P. (2012). The effectiveness of entrepreneurship education: What matters most?. African Journal of Business Management, 65(1), 12023.
Maritz, A., & Brown, C.R. (2013). Illuminating the black box of entrepreneurship education programs. Education+ Train-ing.
Matlay, H., Othman, N., Hashim, N., & Ab Wahid, H. (2012). Readiness towards entrepreneurship education. Education+ Training, 54(8/9), 697-708.
Mehta, C., & Gupta, P. (2014). Corporate entrepreneurship: a study on entrepreneurial personality of employees. Global Journal of Finance and Management, 6(4), 305-312.
Ndofirepi, T.M. (2020). Relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial goal intentions: psychologi-cal traits as mediators. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 9(1), p.2.
Piperopoulos, P., & Dimov, D. (2015). Burst bubbles or build steam? Entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self‐efficacy, and entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), 970-985.
Prakash, D., Jain, S., & Chauhan, K. (2015). Supportive government policies, locus of control and student’s entrepreneuri-al intensity: a study of India. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 5(1), 26.
Premand, P., Brodmann, S., Almeida, R., Grun, R., & Barouni, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship education and entry into self-employment among university graduates. World Development, 77, 311-327.
Rae, D., & Woodier-Harris, N. (2012). International entrepreneurship education: Postgraduate business student experienc-es of entrepreneurship education. Education+ Training, 54(8-9), 639-656.
Reza, M., T. H. Manurung, D., V. Kolmakov, V., & Alshebami, A. S. (2020). Impact of education and training on perfor-mance of women entrepreneurs in Indonesia: Moderating effect of personal characteristics. Management Science Let-ter, 10(16), 3923–3930.
Rauch, A., & Hulsink, W. (2015). Putting entrepreneurship education where the intention to act lies: An investigation into the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behavior. Academy of management learning & education, 14(2), 187-204.
Rengiah, P. (2013). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in developing entrepreneurial intentions among Malaysi-an university students.
Sánchez, J.C. (2013). The impact of an entrepreneurship education program on entrepreneurial competencies and inten-tion. Journal of Small Business Management, 51(3), 447-465.
Schjoedt, L., & Shaver, K.G. (2012). Development and validation of a locus of control scale for the entrepreneurship do-main. Small Business Economics, 39(3), 713-726.
Scott, J.M., Penaluna, A., & Thompson, J.L. (2016). A critical perspective on learning outcomes and the effectiveness of experiential approaches in entrepreneurship education. Education+ Training, 58(1), 82-93.
Shamsudin, S.F.F.B., Al Mamun, A., Nawi, N.B.C., Nasir, N.A.B.M. and Zakaria, M.N.B. (2017). Factors affecting entre-preneurial intention among the Malaysian university students. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(4), 423-431.
Singh, K. (2011). Study of achievement motivation in relation to academic achievement of students. International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration, 1(2), 161-171.
Solesvik, M.Z., Westhead, P., Matlay, H., & Parsyak, V.N. (2013). Entrepreneurial assets and mindsets: benefit from uni-versity entrepreneurship education investment. Education+ Training, 55(8-9), 748-762.
Statista. (2019). Indonesia: early stage entrepreneur population share by age group 2018. Available at: (Ac-cessed: 16 June 2020).
Statista. (2020). Indonesia: global entrepreneurship index score 2018. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Vinzi, V.E., Chin, W.W., Henseler, J., & Wang, H. (2010). Handbook of partial least squares (Vol. 201, No. 0). Germany: Springer.
Weiner, B. (2011). An attribution theory of motivation. Handbook of theories of social psychology, 1, 135-155.
World Bank. (2020). WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN INDONESIA. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Yordanova, D.I., & Alexandrova‐Boshnakova, M.I. (2011). Gender effects on risk‐taking of entrepreneurs: evidence from Bulgaria. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17(3).
Zaman, M. (2013). Entrepreneurial characteristics among university students: Implications for entrepreneurship education and training in Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 7(39), 4053-4058.
Altinay, L., Madanoglu, M., Daniele, R., and Lashley, C. (2012). The influence of family tradition and psychological traits on entrepreneurial intention. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 489-499.
Alshebami, A. S., Al-Jubarib, I., Alyoussef, I. Y., & Raza, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial education as a predictor of community college of Abqaiq students' entrepreneurial. Management Science Letter, 10(15), 3605–3612.
Aramand, M. (2013). Women entrepreneurship in Mongolia: the role of culture on entrepreneurial motivation. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 32(1), 68-82.
Asante, E.A., & Affum-Osei, E. (2019). Entrepreneurship as a career choice: The impact of locus of control on aspiring entrepreneurs' opportunity recognition. Journal of Business Research, 98, 227-235.
Avkiran, N., & Ringle, C. (2018). Partial least squares structural equation modeling. Handbook of Market Research (Vol. 267).
Bae, T.J., Qian, S., Miao, C., & Fiet, J.O. (2014). The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions: A meta–analytic review. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 38(2), 217-254.
Bipp, T., & van Dam, K. (2014). Extending hierarchical achievement motivation models: The role of motivational needs for achievement goals and academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 64, 157-162.
Brandstätter, H. (2011). Personality aspects of entrepreneurship: A look at five meta-analyzes. Personality and Individual Differences, 51(3), 222-230.
Byun, C.G., Sung, C.S., Park, J.Y., & Choi, D.S. (2018). A study on the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education pro-grams in higher education institutions: A case study of Korean graduate programs. Journal of Open Innovation: Tech-nology, Market, and Complexity, 4(3), 26.
Chen, S., Su, X., & Wu, S. (2012). Need for achievement, education, and entrepreneurial risk-taking behavior. Social Be-havior and Personality: An International Journal, 40(8), 1311-1318.
Çolakoğlu, N., & Gözükara, İ. (2016). A comparison study on personality traits based on the attitudes of university stu-dents toward entrepreneurship. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 229, 133-140.
Din, B.H., Anuar, A.R., & Usman, M. (2016). The effectiveness of the entrepreneurship education program in upgrading entrepreneurial skills among public university students. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 224, 117-123.
Dweck, C.S. (2017). From needs to goals and representations: Foundations for a unified theory of motivation, personality, and development. Psychological review, 124(6), p.689.
Ekpe, I., & Mat, N. (2012). The moderating effect of social environment on the relationship between entrepreneurial ori-entation and entrepreneurial intentions of female students at Nigerian universities. International Journal of Manage-ment Sciences and Business, 1(4).
Entrialgo, M., & Iglesias, V. (2016). The moderating role of entrepreneurship education on the antecedents of entrepre-neurial intention. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12(4), 1209-1232.
Etikan, I., Musa, S.A., & Alkassim, R.S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 5(1), 1-4.
Fatoki, O., & Oni, O. (2014). Students’ perception of the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education at a South African University. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(20), 585-585.
Forbes. (2012). Indonesia Minister: We Need Four Million Entrepreneurs', Forbes. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Fuad, N., & Bohari, A.M. (2011). Malay women entrepreneurs in the small and medium sized ICT-related business: A study on need for achievement. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(13).
Gartner, W., & Liao, J. (2012). The effects of perceptions of risk, environmental uncertainty, and growth aspirations on new venture creation success. Small Business Economics, 39(3), 703-712.
GEI. (2020). Global Entrepreneurship Index | Global Entrepreneurship Development Institution. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Gerba, D.T. (2012). Impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intentions of business and engineering stu-dents in Ethiopia. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 3(2), 258-277.
Ghina, A. (2014). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in higher education institutions. Procedia-Social and Be-havioral Sciences, 115, 332-345.
Hadi, C., Wekke, I.S., & Cahaya, A. (2015). Entrepreneurship and education: creating business awareness for students in East Java Indonesia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 177, 459-463.
Hair Jr, J.F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C. and Sarstedt, M. (2016). A primer on partial least squares structural equation mod-eling (PLS-SEM). Sage publications.
Hassan, R.A., & Wafa, S.A. (2012). Predictors towards entrepreneurial intention: a Malaysian case study. Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 1(11), 1-10.
Henry, C., Hill, F., & Leitch, C. (2017). Entrepreneurship education and training: the issue of effectiveness: the issue of effectiveness. Routledge.
Herkenhoff, L., & Fogli, J. (2013). Applied statistics for business and management using Microsoft Excel. New York: Springer.
Hsiao, C., Lee, Y.H., & Chen, H.H. (2016). The effects of internal locus of control on entrepreneurship: the mediating mechanisms of social capital and human capital. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(11), 1158-1172.
Ishak, S., Omar, A.R.C., & Moen, J.A. (2015). World-view, locus of control and entrepreneurial orientation in social en-trepreneurship endeavour. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3 S1), 592-592.
Jefferies, A., & Cubric, M. eds. (2015). October. ECEL2015-14th European Conference on e-Learning: ECEl2015. Aca-demic Conferences and publishing limited.
Josien, L. (2012). Entrepreneurial orientation: an empirical study of the risk-propensity dimension of entrepre-neurs. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 18(1), p.21.
Khan, M.S., Breitenecker, R.J., & Schwarz, E.J. (2014). Entrepreneurial team locus of control: diversity and trust. Management Decision.
Kraiczy, N.D., Hack, A., & Kellermanns, F.W. (2015). What makes a family firm innovative? CEO risk‐taking propensity and the organizational context of family firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(3), 334-348.
Lekoko, M., Rankhumise, E.M., & Ras, P. (2012). The effectiveness of entrepreneurship education: What matters most?. African Journal of Business Management, 65(1), 12023.
Maritz, A., & Brown, C.R. (2013). Illuminating the black box of entrepreneurship education programs. Education+ Train-ing.
Matlay, H., Othman, N., Hashim, N., & Ab Wahid, H. (2012). Readiness towards entrepreneurship education. Education+ Training, 54(8/9), 697-708.
Mehta, C., & Gupta, P. (2014). Corporate entrepreneurship: a study on entrepreneurial personality of employees. Global Journal of Finance and Management, 6(4), 305-312.
Ndofirepi, T.M. (2020). Relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial goal intentions: psychologi-cal traits as mediators. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 9(1), p.2.
Piperopoulos, P., & Dimov, D. (2015). Burst bubbles or build steam? Entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial self‐efficacy, and entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 53(4), 970-985.
Prakash, D., Jain, S., & Chauhan, K. (2015). Supportive government policies, locus of control and student’s entrepreneuri-al intensity: a study of India. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 5(1), 26.
Premand, P., Brodmann, S., Almeida, R., Grun, R., & Barouni, M. (2016). Entrepreneurship education and entry into self-employment among university graduates. World Development, 77, 311-327.
Rae, D., & Woodier-Harris, N. (2012). International entrepreneurship education: Postgraduate business student experienc-es of entrepreneurship education. Education+ Training, 54(8-9), 639-656.
Reza, M., T. H. Manurung, D., V. Kolmakov, V., & Alshebami, A. S. (2020). Impact of education and training on perfor-mance of women entrepreneurs in Indonesia: Moderating effect of personal characteristics. Management Science Let-ter, 10(16), 3923–3930.
Rauch, A., & Hulsink, W. (2015). Putting entrepreneurship education where the intention to act lies: An investigation into the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial behavior. Academy of management learning & education, 14(2), 187-204.
Rengiah, P. (2013). Effectiveness of entrepreneurship education in developing entrepreneurial intentions among Malaysi-an university students.
Sánchez, J.C. (2013). The impact of an entrepreneurship education program on entrepreneurial competencies and inten-tion. Journal of Small Business Management, 51(3), 447-465.
Schjoedt, L., & Shaver, K.G. (2012). Development and validation of a locus of control scale for the entrepreneurship do-main. Small Business Economics, 39(3), 713-726.
Scott, J.M., Penaluna, A., & Thompson, J.L. (2016). A critical perspective on learning outcomes and the effectiveness of experiential approaches in entrepreneurship education. Education+ Training, 58(1), 82-93.
Shamsudin, S.F.F.B., Al Mamun, A., Nawi, N.B.C., Nasir, N.A.B.M. and Zakaria, M.N.B. (2017). Factors affecting entre-preneurial intention among the Malaysian university students. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(4), 423-431.
Singh, K. (2011). Study of achievement motivation in relation to academic achievement of students. International Journal of Educational Planning & Administration, 1(2), 161-171.
Solesvik, M.Z., Westhead, P., Matlay, H., & Parsyak, V.N. (2013). Entrepreneurial assets and mindsets: benefit from uni-versity entrepreneurship education investment. Education+ Training, 55(8-9), 748-762.
Statista. (2019). Indonesia: early stage entrepreneur population share by age group 2018. Available at: (Ac-cessed: 16 June 2020).
Statista. (2020). Indonesia: global entrepreneurship index score 2018. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Vinzi, V.E., Chin, W.W., Henseler, J., & Wang, H. (2010). Handbook of partial least squares (Vol. 201, No. 0). Germany: Springer.
Weiner, B. (2011). An attribution theory of motivation. Handbook of theories of social psychology, 1, 135-155.
World Bank. (2020). WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN INDONESIA. Available at: (Accessed: 16 June 2020).
Yordanova, D.I., & Alexandrova‐Boshnakova, M.I. (2011). Gender effects on risk‐taking of entrepreneurs: evidence from Bulgaria. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 17(3).
Zaman, M. (2013). Entrepreneurial characteristics among university students: Implications for entrepreneurship education and training in Pakistan. African Journal of Business Management, 7(39), 4053-4058.