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Martikainen, P., M?ki, N., & J?ntti, M. (2008). The effects of workplace downsizing on cause-specific mortality: a register-based follow-up study of Finnish men and women remaining in employment. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62, 1008-1013.
Quinlan, M. (2007). Organisational restructuring/downsizing, OHS regulation andworker health and wellbeing. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 385–399.
Walde, K., & Wei, P. )2007(. International competition, downsizing and wage inequality. Journal of International Economics, 73, 396–406.
Wood, A. )1995(. How trade hurt unskilled workers. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9, 57–80.
Adam, M., & Flatau, P. (2006). Job insecurity and mental health outcomes: An analysis using waves 1 and 2 of HILDA. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 17, 143?170.
Anwar, S. )2009(. Wage inequality, welfare and downsizing. Economics Letters, 103, 75–77.
Beladi, H., & Chi-Chur, C. (2010).Downsizing, wage inequality and welfare in a developing economy. Research in Economics 64 .224–228
Bohle, P., Quinlan, M., & Mayhew, C. (2001). The health effects of job insecurity: An evaluation of the evidence. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 12, 32?60.
Cascio, W. (2004). Downsizing: What do we know? What have we learned? Academy of Management Executive, 7, 95?104.
Chakrabarti, A. )2009(. Internal adjustment costs in capital-intensive and labor-intensive industries. Economics Letters, 102, 76–77.
Dragano, N., Verde, P., & Siegrist, J. (2005). Organisational downsizing and work stress: Testing synergistic health effects in employed men and women. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 59, 694?699.
Kar, S., & Beladi, H., )2004(. Skill formation and international migration: welfare perspective of developing countries. Japan and the World Economy, 16, 35–54.
Kivim?ki, M., Vahtera, J., Pentti, J., & Ferrie, J. E. (2000). Factors underlying the effectof organisational downsizing on health of employees: longitudinal cohort study. British Medical Journal, 320, 971-975.
Ichino, A., & Riphahn, R. T. (2005). The effect of employment protection on worker effort: absenteeism during and after probation. Journal of the European Economic Association, 3, 120-143.
Layton, C. (1987). Levels of state anxiety for males facing redundancy and subsequent reporting to be employed or unemployed. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 65, 53?54.
Martikainen, P., M?ki, N., & J?ntti, M. (2008). The effects of workplace downsizing on cause-specific mortality: a register-based follow-up study of Finnish men and women remaining in employment. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62, 1008-1013.
Quinlan, M. (2007). Organisational restructuring/downsizing, OHS regulation andworker health and wellbeing. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 385–399.
Walde, K., & Wei, P. )2007(. International competition, downsizing and wage inequality. Journal of International Economics, 73, 396–406.
Wood, A. )1995(. How trade hurt unskilled workers. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9, 57–80.