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Goutam, D & Gopalakrishna, B. (2018). Customer loyalty development in online shopping: An integration of e-service quality model and commitment-trust theory.Management Science Letters , 8(11), 1149-1158.
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Woodruff, R.B. (1997). Customer value: the next source for competitive advantage. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(2), 139.
Zeithaml, V.A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and syn-thesis of evidence. The Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
Zeithaml, V.A. (2000). Service quality, profitability, and the economic worth of customers: what we know and what we need to learn. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1) 67-85.
Fornell, C. (1992). A national customer satisfaction barometer: The Swedish experience. The Journal of Marketing, 56(1), 6-21.
Garbarino, E., & Johnson, M.S. (1999). The different roles of satisfaction, trust, and commitment in cus-tomer relationships. The Journal of Marketing, 63(2), 70-87.
Grabner-Kraeuter, S. (2002). The role of consumers' trust in online shopping. Journal of Business Eth-ics, 39 (1-2), 43-50.
Grönroos, C. (1982). An applied service marketing theory. European Journal of Marketing, 16(7), 30-41.
Hellier, P.K., Geursen, G.M., Carr, R.A., & Rickard, J.A. (2003). Customer repurchase intention: A gen-eral structural equation model. European Journal of Marketing, 37(11/12), 1762-1800.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K.P., & Gremler, D.D. (2002). Understanding relationship marketing out-comes: an integration of relational benefits and relationship quality. Journal of Service Research, 4 (3), 230-247.
Kassim, N.M., & Abdullah, N.A. (2008). Customer loyalty in e‐commerce settings: An empirical study”, Electronic Markets, 18(3), 275-290.
Lam, S.Y., Shankar, V., Erramilli, M.K., & Murthy, B. (2004). Customer value, satisfaction, loyalty, and switching costs: an illustration from a business-to-business service context. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 32(3), 293-311.
Li, D., Browne, G.J., & Wetherbe, J.C. (2006). Why do internet users stick with a specific web site? A re-lationship perspective. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(4), 105-141.
Loiacono, E.T., Watson, R.T., & Goodhue, D.L. (2002). WebQual: A measure of website quali-ty. Marketing Theory and Applications, 13(3), 432-438.
Mummalaneni, V., Meng, J., & Elliott, K.M. (2016). Consumer Technology Readiness and E-Service Quality in E-Tailing: What is the Impact on Predicting Online Purchasing?. Journal of Internet Com-merce, 15(4) 311-331.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., & Berry, L.L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its im-plications for future research. The Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41-50.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., & Malhotra, A. (2005). E-S-QUAL: A multiple-item scale for assessing electronic service quality. Journal of service research, 7 (3), 213-233.
Ribbink, D., Van Riel, A.C., Liljander, V., & Streukens, S. (2004). Comfort your online customer: quality, trust and loyalty on the internet. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 14(6), 446-456.
Singh, J., & Sirdeshmukh, D. (2000). Agency and trust mechanisms in consumer satisfaction and loyalty judgments. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1), 150-167.
Thatcher, J.B., & George, J.F. (2004). Commitment, trust, and social involvement: an exploratory study of antecedents to web shopper loyalty. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Com-merce, 14(4), 243-268.
Woodruff, R.B. (1997). Customer value: the next source for competitive advantage. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25(2), 139.
Zeithaml, V.A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and syn-thesis of evidence. The Journal of Marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
Zeithaml, V.A. (2000). Service quality, profitability, and the economic worth of customers: what we know and what we need to learn. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28(1) 67-85.