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Wang, Y., Liu, C., Lee, J. S., & Wang, Y. (2015). The relation between asset growth and the cross-section of stock returns: Evidence from the Chinese stock market. Economic Modelling, 44, 59-67.
Baker, M., & Wurgler, J. (2007). Investor sentiment in the stock market.
Chernykh, L., & Cole, R. A. (2015). How should we measure bank capital adequacy for triggering Prompt Corrective Action? A (simple) proposal. Journal of Financial Stability, 20, 131-143
Davis, S. J. (2014). The macroeconomic effects of debt-and equity-based capital inflows. Journal of Macroeconomics, 46, 81-95
Devereux, M., & Schiantarelli, F. (1990). Investment, financial factors, and cash flow: Evidence from UK panel data. In Asymmetric information, corporate finance, and investment (pp. 279-306). University of Chicago Press.
Fazzari, S., Hubbard, R. G., & Petersen, B. C. (1987). Financing constraints and corporate investment (No. w2387). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Guembel, A., & White, L. (2014). Good cop, bad cop: Complementarities between debt and equity in disciplining management. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 23(4), 541-569.
Hoshi, T., Kashyap, A., & Scharfstein, D. (1991). Corporate structure, liquidity, and investment: Evidence from Japanese industrial groups. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106(1), 33-60.
Louati, S., Abida, I. G., & Boujelbene, Y. (2015). Capital adequacy implications on Islamic and non-Islamic bank & apos; s behavior: Does market power matter?. Borsa Istanbul Review, 15(3), 192-204.
Minton, B. A., & Schrand, C. (1999). The impact of cash flow volatility on discretionary investment and the costs of debt and equity financing. Journal of Financial Economics, 54(3), 423-460.
Pech, C. O. T., Noguera, M., & White, S. (2015). Financial ratios used by equity analysts in Mexico and stock returns. Contadur?a y Administraci?n,60(3), 578-592.
Richardson, S. (2006). Over-investment of free cash flow. Review of accounting studies, 11(2-3), 159-189.
Wang, Y., Liu, C., Lee, J. S., & Wang, Y. (2015). The relation between asset growth and the cross-section of stock returns: Evidence from the Chinese stock market. Economic Modelling, 44, 59-67.