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Francescatto, M., Júnior, A & Araújo, O. (2025). Packing layout added value in sheet metal laser cutting operations considering raw material reuse.International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations , 16(2), 335-356.
Adalarasan, R., Santhanakumar, M., & Rajmohan, M. (2015). Optimization of laser cutting parameters for Al6061/SiCp/Al2O3 composite using grey-based response surface methodology (GRSM). Measurement, 73, 596-606.
Ali, A., Wang, Y., & Alvarado, J. (2019). Facilitating industrial symbiosis to achieve circular economy using value-added by design: A case study in transforming the automobile industry sheet metal waste-flow into Voronoi facade systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 1033-1044.
Alvarez-Valdés, R., Martínez, A., & Tamarit, J. M. (2013). A branch & bound algorithm for cutting and packing irregularly shaped pieces. International Journal of Production Economics, 145, 463-477.
AMADA. (2023). REGIUS-AJ. Retrieved from Accessed September 28, 2024.
Aşık, O. B., & Özcan, E. (2009). Bidirectional best-fit heuristic for orthogonal rectangular strip packing. Annals of Operations Research, 172, 405-427.
Baker, B. S., Coffman Jr, E. G., & Rivest, R. L. (1980). Orthogonal packings in two dimensions. SIAM Journal on Computing, 9, 846-855.
Baldi, M. M., & Bruglieri, M. (2017). On the generalized bin packing problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 24, 425-438.
Beasley, J. E. (1985). Exact two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting tree search procedure. Operations Research, 33, 49-64.
Bengtsson, B. E. (1982). Packing rectangular pieces – A heuristic approach. The Computer Journal, 25, 353-357.
Bennel, J., & Oliveira, J. (2008). The geometry of nesting problems: A tutorial. European Journal of Operational Research, 184, 397-415.
Berkey, J. O., & Wang, P. Y. (1987). Two-dimensional finite bin-packing algorithms. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 38, 423-429.
Berkmanns, J., & Faerber, M. (2008). Laser cutting LASERLINE®. Retrieved from
Bertolini, M., Mezzogori, D., & Zammori, F. (2024). Hybrid heuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers and additional operating constraints. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 15(1), 149-170.
Bortfeldt, A., & Jungmann, S. (2012). A tree search algorithm for solving the multi-dimensional strip packing problem with guillotine cutting constraint. Annals of Operations Research, 196, 53-71.
Brandão, F., & Pedroso, J. P. (2014). Fast pattern-based algorithms for cutting stock. Computers & Operations Research, 48, 69-80.
Buchwald, T., & Scheithauer, G. (2016). Upper bounds for heuristic approaches to the strip packing problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 23, 93-111.
Buer, S. V., Stranghagen, J. O., & Chan, F. T. S. (2018). The link between Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing: Mapping current research and establishing a research agenda. International Journal of Production Research, 56, 2924-2940.
Burke, E. K., Kendal, G., & Whitwell, G. (2004). A new placement heuristic for the orthogonal stock-cutting problem. Operations Research, 52, 655-671.
Bystronic. (2023). BySmart Fiber: Smart access for laser cutting of metal. Retrieved from Accessed September 28, 2024.
Çaidas, U., & Hasçalik, A. (2008). Use of the grey relational analysis to determine optimum laser cutting parameters with multi-performance characteristics. Optics & Laser Technology, 40, 987-994.
Chazelle, B. (1983). The bottom-left bin-packing heuristic: An efficient implementation. IEEE Transactions on Computing, 100, 697-707.
Chen, B., Wang, Y., & Yang, S. (2015). A hybrid demon algorithm for the two-dimensional orthogonal strip packing problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 541931.
Chen, W., Zhai, P., Zhu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Hybrid algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangular layer-packing problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65(7), 1068–1077.
Chernov, N., Stoyan, Y., & Romanova, T. (2010). Mathematical model and efficient algorithms for object packing problem. Computational Geometry, 43, 535–553.
Cherri, A. C., Arenales, M. N., & Yansse, H. H. (2013). The usable leftover one-dimensional cutting stock problem—a priority-in-use heuristic. International Transactions in Operational Research, 20, 189–199.
Christofides, N., & Whitlock, C. (1977). An algorithm for two-dimensional cutting problems. Operations Research, 25, 30–44.
Coffman, E., Garey, M. R., Johnson, D. S., & Tarjan, R. E. (1980). Performance bounds for level-oriented two-dimensional packing algorithms. SIAM Journal on Computing, 9, 808–826.
Coffman, E. F., & Shor, P. W. (1990). Average-case analysis of cutting and packing in two dimensions. European Journal of Operational Research, 44, 134–144.
Côté, J. F., & Iori, M. (2018). The Meet-in-the-Middle Principle for Cutting and Packing. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 30, 646–661.
Cui, Y., Yang, L., & Cheng, Q. (2013). Heuristic for the rectangular strip packing problem with rotation of items. Computers & Operations Research, 40, 1094–1099.
Cui, Y., Yang, Y., Cheng, X., & Song, P. (2008). A recursive branch-and-bound algorithm for the rectangular guillotine strip packing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 35, 1281–1291.
Elsheikh, A. H., Shehabeldeen, T. A., Zhou, J., Showaib, E., & Elaziz, M. A. (2021). Prediction of laser cutting parameters for polymethylmethacrylate sheets using random vector functional link network integrated with equilibrium optimizer. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 32, 1377–1388.
Eswaramoorthi, M., Kathiresan, G. R., Prasa, P. S. S., & Mohanram, P. V. (2011). A survey on lean practices in Indian machine tool industries. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52, 1091–1101.
Fanslau, T., & Bortfeldt, A. (2010). A tree search algorithm for solving the container loading problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 22, 222–235.
Francescatto, M., Neuenfeldt, A., Silva, E., Furtado, J. C., & Bromberger, D. (2023). Impact of minimum distance constraints on sheet metal waste for plasma cutting. PLOS ONE.
Gaustad, G., Krystofik, M., Bustamente, M., & Badami, K. (2018). Circular economy strategies for mitigating critical material supply issues. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 135, 24–33.
Ghany, K. A., & Newishy, M. (2005). Cutting of 1.2 mm thick austenitic stainless steel sheet using pulsed and CW Nd laser. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 168, 438–447.
Gracia, C., Andrés, C., & Gracia, L. (2013). A hybrid approach based on genetic algorithms to solve the problem of cutting structural beams in a metalwork company. Journal of Heuristics, 19, 253–273.
Hifi, M., & Ouafi, R. (1998). A Best-first Branch-and-bound algorithm for orthogonal rectangular packing problems. International Transactions in Operational Research, 5(3), 345–356.
Hopper, E. (2000). Two-dimensional packing utilizing evolutionary algorithms and other meta-heuristic methods [Ph.D. thesis].
Hopper, E., & Turton, B. (1999). A genetic algorithm for a 2D industrial packing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 37(3), 375–378.
Hopper, E., & Turton, B. C. H. (2001). Empirical investigation of meta-heuristic and heuristic algorithms for a 2D packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 128(1), 34–57.
Imahori, S., & Yagiura, M. (2010). The best-fit heuristic for the rectangular strip packing problem: An efficient implementation and the worst-case approximation ratio. Computers and Operations Research, 37(3), 325–333.
Iori, M., de Lima, V. L., Martello, S., Miyazawa, F. K., & Monaci, M. (2021). Exact solution techniques for two-dimensional cutting and packing. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(2), 399–415.
Jasti, N. V. K., & Kodali, R. (2014). Lean production: Literature review and trends. International Journal of Production Research, 53(3), 867–885.
Júnior, A. N., Silva, E., Francescatto, M., Rosa, C. B., & Siluk, J. (2022). The rectangular two-dimensional strip packing problem real-life practical constraints: A bibliometric overview. Computers & Operations Research, 137, 105521.
Kokten, E. S., & Sel, Ç. (2022). A cutting stock problem in the wood products industry: A two-stage solution approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(3), 879–907.
Kos, L., & Duhvonik, J. (2002). Cutting optimization with variable-sized stock and inventory status data. International Journal of Production Research, 40(11), 2289–2301.
Leung, S. C. H., & Zhang, D. (2011). A fast layer-based heuristic for non-guillotine strip packing. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 13032–13042.
Liu, D., & Teng, H. (1999). An improved BL-algorithm for genetic algorithm of the orthogonal packing of rectangles. European Journal of Operational Research, 112(3), 413–420.
Liu, K., Zhang, H., Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, Y., & Chen, Q. (2023). Robust optimization for the two-dimensional strip-packing problem with variable-sized bins. Mathematics, 11(23), 4781.
Lodi, A., Martello, S., & Vigo, D. (1999). Approximation algorithms for the oriented two-dimensional bin packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 112(1), 158–166.
Madhukar, Y. K., Mullic, S., & Nath, A. K. (2016). An investigation on co-axial water-jet assisted fiber laser cutting of metal sheets. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 77, 203–218.
Martello, S., Monaci, M., & Vigo, D. (2003). An exact approach to the strip-packing problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15(3), 310–319.
Nascimento, D., Alencastro, V., Quelhas, O., Caiado, R., Garza-Reyes, J., Rocha-Lona, L., & Tortorella, G. (2018). Exploring Industry 4.0 technologies to enable circular economy practices in a manufacturing context: A business model proposal. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(3), 607–627.
Na, G.-Y., & Yang, J. (2023). Two-dimensional polygon classification and pairwise clustering for pairing in ship parts nesting. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
Neuenfeldt, A. J., Francescatto, M., Araújo, O., Disconzi, D., & Stieler, G. (2023). The machining torch movement for the rectangular plasma sheet metal cut. PLoS ONE.
Ntene, N. (2007). An algorithmic approach to the 2D oriented strip packing problem (PhD thesis).
Ntene, N., & Van Vuuren, J.H. (2009). A survey and comparison of guillotine heuristics for the 2D oriented offline strip packing problem. Discrete Optimization, 6, 174–188.
Oliveira, J. F., Neuenfeldt Jr, A., Silva, E., & Carravilla, M. A. (2016). A survey on heuristics for the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem. Pesquisa Operacional, 36, 197–226.
Ortmann, F. G., Ntene, N., & Van Vuuren, J. H. (2010). New and improved level heuristics for the rectangular strip packing and variable-sized bin packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 203, 306–315.
Özcan, E., Kaiz, Z., & Drake, J. H. (2013). Bidirectional best-fit heuristic considering compound placement for two-dimensional orthogonal rectangular strip packing. Expert Systems with Applications, 40, 4035–4043.
Rajaram, N., Sheikh-Ahmad, J., & Cheraghi, S. H. (2003). C2 laser cut quality of 4130 steel. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43, 351–358.
Silva, E., Oliveira, J. F., & Wäscher, G. (2014). 2DCPackGen: A problem generator for two-dimensional rectangular cutting and packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 237, 846–856.
Sweeney, P. E., & Paternoster, E. R. (1992). Cutting and packing problems: A categorized, application-orientated research bibliography. Journal of Operational Research Society, 43, 691–706.
TRUMPF. (2023). 2D laser cutting machines TruLaser 1030 fiber/1040 fiber/1060 fiber. Retrieved from Accessed September 28, 2024.
Vasilyev, I., Ushakov, A. V., Zhang, D., & Ren, J. (2023). Generalized multiple strip packing problem: Formulations, applications, and solution algorithms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 178, 109096.
Vinodh, S., Kumar, S. V., & Vimal, K. E. K. (2012). Implementing lean sigma in an Indian rotary switches manufacturing organization. Production Planning & Control, 25, 288–302.
Wang, P. Y., & Valenzuela, C. L. (2001). Data set generation for rectangular placement problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 134, 378–391.
Wang, Z., Daofang, C., & Xingyu, M. (2022). Optimization of two-dimensional irregular bin packing problem considering slit distance and free rotation of pieces. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(4), 491–506.
Wäscher, G., Haußner, H., & Schumann, H. (2007). An improved typology of cutting and packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 183, 1109–1130.
Wei, L., Tian, T., Hu, Z., & Lim, A. (2014). A block-based layer building approach for the 2D guillotine strip packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 239, 58–69.
Wei, L., Wang, Y., Cheng, H., & Huang, J. (2019). An open space-based heuristic for the 2D strip packing problem with unloading constraints. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 70, 67–81.
Xu, J., & Yang, W. (2022). Multi-objective steel plate cutting optimization problem based on real number coding genetic algorithm. Scientific Reports, 12, 22472.
Yao, S., Zhang, H., Wei, L., & Liu, Q. (2025). An exact approach for the two-dimensional strip packing problem with defects. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 200(110866).
Ali, A., Wang, Y., & Alvarado, J. (2019). Facilitating industrial symbiosis to achieve circular economy using value-added by design: A case study in transforming the automobile industry sheet metal waste-flow into Voronoi facade systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 1033-1044.
Alvarez-Valdés, R., Martínez, A., & Tamarit, J. M. (2013). A branch & bound algorithm for cutting and packing irregularly shaped pieces. International Journal of Production Economics, 145, 463-477.
AMADA. (2023). REGIUS-AJ. Retrieved from Accessed September 28, 2024.
Aşık, O. B., & Özcan, E. (2009). Bidirectional best-fit heuristic for orthogonal rectangular strip packing. Annals of Operations Research, 172, 405-427.
Baker, B. S., Coffman Jr, E. G., & Rivest, R. L. (1980). Orthogonal packings in two dimensions. SIAM Journal on Computing, 9, 846-855.
Baldi, M. M., & Bruglieri, M. (2017). On the generalized bin packing problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 24, 425-438.
Beasley, J. E. (1985). Exact two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting tree search procedure. Operations Research, 33, 49-64.
Bengtsson, B. E. (1982). Packing rectangular pieces – A heuristic approach. The Computer Journal, 25, 353-357.
Bennel, J., & Oliveira, J. (2008). The geometry of nesting problems: A tutorial. European Journal of Operational Research, 184, 397-415.
Berkey, J. O., & Wang, P. Y. (1987). Two-dimensional finite bin-packing algorithms. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 38, 423-429.
Berkmanns, J., & Faerber, M. (2008). Laser cutting LASERLINE®. Retrieved from
Bertolini, M., Mezzogori, D., & Zammori, F. (2024). Hybrid heuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers and additional operating constraints. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 15(1), 149-170.
Bortfeldt, A., & Jungmann, S. (2012). A tree search algorithm for solving the multi-dimensional strip packing problem with guillotine cutting constraint. Annals of Operations Research, 196, 53-71.
Brandão, F., & Pedroso, J. P. (2014). Fast pattern-based algorithms for cutting stock. Computers & Operations Research, 48, 69-80.
Buchwald, T., & Scheithauer, G. (2016). Upper bounds for heuristic approaches to the strip packing problem. International Transactions in Operational Research, 23, 93-111.
Buer, S. V., Stranghagen, J. O., & Chan, F. T. S. (2018). The link between Industry 4.0 and lean manufacturing: Mapping current research and establishing a research agenda. International Journal of Production Research, 56, 2924-2940.
Burke, E. K., Kendal, G., & Whitwell, G. (2004). A new placement heuristic for the orthogonal stock-cutting problem. Operations Research, 52, 655-671.
Bystronic. (2023). BySmart Fiber: Smart access for laser cutting of metal. Retrieved from Accessed September 28, 2024.
Çaidas, U., & Hasçalik, A. (2008). Use of the grey relational analysis to determine optimum laser cutting parameters with multi-performance characteristics. Optics & Laser Technology, 40, 987-994.
Chazelle, B. (1983). The bottom-left bin-packing heuristic: An efficient implementation. IEEE Transactions on Computing, 100, 697-707.
Chen, B., Wang, Y., & Yang, S. (2015). A hybrid demon algorithm for the two-dimensional orthogonal strip packing problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015, 541931.
Chen, W., Zhai, P., Zhu, H., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Hybrid algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangular layer-packing problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65(7), 1068–1077.
Chernov, N., Stoyan, Y., & Romanova, T. (2010). Mathematical model and efficient algorithms for object packing problem. Computational Geometry, 43, 535–553.
Cherri, A. C., Arenales, M. N., & Yansse, H. H. (2013). The usable leftover one-dimensional cutting stock problem—a priority-in-use heuristic. International Transactions in Operational Research, 20, 189–199.
Christofides, N., & Whitlock, C. (1977). An algorithm for two-dimensional cutting problems. Operations Research, 25, 30–44.
Coffman, E., Garey, M. R., Johnson, D. S., & Tarjan, R. E. (1980). Performance bounds for level-oriented two-dimensional packing algorithms. SIAM Journal on Computing, 9, 808–826.
Coffman, E. F., & Shor, P. W. (1990). Average-case analysis of cutting and packing in two dimensions. European Journal of Operational Research, 44, 134–144.
Côté, J. F., & Iori, M. (2018). The Meet-in-the-Middle Principle for Cutting and Packing. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 30, 646–661.
Cui, Y., Yang, L., & Cheng, Q. (2013). Heuristic for the rectangular strip packing problem with rotation of items. Computers & Operations Research, 40, 1094–1099.
Cui, Y., Yang, Y., Cheng, X., & Song, P. (2008). A recursive branch-and-bound algorithm for the rectangular guillotine strip packing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 35, 1281–1291.
Elsheikh, A. H., Shehabeldeen, T. A., Zhou, J., Showaib, E., & Elaziz, M. A. (2021). Prediction of laser cutting parameters for polymethylmethacrylate sheets using random vector functional link network integrated with equilibrium optimizer. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 32, 1377–1388.
Eswaramoorthi, M., Kathiresan, G. R., Prasa, P. S. S., & Mohanram, P. V. (2011). A survey on lean practices in Indian machine tool industries. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 52, 1091–1101.
Fanslau, T., & Bortfeldt, A. (2010). A tree search algorithm for solving the container loading problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 22, 222–235.
Francescatto, M., Neuenfeldt, A., Silva, E., Furtado, J. C., & Bromberger, D. (2023). Impact of minimum distance constraints on sheet metal waste for plasma cutting. PLOS ONE.
Gaustad, G., Krystofik, M., Bustamente, M., & Badami, K. (2018). Circular economy strategies for mitigating critical material supply issues. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 135, 24–33.
Ghany, K. A., & Newishy, M. (2005). Cutting of 1.2 mm thick austenitic stainless steel sheet using pulsed and CW Nd laser. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 168, 438–447.
Gracia, C., Andrés, C., & Gracia, L. (2013). A hybrid approach based on genetic algorithms to solve the problem of cutting structural beams in a metalwork company. Journal of Heuristics, 19, 253–273.
Hifi, M., & Ouafi, R. (1998). A Best-first Branch-and-bound algorithm for orthogonal rectangular packing problems. International Transactions in Operational Research, 5(3), 345–356.
Hopper, E. (2000). Two-dimensional packing utilizing evolutionary algorithms and other meta-heuristic methods [Ph.D. thesis].
Hopper, E., & Turton, B. (1999). A genetic algorithm for a 2D industrial packing problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 37(3), 375–378.
Hopper, E., & Turton, B. C. H. (2001). Empirical investigation of meta-heuristic and heuristic algorithms for a 2D packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 128(1), 34–57.
Imahori, S., & Yagiura, M. (2010). The best-fit heuristic for the rectangular strip packing problem: An efficient implementation and the worst-case approximation ratio. Computers and Operations Research, 37(3), 325–333.
Iori, M., de Lima, V. L., Martello, S., Miyazawa, F. K., & Monaci, M. (2021). Exact solution techniques for two-dimensional cutting and packing. European Journal of Operational Research, 289(2), 399–415.
Jasti, N. V. K., & Kodali, R. (2014). Lean production: Literature review and trends. International Journal of Production Research, 53(3), 867–885.
Júnior, A. N., Silva, E., Francescatto, M., Rosa, C. B., & Siluk, J. (2022). The rectangular two-dimensional strip packing problem real-life practical constraints: A bibliometric overview. Computers & Operations Research, 137, 105521.
Kokten, E. S., & Sel, Ç. (2022). A cutting stock problem in the wood products industry: A two-stage solution approach. International Transactions in Operational Research, 29(3), 879–907.
Kos, L., & Duhvonik, J. (2002). Cutting optimization with variable-sized stock and inventory status data. International Journal of Production Research, 40(11), 2289–2301.
Leung, S. C. H., & Zhang, D. (2011). A fast layer-based heuristic for non-guillotine strip packing. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 13032–13042.
Liu, D., & Teng, H. (1999). An improved BL-algorithm for genetic algorithm of the orthogonal packing of rectangles. European Journal of Operational Research, 112(3), 413–420.
Liu, K., Zhang, H., Wang, C., Li, H., Chen, Y., & Chen, Q. (2023). Robust optimization for the two-dimensional strip-packing problem with variable-sized bins. Mathematics, 11(23), 4781.
Lodi, A., Martello, S., & Vigo, D. (1999). Approximation algorithms for the oriented two-dimensional bin packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 112(1), 158–166.
Madhukar, Y. K., Mullic, S., & Nath, A. K. (2016). An investigation on co-axial water-jet assisted fiber laser cutting of metal sheets. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 77, 203–218.
Martello, S., Monaci, M., & Vigo, D. (2003). An exact approach to the strip-packing problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 15(3), 310–319.
Nascimento, D., Alencastro, V., Quelhas, O., Caiado, R., Garza-Reyes, J., Rocha-Lona, L., & Tortorella, G. (2018). Exploring Industry 4.0 technologies to enable circular economy practices in a manufacturing context: A business model proposal. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(3), 607–627.
Na, G.-Y., & Yang, J. (2023). Two-dimensional polygon classification and pairwise clustering for pairing in ship parts nesting. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
Neuenfeldt, A. J., Francescatto, M., Araújo, O., Disconzi, D., & Stieler, G. (2023). The machining torch movement for the rectangular plasma sheet metal cut. PLoS ONE.
Ntene, N. (2007). An algorithmic approach to the 2D oriented strip packing problem (PhD thesis).
Ntene, N., & Van Vuuren, J.H. (2009). A survey and comparison of guillotine heuristics for the 2D oriented offline strip packing problem. Discrete Optimization, 6, 174–188.
Oliveira, J. F., Neuenfeldt Jr, A., Silva, E., & Carravilla, M. A. (2016). A survey on heuristics for the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem. Pesquisa Operacional, 36, 197–226.
Ortmann, F. G., Ntene, N., & Van Vuuren, J. H. (2010). New and improved level heuristics for the rectangular strip packing and variable-sized bin packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 203, 306–315.
Özcan, E., Kaiz, Z., & Drake, J. H. (2013). Bidirectional best-fit heuristic considering compound placement for two-dimensional orthogonal rectangular strip packing. Expert Systems with Applications, 40, 4035–4043.
Rajaram, N., Sheikh-Ahmad, J., & Cheraghi, S. H. (2003). C2 laser cut quality of 4130 steel. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 43, 351–358.
Silva, E., Oliveira, J. F., & Wäscher, G. (2014). 2DCPackGen: A problem generator for two-dimensional rectangular cutting and packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 237, 846–856.
Sweeney, P. E., & Paternoster, E. R. (1992). Cutting and packing problems: A categorized, application-orientated research bibliography. Journal of Operational Research Society, 43, 691–706.
TRUMPF. (2023). 2D laser cutting machines TruLaser 1030 fiber/1040 fiber/1060 fiber. Retrieved from Accessed September 28, 2024.
Vasilyev, I., Ushakov, A. V., Zhang, D., & Ren, J. (2023). Generalized multiple strip packing problem: Formulations, applications, and solution algorithms. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 178, 109096.
Vinodh, S., Kumar, S. V., & Vimal, K. E. K. (2012). Implementing lean sigma in an Indian rotary switches manufacturing organization. Production Planning & Control, 25, 288–302.
Wang, P. Y., & Valenzuela, C. L. (2001). Data set generation for rectangular placement problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 134, 378–391.
Wang, Z., Daofang, C., & Xingyu, M. (2022). Optimization of two-dimensional irregular bin packing problem considering slit distance and free rotation of pieces. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(4), 491–506.
Wäscher, G., Haußner, H., & Schumann, H. (2007). An improved typology of cutting and packing problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 183, 1109–1130.
Wei, L., Tian, T., Hu, Z., & Lim, A. (2014). A block-based layer building approach for the 2D guillotine strip packing problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 239, 58–69.
Wei, L., Wang, Y., Cheng, H., & Huang, J. (2019). An open space-based heuristic for the 2D strip packing problem with unloading constraints. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 70, 67–81.
Xu, J., & Yang, W. (2022). Multi-objective steel plate cutting optimization problem based on real number coding genetic algorithm. Scientific Reports, 12, 22472.
Yao, S., Zhang, H., Wei, L., & Liu, Q. (2025). An exact approach for the two-dimensional strip packing problem with defects. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 200(110866).