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Flores-Vilcapoma, L., Aliaga-Miranda, A., Callupe-Cueva, P., Porras-Rojas, M., Ponce-de-León-Berrios, J., Chavarry-Becerra, W & Lozano-Quisp, A. (2025). Predicting production costs in procurement logistics: A comparison of OLS regression and neural networks in a Peruvian paper company.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 351-360.
Adama, H. E., Popoola, O. A., Okeke, C. D., & Akinoso, A. E. (2024). Theoretical frameworks supporting IT and business strategy alignment for sustained competitive advantage. International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Re-search, 6(4), 1273-1287.
Bajpai, P. (2021). Nonwood plant fibers for pulp and paper. Elsevier.
Burton, A. L. (2021). OLS (Linear) regression. The encyclopedia of research methods in criminology and Criminal Justice, 2, 509-514.
Cen, C. C. (2023). Maximizing Business Success: The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices, Cost-Efficient Supply Chain Management, and Top Management Support on Financial Performance. AgBioForum, 25(1), 242-254.
Chauhan, S., & Meena, B. L. (2021). Introduction to pulp and paper industry: Global scenario. Physical Sciences Re-views, 6(5), 81-109.
Chopra, S., Meindl, P. (2007). Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning & Operation. In: Boersch, C., Elschen, R. (eds) Das Summa Summarum des Management. Gabler.
Corboș, R. A., Bunea, O. I., & Jiroveanu, D. C. (2023). The effects of strategic procurement 4.0 performance on organizational competitiveness in the circular economy. Logistics, 7(1), 13.
Dai, M., Sun, M., Chen, B., Xie, H., Zhang, D., Han, Z., ... & Wang, Y. (2023). Advancing sustainability in China's pulp and paper industry requires coordinated raw material supply and waste paper management. Resources, Conservation and Recy-cling, 198, 107162.
Dastres, R., & Soori, M. (2021). Artificial neural network systems. International Journal of Imaging and Robotics (IJIR), 21(2), 13-25.
Del Rio, D. D. F., Sovacool, B. K., Griffiths, S., Bazilian, M., Kim, J., Foley, A. M., & Rooney, D. (2022). Decarbonizing the pulp and paper industry: A critical and systematic review of sociotechnical developments and policy options. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 167, 112706.
Donyavi, S., Flanagan, R., Assadi-Langroudi, A., & Parisi, L. (2023). Understanding the complexity of materials procurement in construction projects to build a conceptual framework influencing supply chain management of MSMEs. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(2), 177–186.
Flores, J. A., Olivera, E., Flores, J. M., Contreras, Y. C., & Pulido, V. (2024). Responsible Ecological Behavior in Participa-tion, Resource Saving, Recycling and Reuse in Peruvian University Students. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(4), 136-150.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R. (2022). Gestión de aprovisionamiento y su efecto en los costos de producción de la empresa Softys-Perú.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R. (2024). Logística de aprovisionamiento y su influencia en los costos de producción de la empresa Productos Tissue del Perú SAC.
Flores-Vilcapoma, L., Sanchez-Solis, Y., & Vicente-Ramos, W. (2021). The effect of production costs on the provisioning management of materials: Evidence from paper industry in Peru. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 99-106. Doi: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.11.005
Flores-Vilcapoma, L. R., Sánchez-Solis, Y., Rodríguez, P. B. V., Alikhan-Calizaya, M. C., Ramírez-Medrano, P., Andia-Conislla, D. D., & Castellares, J. H. C. (2021). Procurement of materials: A resource to optimize costs in Peruvian small and medium-sized companies. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 5(4), 233-244.
Garcia, R., Calvez, I., Koubaa, A., Landry, V., & Cloutier, A. (2024). Sustainability, Circularity, and Innovation in Wood-based Panel Manufacturing in the 2020s: Opportunities and Challenges. Current Forestry Reports, 10(6), 420-441.
Hameri, AP, & Lehtonen, JM (2001). Estrategias de gestión de la producción y el suministro en las fábricas de papel nórdicas. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 17 (3), 379-396.
Hendarto, T., Haanurat, A. I., & Dhakal, A. (2023). Does TQM affect Indonesian food sector production efficiently?. Revenue Journal: Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 44-50.
Innerlohinger, J. A. Man-made Cellulose Fibers in the View of Sustainability and Circularity. In Book of Abstracts (p. 51).
Jaboob, A. S., Awain, A. M. B., & Ali, K. A. M. (2024). Introduction to Operation and Supply Chain Management for Entre-preneurship. In Applying Business Intelligence and Innovation to Entrepreneurship (pp. 52-80). IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1846-1.ch004
Palmer, A. M., & Cohen, D. H. (2020). Adapting to the Digital Age: Strategic Change in the Pulp and Paper Sec-tor. BioProducts Business, 69-86.
Pallete, F., Rivera, L., Tacza, L., Luna, A., & Chong, M. (2022). Distribution Network Optimization in the Peruvian Agro-Industrial Sector. In Algorithms and Computational Techniques Applied to Industry (pp. 341-363). Cham: Springer Interna-tional Publishing.
Pathak, P., & Sharma, C. (2023). Processes and problems of pulp and paper industry: an over-view. Physical Sciences Reviews, 8(2), 299-325.
Pérez Gilabert, F. A., & Pena Acevedo, J. L. (2022). The role played by supply chain strategies and supply chain integration in financial performance: An empirical study in Peru. Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, 33, 49-73. doi:10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.5906
Porter, M. (2003). Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter.
Puma-Flores, M., & Rosa-Díaz, I. M. (2024). Promoting sustainable agri-food systems through sustainability and responsible marketing: The case of peruvian companies at international trade shows. Journal of Cleaner Production, 448, 141568.
Karabağ, O., & Gökgür, B. (2023). Integrated optimisation of pricing, manufacturing, and procurement decisions of a make-to-stock system operating in a fluctuating environment. International Journal of Production Research, 61(24), 8423-8450.
Khursheed, S., Sharma, S., Paul, V. K., Al-Farouni, M., & Yoldosheva, C. (2024). Forecasting Delays and Budget overruns re-sulting from Material-Related Factors. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 563, p. 02045). EDP Sciences.
Kumar, A., Pathak, P., & Dutt, D. (Eds.). (2021). Green Pulp and Paper Industry: Biotechnology for Ecofriendly Processing. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
Lakshmi, K., Mahaboob, B., Rajaiah, M. y Narayana, C. (2021). Estimación de parámetros de un modelo lineal mediante mí-nimos cuadrados ordinarios. J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2), 2015-2030.
Monjur, M. E. I., & Akon, T. (2023). Supply chain management and logistics: How important interconnection is for business success. Open Journal of Business and Management, 11(5), 2505-2524. Doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2023.115139
Nguyen, C. (2024). Optimizing supply chain efficiency: a case study of operative purchasing at company X.
Rajabzadeh, H., Rabiee, M., & Sarkis, J. (2024). Sourcing from risky reverse channels: Insights on pricing and resilience strat-egies in sustainable supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 276, 109373.
Sakas, D. P., Giannakopoulos, N. T., Kanellos, N., Christopoulos, C., & Toudas, K. S. (2023). Determining Factors for Supply Chain Services Provider Selection and Long-Term Relationship Maintenance: Evidence from Greece. Logistics, 7(4), 73.
Sebata, D. (2024). Investigating How Logistics Operations Affect an Organization’s Financial Performance.
Smith, AD (2023). Potencial de marketing de productos de papel ecológicos: estudio de caso. Revista internacional de pre-visión empresarial e inteligencia de marketing, 8 (2), 157-178.
Suriani, M. J., Ilyas, R. A., Zuhri, M. Y. M., Khalina, A., Sultan, M. T. H., Sapuan, S. M., ... & Sharma, S. (2021). Critical re-view of natural fiber reinforced hybrid composites: Processing, properties, applications and cost. Polymers, 13(20), 3514.
Suykens, J. A., Vandewalle, J. P., & De Moor, B. L. (2012). Artificial neural networks for modelling and control of non-linear systems. Springer Science & Business Media.
Vallenas, A., & Velarde, G. (2022). Análisis de flujo de materiales de los envases de cartón para bebidas para producción, consumo y comercio en Perú durante 2018. South Sustainability, 3(1), e052-e052.
Vaka, D. K. (2024). Enhancing Supplier Relationships: Critical Factors in Procurement Supplier Selection. Journal of Artifi-cial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, 2(1), 229-233.
Vegas, E., Castanho, RA, Huanco, A., & Hermoza, R. (2024). Company, Environment, and the Sustainable Development. In ESG and Ecosystem Services for Sustainability (pp. 1-28). Doi: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3771-4.ch001
Wang, J., Wang, L., Gardner, D. J., Shaler, S. M., & Cai, Z. (2021). Towards a cellulose-based society: opportunities and chal-lenges. Cellulose, 28, 4511-4543.
Weisburd, D., Wilson, D. B., Wooditch, A., Britt, C., Weisburd, D., Wilson, D. B., ... & Britt, C. (2022). Multiple regres-sion. Advanced Statistics in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 15-72.
Bajpai, P. (2021). Nonwood plant fibers for pulp and paper. Elsevier.
Burton, A. L. (2021). OLS (Linear) regression. The encyclopedia of research methods in criminology and Criminal Justice, 2, 509-514.
Cen, C. C. (2023). Maximizing Business Success: The Influence of Human Resource Management Practices, Cost-Efficient Supply Chain Management, and Top Management Support on Financial Performance. AgBioForum, 25(1), 242-254.
Chauhan, S., & Meena, B. L. (2021). Introduction to pulp and paper industry: Global scenario. Physical Sciences Re-views, 6(5), 81-109.
Chopra, S., Meindl, P. (2007). Supply Chain Management. Strategy, Planning & Operation. In: Boersch, C., Elschen, R. (eds) Das Summa Summarum des Management. Gabler.
Corboș, R. A., Bunea, O. I., & Jiroveanu, D. C. (2023). The effects of strategic procurement 4.0 performance on organizational competitiveness in the circular economy. Logistics, 7(1), 13.
Dai, M., Sun, M., Chen, B., Xie, H., Zhang, D., Han, Z., ... & Wang, Y. (2023). Advancing sustainability in China's pulp and paper industry requires coordinated raw material supply and waste paper management. Resources, Conservation and Recy-cling, 198, 107162.
Dastres, R., & Soori, M. (2021). Artificial neural network systems. International Journal of Imaging and Robotics (IJIR), 21(2), 13-25.
Del Rio, D. D. F., Sovacool, B. K., Griffiths, S., Bazilian, M., Kim, J., Foley, A. M., & Rooney, D. (2022). Decarbonizing the pulp and paper industry: A critical and systematic review of sociotechnical developments and policy options. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 167, 112706.
Donyavi, S., Flanagan, R., Assadi-Langroudi, A., & Parisi, L. (2023). Understanding the complexity of materials procurement in construction projects to build a conceptual framework influencing supply chain management of MSMEs. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(2), 177–186.
Flores, J. A., Olivera, E., Flores, J. M., Contreras, Y. C., & Pulido, V. (2024). Responsible Ecological Behavior in Participa-tion, Resource Saving, Recycling and Reuse in Peruvian University Students. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(4), 136-150.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R. (2022). Gestión de aprovisionamiento y su efecto en los costos de producción de la empresa Softys-Perú.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R. (2024). Logística de aprovisionamiento y su influencia en los costos de producción de la empresa Productos Tissue del Perú SAC.
Flores-Vilcapoma, L., Sanchez-Solis, Y., & Vicente-Ramos, W. (2021). The effect of production costs on the provisioning management of materials: Evidence from paper industry in Peru. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 99-106. Doi: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.11.005
Flores-Vilcapoma, L. R., Sánchez-Solis, Y., Rodríguez, P. B. V., Alikhan-Calizaya, M. C., Ramírez-Medrano, P., Andia-Conislla, D. D., & Castellares, J. H. C. (2021). Procurement of materials: A resource to optimize costs in Peruvian small and medium-sized companies. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 5(4), 233-244.
Garcia, R., Calvez, I., Koubaa, A., Landry, V., & Cloutier, A. (2024). Sustainability, Circularity, and Innovation in Wood-based Panel Manufacturing in the 2020s: Opportunities and Challenges. Current Forestry Reports, 10(6), 420-441.
Hameri, AP, & Lehtonen, JM (2001). Estrategias de gestión de la producción y el suministro en las fábricas de papel nórdicas. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 17 (3), 379-396.
Hendarto, T., Haanurat, A. I., & Dhakal, A. (2023). Does TQM affect Indonesian food sector production efficiently?. Revenue Journal: Management and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 44-50.
Innerlohinger, J. A. Man-made Cellulose Fibers in the View of Sustainability and Circularity. In Book of Abstracts (p. 51).
Jaboob, A. S., Awain, A. M. B., & Ali, K. A. M. (2024). Introduction to Operation and Supply Chain Management for Entre-preneurship. In Applying Business Intelligence and Innovation to Entrepreneurship (pp. 52-80). IGI Global. Doi: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1846-1.ch004
Palmer, A. M., & Cohen, D. H. (2020). Adapting to the Digital Age: Strategic Change in the Pulp and Paper Sec-tor. BioProducts Business, 69-86.
Pallete, F., Rivera, L., Tacza, L., Luna, A., & Chong, M. (2022). Distribution Network Optimization in the Peruvian Agro-Industrial Sector. In Algorithms and Computational Techniques Applied to Industry (pp. 341-363). Cham: Springer Interna-tional Publishing.
Pathak, P., & Sharma, C. (2023). Processes and problems of pulp and paper industry: an over-view. Physical Sciences Reviews, 8(2), 299-325.
Pérez Gilabert, F. A., & Pena Acevedo, J. L. (2022). The role played by supply chain strategies and supply chain integration in financial performance: An empirical study in Peru. Revista de Métodos Cuantitativos para la Economía y la Empresa, 33, 49-73. doi:10.46661/revmetodoscuanteconempresa.5906
Porter, M. (2003). Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter.
Puma-Flores, M., & Rosa-Díaz, I. M. (2024). Promoting sustainable agri-food systems through sustainability and responsible marketing: The case of peruvian companies at international trade shows. Journal of Cleaner Production, 448, 141568.
Karabağ, O., & Gökgür, B. (2023). Integrated optimisation of pricing, manufacturing, and procurement decisions of a make-to-stock system operating in a fluctuating environment. International Journal of Production Research, 61(24), 8423-8450.
Khursheed, S., Sharma, S., Paul, V. K., Al-Farouni, M., & Yoldosheva, C. (2024). Forecasting Delays and Budget overruns re-sulting from Material-Related Factors. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 563, p. 02045). EDP Sciences.
Kumar, A., Pathak, P., & Dutt, D. (Eds.). (2021). Green Pulp and Paper Industry: Biotechnology for Ecofriendly Processing. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
Lakshmi, K., Mahaboob, B., Rajaiah, M. y Narayana, C. (2021). Estimación de parámetros de un modelo lineal mediante mí-nimos cuadrados ordinarios. J. Math. Comput. Sci., 11 (2), 2015-2030.
Monjur, M. E. I., & Akon, T. (2023). Supply chain management and logistics: How important interconnection is for business success. Open Journal of Business and Management, 11(5), 2505-2524. Doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2023.115139
Nguyen, C. (2024). Optimizing supply chain efficiency: a case study of operative purchasing at company X.
Rajabzadeh, H., Rabiee, M., & Sarkis, J. (2024). Sourcing from risky reverse channels: Insights on pricing and resilience strat-egies in sustainable supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 276, 109373.
Sakas, D. P., Giannakopoulos, N. T., Kanellos, N., Christopoulos, C., & Toudas, K. S. (2023). Determining Factors for Supply Chain Services Provider Selection and Long-Term Relationship Maintenance: Evidence from Greece. Logistics, 7(4), 73.
Sebata, D. (2024). Investigating How Logistics Operations Affect an Organization’s Financial Performance.
Smith, AD (2023). Potencial de marketing de productos de papel ecológicos: estudio de caso. Revista internacional de pre-visión empresarial e inteligencia de marketing, 8 (2), 157-178.
Suriani, M. J., Ilyas, R. A., Zuhri, M. Y. M., Khalina, A., Sultan, M. T. H., Sapuan, S. M., ... & Sharma, S. (2021). Critical re-view of natural fiber reinforced hybrid composites: Processing, properties, applications and cost. Polymers, 13(20), 3514.
Suykens, J. A., Vandewalle, J. P., & De Moor, B. L. (2012). Artificial neural networks for modelling and control of non-linear systems. Springer Science & Business Media.
Vallenas, A., & Velarde, G. (2022). Análisis de flujo de materiales de los envases de cartón para bebidas para producción, consumo y comercio en Perú durante 2018. South Sustainability, 3(1), e052-e052.
Vaka, D. K. (2024). Enhancing Supplier Relationships: Critical Factors in Procurement Supplier Selection. Journal of Artifi-cial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, 2(1), 229-233.
Vegas, E., Castanho, RA, Huanco, A., & Hermoza, R. (2024). Company, Environment, and the Sustainable Development. In ESG and Ecosystem Services for Sustainability (pp. 1-28). Doi: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3771-4.ch001
Wang, J., Wang, L., Gardner, D. J., Shaler, S. M., & Cai, Z. (2021). Towards a cellulose-based society: opportunities and chal-lenges. Cellulose, 28, 4511-4543.
Weisburd, D., Wilson, D. B., Wooditch, A., Britt, C., Weisburd, D., Wilson, D. B., ... & Britt, C. (2022). Multiple regres-sion. Advanced Statistics in Criminology and Criminal Justice, 15-72.