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Knouch, M., Lefkir, H & Alqahtani, H. (2025). The effects of environmental sustainability orientation on the sustainable performance, the mediating role of green supply chain management and moderating role of environmental collaboration: Evidence from Algeria.Decision Science Letters , 14(1), 145-154.
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Afoakwah, E.A., & Kemevor, H. (2023). A literature review on the effect of environmental orientation on firm performance, mediating factor of green supply chain management and electronic transaction levy. Journal of Environmental Science and Economics, 2(3), 59–85.
Banerjee, S. B. (2002). Corporate environmentalism: the construct and its measurement. Journal of Business Research, 55(3), 177–191.
Bastas, A., & Liyanage, K. (2018). Sustainable supply chain quality management: A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 181, 726–744.
Biggi, G., Mina, A., & Tamagni, F. (2023). There are different shades of green: heterogeneous environmental innovations and their effects on firm performance. 1–26.
Bouguerra, A., Hughes, M., Cakir, M. S., & Tatoglu, E. (2023). Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Environmental Collaboration: A Stakeholder Theory and Evidence from Multinational Companies in an Emerging Market. British Journal of Management, 34(1), 487–511.
Caldera, H. T. S., Desha, C., & Dawes, L. (2019). Evaluating the enablers and barriers for successful implementation of sustainable business practice in ‘lean’ SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, 575–590.
Chan, R. Y. K. (2010). Corporate environmentalism is pursued by foreign firms competing in China. Journal of World Business, 45(1), 80–92.
Chan, R. Y., & Ma, K. H. (2016). Environmental orientation of exporting SMEs from an emerging economy: Its antecedents and consequences. Management International Review, 56(5), 597-632.
Chan, R. Y., He, H., Chan, H. K., & Wang, W. Y. (2012). Environmental orientation and corporate performance: The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and the moderating effect of competitive intensity. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(4), 621-630.
Choi, D., & Hwang, T. (2015). The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Firm Performance: The Role of Collaborative Capability. Operations Management Research, 8(3-4), 69-83.
Choi, T. M., Cai, Y. J., & Shen, B. (2019). Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management: A System of Systems Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(4), 730–745.
Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., Childe, S. J., Bryde, D. J., Giannakis, M., Foropon, C., Roubaud, D., & Hazen, B. T. (2020). Big data analytics and artificial intelligence pathway to operational performance under the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and environmental dynamism: A study of manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, 107599.
Govindan, K., Rajeev, A., Padhi, S. S., & Pati, R. K. (2020). Supply chain sustainability and performance of firms: A meta-analysis of the literature. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137(March), 101923.
Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management Review, 20(4), 986-1014.
Hörisch, J., Kollat, J., & Brieger, S. A. (2017). What influences environmental entrepreneurship? A multilevel analysis of the determinants of entrepreneurs’ environmental orientation. Small Business Economics, 48(1), 47–69.
Iqbal, N., Abbasi, K. R., Shinwari, R., Guangcai, W., Ahmad, M., & Tang, K. (2021). Does exports diversification and environmental innovation achieve carbon neutrality target of OECD economies? Journal of Environmental Management, 291(February), 112648.
Lee, J., & Joo, H. Y. (2020). The impact of top management’s support on the collaboration of green supply chain participants and environmental performance. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–20.
Linnenluecke, M., & Griffiths, A. (2010). Corporate sustainability and organizational culture. Journal of World Business, 45(4), 357–366.
Novitasari, M., & Agustia, D. (2021). Green supply chain management and firm performance: The mediating effect of green innovation. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14(2), 391-403.
Rao, P., & Holt, D. (2005). Do green supply chains lead to competitiveness and economic performance? International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(9), 898–916.
Saberi, S., Kouhizadeh, M., Sarkis, J., & Shen, L. (2019). Blockchain technology and its relationships to sustainable supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 57(7), 2117–2135.
Sahoo, S., Upadhyay, A., & Kumar, A. (2023). Circular economy practices and environmental performance: Analysing the role of big data analytics capability and responsible research and innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 6029–6046.
Seman, N. A. A., Govindan, K., Mardani, A., Zakuan, N., Saman, M. Z. M., Hooker, R. E., & Ozkul, S. (2019). The mediating effect of green innovation on the relationship between green supply chain management and environmental performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 115-127.
Yildiz Çankaya, S., & Sezen, B. (2019). Effects of green supply chain management practices on sustainability performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(1), 98–121.
Yu, W., Chavez, R., & Feng, M. (2017). Green supply management and performance: a resource-based view. Production Planning and Control, 28(6–8), 659–670.
Zaid, A. A., Jaaron, A. A. M., & Talib Bon, A. (2018). The impact of green human resource management and green supply chain management practices on sustainable performance: An empirical study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204, 965–979.
Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J., & Lai, K.H. (2012). Examining the effects of green supply chain management practices and their mediations on performance improvements. International Journal of Production Research, 50(5), 1377–1394.
Afoakwah, E.A., & Kemevor, H. (2023). A literature review on the effect of environmental orientation on firm performance, mediating factor of green supply chain management and electronic transaction levy. Journal of Environmental Science and Economics, 2(3), 59–85.
Banerjee, S. B. (2002). Corporate environmentalism: the construct and its measurement. Journal of Business Research, 55(3), 177–191.
Bastas, A., & Liyanage, K. (2018). Sustainable supply chain quality management: A systematic review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 181, 726–744.
Biggi, G., Mina, A., & Tamagni, F. (2023). There are different shades of green: heterogeneous environmental innovations and their effects on firm performance. 1–26.
Bouguerra, A., Hughes, M., Cakir, M. S., & Tatoglu, E. (2023). Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation to Environmental Collaboration: A Stakeholder Theory and Evidence from Multinational Companies in an Emerging Market. British Journal of Management, 34(1), 487–511.
Caldera, H. T. S., Desha, C., & Dawes, L. (2019). Evaluating the enablers and barriers for successful implementation of sustainable business practice in ‘lean’ SMEs. Journal of Cleaner Production, 218, 575–590.
Chan, R. Y. K. (2010). Corporate environmentalism is pursued by foreign firms competing in China. Journal of World Business, 45(1), 80–92.
Chan, R. Y., & Ma, K. H. (2016). Environmental orientation of exporting SMEs from an emerging economy: Its antecedents and consequences. Management International Review, 56(5), 597-632.
Chan, R. Y., He, H., Chan, H. K., & Wang, W. Y. (2012). Environmental orientation and corporate performance: The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and the moderating effect of competitive intensity. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(4), 621-630.
Choi, D., & Hwang, T. (2015). The Impact of Green Supply Chain Management Practices on Firm Performance: The Role of Collaborative Capability. Operations Management Research, 8(3-4), 69-83.
Choi, T. M., Cai, Y. J., & Shen, B. (2019). Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management: A System of Systems Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 66(4), 730–745.
Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A., Childe, S. J., Bryde, D. J., Giannakis, M., Foropon, C., Roubaud, D., & Hazen, B. T. (2020). Big data analytics and artificial intelligence pathway to operational performance under the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and environmental dynamism: A study of manufacturing organisations. International Journal of Production Economics, 226, 107599.
Govindan, K., Rajeev, A., Padhi, S. S., & Pati, R. K. (2020). Supply chain sustainability and performance of firms: A meta-analysis of the literature. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 137(March), 101923.
Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academy of Management Review, 20(4), 986-1014.
Hörisch, J., Kollat, J., & Brieger, S. A. (2017). What influences environmental entrepreneurship? A multilevel analysis of the determinants of entrepreneurs’ environmental orientation. Small Business Economics, 48(1), 47–69.
Iqbal, N., Abbasi, K. R., Shinwari, R., Guangcai, W., Ahmad, M., & Tang, K. (2021). Does exports diversification and environmental innovation achieve carbon neutrality target of OECD economies? Journal of Environmental Management, 291(February), 112648.
Lee, J., & Joo, H. Y. (2020). The impact of top management’s support on the collaboration of green supply chain participants and environmental performance. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–20.
Linnenluecke, M., & Griffiths, A. (2010). Corporate sustainability and organizational culture. Journal of World Business, 45(4), 357–366.
Novitasari, M., & Agustia, D. (2021). Green supply chain management and firm performance: The mediating effect of green innovation. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14(2), 391-403.
Rao, P., & Holt, D. (2005). Do green supply chains lead to competitiveness and economic performance? International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25(9), 898–916.
Saberi, S., Kouhizadeh, M., Sarkis, J., & Shen, L. (2019). Blockchain technology and its relationships to sustainable supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 57(7), 2117–2135.
Sahoo, S., Upadhyay, A., & Kumar, A. (2023). Circular economy practices and environmental performance: Analysing the role of big data analytics capability and responsible research and innovation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 6029–6046.
Seman, N. A. A., Govindan, K., Mardani, A., Zakuan, N., Saman, M. Z. M., Hooker, R. E., & Ozkul, S. (2019). The mediating effect of green innovation on the relationship between green supply chain management and environmental performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 115-127.
Yildiz Çankaya, S., & Sezen, B. (2019). Effects of green supply chain management practices on sustainability performance. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(1), 98–121.
Yu, W., Chavez, R., & Feng, M. (2017). Green supply management and performance: a resource-based view. Production Planning and Control, 28(6–8), 659–670.
Zaid, A. A., Jaaron, A. A. M., & Talib Bon, A. (2018). The impact of green human resource management and green supply chain management practices on sustainable performance: An empirical study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204, 965–979.
Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J., & Lai, K.H. (2012). Examining the effects of green supply chain management practices and their mediations on performance improvements. International Journal of Production Research, 50(5), 1377–1394.