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Saskara, I., Saraswaty, A., Suryasih, I., Suasih, N., Dewani, I & Dew, D. (2025). The impact of ChatGPT integration and customer relationship management on MSME sales performance with operational efficiency as a mediating variable.Decision Science Letters , 14(1), 91-104.
Abdelkader, O. A. (2023). ChatGPT’s influence on customer experience in digital marketing: Investigating the moderating roles. Heliyon, 9(8), e18770.
Andi, A. A., Idra Wahyuni, Rustan, & Yuyu Ruhayu. (2023). MSME Performance: Financial Information System, Work Productivity, and E-commerce. Journal of Consumer Sciences, 8(2), 204–219.
APJII. (2024). APJII Jumlah Pengguna Internet Indonesia Tembus 221 Juta Orang. Apjii.or.Id.
Ausat, A. M. A., Azzaakiyyah, H. K., Permana, R. M., Riady, Y., & Suherlan, S. (2023). The Role of ChatGPT in Enabling MSMEs to Compete in the Digital Age. Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 3(2), 622–631.
Ausat, A. M. A., & Peirisal, T. (2021). Determinants of E-commerce Adoption on Business Performance : A Study of MSMEs in Malang City, Indonesia. Journal On Optimizations Of Systems At Industries, 20(2), 104–114.
Ausat, A. M. A., Siti Astuti, E., & Wilopo. (2022). Analisis Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Pada Adopsi E-commerce Dan Dampaknya Bagi Kinerja UKM Di Kabupaten Subang. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK), 9(2), 333–346.
Ausat, A. M. A., & Suherlan, S. (2021). Obstacles and Solutions of MSMEs in Electronic Commerce during Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia. BASKARA: Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 4(1), 11–19.
Bapat, G., Mahindru, R., Kumar, A., Rroy, A. D., Bhoyar, S., & Vaz, S. (2024). Leveraging ChatGPT for Empowering MSMEs: A Paradigm Shift in Problem Solving. RAiSE-2023, 197.
Bower, J. L., & Christensen, C. M. (1995). Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave. Harvard Business Review, 73(1), 45–53.
Eka, A. P. B., Sarlina Sari, Sutono, S., Fachmi Tamzil, & Dewi Anggraeni. (2024). Optimizing Digital Applications For MSMEs In Operational Efficiency And Encouraging The Acceleration Of The Digital Economy. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(03), 173–179.
Emerald. (2016). Rational Modern Organization Theory. In Organization Theory (Critical Management Studies) (pp. 91–122). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Emery, M. (2000). The Current Version of Emery’s Open Systems Theory. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 13(5), 623–643.
Eriksson, K., & Vaghult, A. L. (2000). Customer Retention, Purchasing Behavior and Relationship Substance in Professional Services. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(4), 363–372.
Gan, K. H., Lim, S. H., Aronkar, P., Lim, W. S., Lin, X., Hashim, M. B. M., Saadon, M. D. B., Akmalia, D. S. N., Dewanti, R. A., Putri, Rr. S. S., Bajpayee, V., & Kee, D. M. H. (2024). Investigating the Relationship between Key Factors and Customer Satisfaction in an Online Shopping Platform. Journal of The Community Development in Asia, 7(2), 149–162.
George, A. S., George, A. S. H., & Martin, A. S. G. (2023). ChatGPT and the Future of Work: A Comprehensive Analysis of AI’s Impact on Jobs and Employment. Partners Universal International Innovation Journal (PUIIJ), 1(3), 154–186.
Gil-Gomez, H., Guerola-Navarro, V., Oltra-Badenes, R., & Lozano-Quilis, J. A. (2020). Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 2733–2750.
Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., & Mena, J. A. (2011). An assessment of the use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(3), 414–433.
Handoyo, S., Suharman, H., Ghani, E. K., & Soedarsono, S. (2023). A business strategy, operational efficiency, ownership structure, and manufacturing performance: The moderating role of market uncertainty and competition intensity and its implication on open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 9(2), 100039.
Harahap, M. A. K., Ausat, A. M. A., Rachman, A., Riady, Y., & Azzaakiyyah, H. K. (2023). Overview of ChatGPT Technology and its Potential in Improving Tourism Information Services. Jurnal Mininfo Polgan, 12(2), 424–431.
Harahap, M. A. K., Junianto, P., Astutik, W. S., Risdwiyanto, A., & Ausat, A. M. A. (2023). Use of ChatGPT in Building Personalisation in Business Services. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(1), 1212–1219.
Hermawan, E., & Vikaliana, R. (2023). Does Customer Loyalty Meet Repurchase and Purchase Intention? INOVATOR, 12(2), 197–212.
Javaid, M., Haleem, A., Singh, R. P., Khan, S., & Khan, I. H. (2023). Unlocking the opportunities through ChatGPT Tool towards ameliorating the education system. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, 3(2), 100115.
Jusman, I. A., Ausat, A. M. A., & Sumarna, A. (2023). Application of ChatGPT in Business Management and Strategic Decision Making. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(2), 1688–1697.
McKinsey, & Company. (2024). The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value. Www.Mckinsey.Com.
Menon, D., & Shilpa, K. (2023). “Chatting with ChatGPT”: Analyzing the factors influencing users’ intention to Use the Open AI’s ChatGPT using the UTAUT model. Heliyon, 9(11), e20962.
Mozaheb, A., Alamolhodaei, S. M. A., & Ardakani, M. F. (2015). Effect of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Performance of Small-Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Using Structural Equations Model (SEM). International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 5(2), 42–52.
Mujianto, M., Hartoyo, H., Nurmalina, R., & Yusuf, E. Z. (2023). The Unraveling Loyalty Model of Traditional Retail to Suppliers for Business Sustainability in the Digital Transformation Era: Insight from MSMEs in Indonesia. Sustainability, 15(3), 2827.
Mulyana, M., & Azka, M. (2022). Market Sensing Capability and Customer Relationship Management on Marketing Performance: Role E-Marketing Strategy. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, 22(3), 279–288.
Nasır, S. (2017). Customer Relationship Management as a Customer-Centric Business Strategy. In Advertising and Branding (pp. 649–685). IGI Global.
Pohludka, M., & Štverková, H. (2019). The Best Practice of CRM Implementation for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Administrative Sciences, 9(1), 22.
Rahman, F., Imam Mukhlis, F Danardana Murwani, & Achmad Ali Said. (2023). Analysis of Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs) Customer Satisfaction in a Global Context Studies on Shoraya Batik Indonesia. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(3), 167–180.
Raj, R., Singh, A., Kumar, V., & Verma, P. (2023). Analyzing the potential benefits and use cases of ChatGPT as a tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, 3(3), 100140.
Ramaj, A., & Ismaili, R. (2015). Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 549–599.
Rane, N., Achari, A., & Choudhary, S. P. (2023). Enhancing customer loyalty through quality of service: Effective strategies to improve customer satisfaction, experience, relationship, and engagement. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 5(5), 427–452.
Sari, D., Kusuma, B. A., Sihotang, J., & Febrianti, T. (2023). The role of entrepreneurial marketing & innovation capability in the performance of SMEs during covid-19 pandemic: Evidence of MSMEs in West Java. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 1–11.
Subagja, A. D., Ausat, A. M. A., Sari, A. R., Wanof, M. I., & Suherlan, S. (2023). Improving Customer Service Quality in MSMEs through the Use of ChatGPT. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(2), 380–386.
Sudirjo, F., Ausat, A. M. A., Rijal, S., Riady, Y., & Suherlan, S. (2023). ChatGPT: Improving Communication Efficiency and Business Management of MSMEs in the Digital Age. Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 3(2), 643–652.
Sutrisno, S., Wibowo, B. Y., & Widodo, W. (2024). Competitive social capital in improving the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs): Role of knowledge donating and knowledge collecting. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 8(2), 60–72.
Titin, Sutrisno, Mahmudah, H., Abid Muhtarom, & Syamsuri. (2024). Effect of Business Digitalization and Social Media on MSME Performance with Digital Competence as a Mediating Variable. Scientific Journal of Informatics, 11(3), 645–660.
Wang, C., Liu, T., Zhu, Y., Wang, H., Wang, X., & Zhao, S. (2023). The influence of consumer perception on purchase intention: Evidence from cross-border E-commerce platforms. Heliyon, 9(11), e21617.
Wilk, V., Soutar, G. N., & Harrigan, P. (2021). Online brand advocacy and brand loyalty: a reciprocal relationship? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(10), 1977–1993.
Wübben, M. (2009). Analytical CRM. Gabler.
Yanti, P., Hurriyati, R., & Dirgantari, P. D. (2023). Leveraging Marketing Automation to Enhance Customer Relationship Management and Improve Management Performance in MSME B2B. Jurnal Riset Multidisiplin Dan Inovasi Teknologi, 2(01), 184–196.
Andi, A. A., Idra Wahyuni, Rustan, & Yuyu Ruhayu. (2023). MSME Performance: Financial Information System, Work Productivity, and E-commerce. Journal of Consumer Sciences, 8(2), 204–219.
APJII. (2024). APJII Jumlah Pengguna Internet Indonesia Tembus 221 Juta Orang. Apjii.or.Id.
Ausat, A. M. A., Azzaakiyyah, H. K., Permana, R. M., Riady, Y., & Suherlan, S. (2023). The Role of ChatGPT in Enabling MSMEs to Compete in the Digital Age. Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 3(2), 622–631.
Ausat, A. M. A., & Peirisal, T. (2021). Determinants of E-commerce Adoption on Business Performance : A Study of MSMEs in Malang City, Indonesia. Journal On Optimizations Of Systems At Industries, 20(2), 104–114.
Ausat, A. M. A., Siti Astuti, E., & Wilopo. (2022). Analisis Faktor Yang Berpengaruh Pada Adopsi E-commerce Dan Dampaknya Bagi Kinerja UKM Di Kabupaten Subang. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer (JTIIK), 9(2), 333–346.
Ausat, A. M. A., & Suherlan, S. (2021). Obstacles and Solutions of MSMEs in Electronic Commerce during Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia. BASKARA: Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 4(1), 11–19.
Bapat, G., Mahindru, R., Kumar, A., Rroy, A. D., Bhoyar, S., & Vaz, S. (2024). Leveraging ChatGPT for Empowering MSMEs: A Paradigm Shift in Problem Solving. RAiSE-2023, 197.
Bower, J. L., & Christensen, C. M. (1995). Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave. Harvard Business Review, 73(1), 45–53.
Eka, A. P. B., Sarlina Sari, Sutono, S., Fachmi Tamzil, & Dewi Anggraeni. (2024). Optimizing Digital Applications For MSMEs In Operational Efficiency And Encouraging The Acceleration Of The Digital Economy. Jurnal Ekonomi, 13(03), 173–179.
Emerald. (2016). Rational Modern Organization Theory. In Organization Theory (Critical Management Studies) (pp. 91–122). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Emery, M. (2000). The Current Version of Emery’s Open Systems Theory. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 13(5), 623–643.
Eriksson, K., & Vaghult, A. L. (2000). Customer Retention, Purchasing Behavior and Relationship Substance in Professional Services. Industrial Marketing Management, 29(4), 363–372.
Gan, K. H., Lim, S. H., Aronkar, P., Lim, W. S., Lin, X., Hashim, M. B. M., Saadon, M. D. B., Akmalia, D. S. N., Dewanti, R. A., Putri, Rr. S. S., Bajpayee, V., & Kee, D. M. H. (2024). Investigating the Relationship between Key Factors and Customer Satisfaction in an Online Shopping Platform. Journal of The Community Development in Asia, 7(2), 149–162.
George, A. S., George, A. S. H., & Martin, A. S. G. (2023). ChatGPT and the Future of Work: A Comprehensive Analysis of AI’s Impact on Jobs and Employment. Partners Universal International Innovation Journal (PUIIJ), 1(3), 154–186.
Gil-Gomez, H., Guerola-Navarro, V., Oltra-Badenes, R., & Lozano-Quilis, J. A. (2020). Customer relationship management: digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33(1), 2733–2750.
Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., & Mena, J. A. (2011). An assessment of the use of partial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(3), 414–433.
Handoyo, S., Suharman, H., Ghani, E. K., & Soedarsono, S. (2023). A business strategy, operational efficiency, ownership structure, and manufacturing performance: The moderating role of market uncertainty and competition intensity and its implication on open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 9(2), 100039.
Harahap, M. A. K., Ausat, A. M. A., Rachman, A., Riady, Y., & Azzaakiyyah, H. K. (2023). Overview of ChatGPT Technology and its Potential in Improving Tourism Information Services. Jurnal Mininfo Polgan, 12(2), 424–431.
Harahap, M. A. K., Junianto, P., Astutik, W. S., Risdwiyanto, A., & Ausat, A. M. A. (2023). Use of ChatGPT in Building Personalisation in Business Services. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(1), 1212–1219.
Hermawan, E., & Vikaliana, R. (2023). Does Customer Loyalty Meet Repurchase and Purchase Intention? INOVATOR, 12(2), 197–212.
Javaid, M., Haleem, A., Singh, R. P., Khan, S., & Khan, I. H. (2023). Unlocking the opportunities through ChatGPT Tool towards ameliorating the education system. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, 3(2), 100115.
Jusman, I. A., Ausat, A. M. A., & Sumarna, A. (2023). Application of ChatGPT in Business Management and Strategic Decision Making. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(2), 1688–1697.
McKinsey, & Company. (2024). The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value. Www.Mckinsey.Com.
Menon, D., & Shilpa, K. (2023). “Chatting with ChatGPT”: Analyzing the factors influencing users’ intention to Use the Open AI’s ChatGPT using the UTAUT model. Heliyon, 9(11), e20962.
Mozaheb, A., Alamolhodaei, S. M. A., & Ardakani, M. F. (2015). Effect of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on Performance of Small-Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Using Structural Equations Model (SEM). International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 5(2), 42–52.
Mujianto, M., Hartoyo, H., Nurmalina, R., & Yusuf, E. Z. (2023). The Unraveling Loyalty Model of Traditional Retail to Suppliers for Business Sustainability in the Digital Transformation Era: Insight from MSMEs in Indonesia. Sustainability, 15(3), 2827.
Mulyana, M., & Azka, M. (2022). Market Sensing Capability and Customer Relationship Management on Marketing Performance: Role E-Marketing Strategy. Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, 22(3), 279–288.
Nasır, S. (2017). Customer Relationship Management as a Customer-Centric Business Strategy. In Advertising and Branding (pp. 649–685). IGI Global.
Pohludka, M., & Štverková, H. (2019). The Best Practice of CRM Implementation for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Administrative Sciences, 9(1), 22.
Rahman, F., Imam Mukhlis, F Danardana Murwani, & Achmad Ali Said. (2023). Analysis of Micro Small Enterprises (MSEs) Customer Satisfaction in a Global Context Studies on Shoraya Batik Indonesia. International Journal of Scientific Multidisciplinary Research, 1(3), 167–180.
Raj, R., Singh, A., Kumar, V., & Verma, P. (2023). Analyzing the potential benefits and use cases of ChatGPT as a tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, 3(3), 100140.
Ramaj, A., & Ismaili, R. (2015). Customer Relationship Management, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 549–599.
Rane, N., Achari, A., & Choudhary, S. P. (2023). Enhancing customer loyalty through quality of service: Effective strategies to improve customer satisfaction, experience, relationship, and engagement. International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 5(5), 427–452.
Sari, D., Kusuma, B. A., Sihotang, J., & Febrianti, T. (2023). The role of entrepreneurial marketing & innovation capability in the performance of SMEs during covid-19 pandemic: Evidence of MSMEs in West Java. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 1–11.
Subagja, A. D., Ausat, A. M. A., Sari, A. R., Wanof, M. I., & Suherlan, S. (2023). Improving Customer Service Quality in MSMEs through the Use of ChatGPT. Jurnal Minfo Polgan, 12(2), 380–386.
Sudirjo, F., Ausat, A. M. A., Rijal, S., Riady, Y., & Suherlan, S. (2023). ChatGPT: Improving Communication Efficiency and Business Management of MSMEs in the Digital Age. Innovative: Journal Of Social Science Research, 3(2), 643–652.
Sutrisno, S., Wibowo, B. Y., & Widodo, W. (2024). Competitive social capital in improving the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs): Role of knowledge donating and knowledge collecting. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 8(2), 60–72.
Titin, Sutrisno, Mahmudah, H., Abid Muhtarom, & Syamsuri. (2024). Effect of Business Digitalization and Social Media on MSME Performance with Digital Competence as a Mediating Variable. Scientific Journal of Informatics, 11(3), 645–660.
Wang, C., Liu, T., Zhu, Y., Wang, H., Wang, X., & Zhao, S. (2023). The influence of consumer perception on purchase intention: Evidence from cross-border E-commerce platforms. Heliyon, 9(11), e21617.
Wilk, V., Soutar, G. N., & Harrigan, P. (2021). Online brand advocacy and brand loyalty: a reciprocal relationship? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(10), 1977–1993.
Wübben, M. (2009). Analytical CRM. Gabler.
Yanti, P., Hurriyati, R., & Dirgantari, P. D. (2023). Leveraging Marketing Automation to Enhance Customer Relationship Management and Improve Management Performance in MSME B2B. Jurnal Riset Multidisiplin Dan Inovasi Teknologi, 2(01), 184–196.