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Chan, T., Huam, H., Wong, S., Samson, J & Fadzilah, A. (2025). The impact of corporate social responsibility practices on customer purchase intention of clothing industry: An integration of triple bottom line and ISO26000.Decision Science Letters , 14(1), 79-90.
Abdeen, A., Rajah, E., & Gaur, S. S. (2016). Consumers’ beliefs about firm’s CSR initiatives and their purchase behavior. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 34(1), 2–18.
Ahmed, R. R., Streimikiene, D., Alam, S. H., Streimikis, J., & Hanafi, M. R. (2023). Extended signaling theory and role of corporate social responsibility and brand personality. Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economies, 34(4), 470-484.
Ahn, J., Wong, M. L., & Kwon, J. (2020). Different role of hotel CSR activities in the formation of customers’ brand loyalty. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 12(3), 337–353.
Al-Haddad, S., Sharabati, A.-A.A., Al-Khasawneh, M., Maraqa, R., & Hashem, R. (2022). The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer purchase intention: The mediating role of consumer engagement via social media. Sustainability, 14, 6771.
Alem, D. D. (2020). An overview of data analysis and interpretations in research. International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review, 8(1), 1-27.
Ali, I., Naushad, M., & Alasmri, H. J. (2023). Effect of CSR activities on customers’ purchase intention: The mediating role of trust. Innovative Marketing, 19(2), 155-169. doi:10.21511/im.19(2).2023.13
Alzaidi, M. S., & Agag, G. (2022). The role of trust and privacy concerns in using social media for e-retail services: The moderating role of COVID-19. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 68, 103042.
Andersson, S., Svensson, G., Molina-Castillo, F. J., Otero-Neira, C., Lindgren, J., Karlsson, N. P. E., & Laurell, H. (2022). Sustainable development—Direct and indirect effects between economic, social, and environmental dimensions in business practices. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29(5), 1158-1172.
Avotra, A. A. R. N., Chengang, Y., Wei, X., Ming, J., & Marcelline, T. R. S. (2021). Struggling with business corporate cynical impression? Powerful methods of CSR to enhance corporate image and consumer purchase intention. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 726727.
Ayyash, A. H. A., Saadon, M. S. I., Nordin, N., & Othman, M. R. (2023). The impact of implementing ISO 26000 on firms’ performance: The mediating role of corporate governance. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(10), e01042.
Babbie, E. R. (2020). The practice of social research (15th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth.
Bailly-Leclerc, C. (2017, March 2). New CSR Checklist on Fair Operating Practices – improve your program. DFGE - Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy.
Barroga, E., & Matanguihan, G. J. (2022). A practical guide to writing quantitative and qualitative research questions and hypotheses in scholarly articles. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 37(16), e121.
Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S., Bywaters, D., & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing: JRN, 25(8), 652–661.
Chakroun, S., Salhi, B., Ben Amar, A., & Jarboui, A. (2020). The impact of ISO 26000 social responsibility standard adoption on firm financial performance: Evidence from France. Management Research Review, 43(5), 545-571.
Castro-López, A., Iglesias, V., & Puente, J. (2021). Slow fashion trends: Are consumers willing to change their shopping behavior to become more sustainable?. Sustainability, 13, 13858.
Chan, T. J., Mohd Suki, N., Ho, P. S. Y., & Akhtar, M. F. (2024). Impact of corporate social responsibility practices on consumer purchase intention of apparel products with mediating role of consumer-retailer love. Social Responsibility Journal, 20(5), 998-1014.
Chan, T. J., & Saad, S. (2019). Predictors of consumers’ purchase intention through triple bottom line corporate social responsibility practices: A study of the branded coffee retailing industry. Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, 3(1), 47-59.
Chan, T. J., Taher, S. S., Sharipudin, M. N. S., Huam, H. T., & Khaw, T. B. (2024). The mediating role of corporate image on the retailer’s corporate social responsibility practices and corporate reputation of a fast-food chain company. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12, 787–800. doi: 10.5267/j.uscm.2024.1.007
Chang, H.-J., Huang, K.-C., & Wu, C.-H. (2006). Determination of sample size in using Central Limit Theorem for Weibull distribution. Information and Management Sciences, 17(3), 31-46.
Chow, T. C., Zailani, S., Rahman, M. K., Qiannan, Z., Bhuiyan, M. A., & Patwary, A. K. (2021), Impact of sustainable project management on project plan and project success of the manufacturing firm: Structural model assessment. PLoS One, 16(11), e0259819.
Coelho, R., Jayantilal, S., & Ferreira, J. J. (2023). The impact of social responsibility on corporate financial performance: A systematic literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(4), 1535-1560.
Connelly, B. L., Certo, S. T., Ireland, R. D., & Reutzel, C. R. (2011). Signaling theory: A review and assessment. Journal of Management, 37(1), 39-67.
Chua, E. M. X., & Chan, T. J. (2022). The influence of corporate social responsibility communication and corporate image of beverage companies: A customers’ perspective. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(2), 1-14.
De Pelsmacker, P., & Janssens, W. (2007). A model for fair-trade buying behavior: The role of perceived quantity and quality of information and of product-specific attitudes. Journal of Business Ethics, 75(4), 361–380.
Diaz-Iglesias, S., Blanco-Gonzalez, A., & Orden-Cruz, C. (2021). Theoretical framework for sustainability, corporate social responsibility and change management. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(6), 315-332.
Elkington, J. (1994). Towards the sustainable corporation: Win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development. California Management Review, 36(2), 90–100.
Fallah Shayan, N., Mohabbati-Kalejahi, N., Alavi, S., & Zahed, M. A. (2022). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Sustainability, 14, 1222.
Franco, D., & Rodrigues, I. (2022). Corporate social responsibility as a catalyst for purchase intention. Approaches in the restaurant industry. International Business Research, 15(7), 1-7.
Geneva Environment Network (2024, April 5). Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry. Retrieved from
George, D., & Mallery, M. (2024). IBM SPSS Statistics 29 Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference (18th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
He, J., Zhang, H., & Morrison, A. M. (2019). The impacts of corporate social responsibility on organization citizenship behavior and task performance in hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(6), 2582–2598.
Hultberg, E., & Pal, R. (2023). Exploring scalability from a triple bottom line perspective: Challenges and strategic resources for fashion resale. Circular Economics and Sustainability, 3, 2201–2231.
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Laukkanen, M., & Tura, N. (2022). Sustainable value propositions and customer perceived value: Clothing library case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378, 134321.
Lim, Y. F. (2024). Examine the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on consumer buying behavior in Klang Valley Malaysia. In abstracts of the International Conference on Business, Accounting and Finance 2023: Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts. pp.38.
Lim, J. Y. A., Teoh, B. A., Yasin, N. I., Mohd Arzaman, A. F., Ooi, C. A., & Goh, K. M. (2024). Determinants of consumers’ intention to purchase and switch to products of bio-waste: Potential support for a closed-loop supply chain. Issues and Perspectives in Business and Social Sciences, 4(1), 43–53.
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Al-Haddad, S., Sharabati, A.-A.A., Al-Khasawneh, M., Maraqa, R., & Hashem, R. (2022). The influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer purchase intention: The mediating role of consumer engagement via social media. Sustainability, 14, 6771.
Alem, D. D. (2020). An overview of data analysis and interpretations in research. International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review, 8(1), 1-27.
Ali, I., Naushad, M., & Alasmri, H. J. (2023). Effect of CSR activities on customers’ purchase intention: The mediating role of trust. Innovative Marketing, 19(2), 155-169. doi:10.21511/im.19(2).2023.13
Alzaidi, M. S., & Agag, G. (2022). The role of trust and privacy concerns in using social media for e-retail services: The moderating role of COVID-19. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 68, 103042.
Andersson, S., Svensson, G., Molina-Castillo, F. J., Otero-Neira, C., Lindgren, J., Karlsson, N. P. E., & Laurell, H. (2022). Sustainable development—Direct and indirect effects between economic, social, and environmental dimensions in business practices. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 29(5), 1158-1172.
Avotra, A. A. R. N., Chengang, Y., Wei, X., Ming, J., & Marcelline, T. R. S. (2021). Struggling with business corporate cynical impression? Powerful methods of CSR to enhance corporate image and consumer purchase intention. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 726727.
Ayyash, A. H. A., Saadon, M. S. I., Nordin, N., & Othman, M. R. (2023). The impact of implementing ISO 26000 on firms’ performance: The mediating role of corporate governance. International Journal of Professional Business Review, 8(10), e01042.
Babbie, E. R. (2020). The practice of social research (15th ed.). Belmont: Wadsworth.
Bailly-Leclerc, C. (2017, March 2). New CSR Checklist on Fair Operating Practices – improve your program. DFGE - Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy.
Barroga, E., & Matanguihan, G. J. (2022). A practical guide to writing quantitative and qualitative research questions and hypotheses in scholarly articles. Journal of Korean Medical Science, 37(16), e121.
Campbell, S., Greenwood, M., Prior, S., Shearer, T., Walkem, K., Young, S., Bywaters, D., & Walker, K. (2020). Purposive sampling: complex or simple? Research case examples. Journal of Research in Nursing: JRN, 25(8), 652–661.
Chakroun, S., Salhi, B., Ben Amar, A., & Jarboui, A. (2020). The impact of ISO 26000 social responsibility standard adoption on firm financial performance: Evidence from France. Management Research Review, 43(5), 545-571.
Castro-López, A., Iglesias, V., & Puente, J. (2021). Slow fashion trends: Are consumers willing to change their shopping behavior to become more sustainable?. Sustainability, 13, 13858.
Chan, T. J., Mohd Suki, N., Ho, P. S. Y., & Akhtar, M. F. (2024). Impact of corporate social responsibility practices on consumer purchase intention of apparel products with mediating role of consumer-retailer love. Social Responsibility Journal, 20(5), 998-1014.
Chan, T. J., & Saad, S. (2019). Predictors of consumers’ purchase intention through triple bottom line corporate social responsibility practices: A study of the branded coffee retailing industry. Journal of Arts & Social Sciences, 3(1), 47-59.
Chan, T. J., Taher, S. S., Sharipudin, M. N. S., Huam, H. T., & Khaw, T. B. (2024). The mediating role of corporate image on the retailer’s corporate social responsibility practices and corporate reputation of a fast-food chain company. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12, 787–800. doi: 10.5267/j.uscm.2024.1.007
Chang, H.-J., Huang, K.-C., & Wu, C.-H. (2006). Determination of sample size in using Central Limit Theorem for Weibull distribution. Information and Management Sciences, 17(3), 31-46.
Chow, T. C., Zailani, S., Rahman, M. K., Qiannan, Z., Bhuiyan, M. A., & Patwary, A. K. (2021), Impact of sustainable project management on project plan and project success of the manufacturing firm: Structural model assessment. PLoS One, 16(11), e0259819.
Coelho, R., Jayantilal, S., & Ferreira, J. J. (2023). The impact of social responsibility on corporate financial performance: A systematic literature review. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(4), 1535-1560.
Connelly, B. L., Certo, S. T., Ireland, R. D., & Reutzel, C. R. (2011). Signaling theory: A review and assessment. Journal of Management, 37(1), 39-67.
Chua, E. M. X., & Chan, T. J. (2022). The influence of corporate social responsibility communication and corporate image of beverage companies: A customers’ perspective. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(2), 1-14.
De Pelsmacker, P., & Janssens, W. (2007). A model for fair-trade buying behavior: The role of perceived quantity and quality of information and of product-specific attitudes. Journal of Business Ethics, 75(4), 361–380.
Diaz-Iglesias, S., Blanco-Gonzalez, A., & Orden-Cruz, C. (2021). Theoretical framework for sustainability, corporate social responsibility and change management. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16(6), 315-332.
Elkington, J. (1994). Towards the sustainable corporation: Win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development. California Management Review, 36(2), 90–100.
Fallah Shayan, N., Mohabbati-Kalejahi, N., Alavi, S., & Zahed, M. A. (2022). Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Sustainability, 14, 1222.
Franco, D., & Rodrigues, I. (2022). Corporate social responsibility as a catalyst for purchase intention. Approaches in the restaurant industry. International Business Research, 15(7), 1-7.
Geneva Environment Network (2024, April 5). Environmental Sustainability in the Fashion Industry. Retrieved from
George, D., & Mallery, M. (2024). IBM SPSS Statistics 29 Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference (18th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
He, J., Zhang, H., & Morrison, A. M. (2019). The impacts of corporate social responsibility on organization citizenship behavior and task performance in hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(6), 2582–2598.
Hultberg, E., & Pal, R. (2023). Exploring scalability from a triple bottom line perspective: Challenges and strategic resources for fashion resale. Circular Economics and Sustainability, 3, 2201–2231.
Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., Bagherzadeh, M., & Singh, J. J. (2018). Co-creation: A key link between corporate social responsibility, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Journal of Business Ethics, 163(1), 151–166.
ISO 26000 (2010). Guidance on social responsibility, International Standard ISO 26000.
Jägel, T., Keeling, K., Reppel, A., & Gruber, T. (2012). Individual values and motivational complexities in ethical clothing consumption: A means-end approach. Journal of Marketing Management, 28(3–4), 373–396.
Jain, A. K., Sahoo, S. R., & Kaubiyal, J. (2021). Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 7, 2157–2177.
Jing, Y., Zhang, W., Tang, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2022). The construction of an evaluation system of corporate social responsibility to employees: An empirical study in the Chinese clothing industry. Sustainability, 14, 10215.
Kaiser, H. F. (1974). An index of factorial simplicity. Psychometrika, 39(1), 31-36.
Kim J. H. (2019). Multicollinearity and misleading statistical results. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 72(6), 558–569.
Kim, E. J., Hwang, S. W., & Kim, J. W. (2015). A study on influence of consumers' expectancy disconfirmation about small and medium enterprises' CSR on corporate image and purchase intention. Journal of the Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems, 20 (3), 95-108.
Ko, A., Chan, A., & Wong, S. C. (2019). A scale development study of CSR: Hotel employees’ perceptions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(4), 1857–1884.
Kumar, A. (2022). Modelling the importance of social responsibility standards (ISO 26000:2010) practices adoption in freight transport industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 367, 132861.
Kurnia, M. S., & Raharja, S. (2021). The influence of corporate social responsibility disclosure in forming corporate reputation and its impact to market performance of firms in Indonesia. Diponegoro Journal of Accounting, 10(4), 1-15.
Laukkanen, M., & Tura, N. (2022). Sustainable value propositions and customer perceived value: Clothing library case. Journal of Cleaner Production, 378, 134321.
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