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Alexandri, M. B. (2009). Business financial management theory and problems. Bandung: Alfabeta.
Ariawat, R. R., & Syafi'i, T. I. (2018). Effect of sales volume, production costs and operational cost against net income. Indonesian Computer University Publication Manuscript, 1(1), 1–10.
Broto, A. H. K. (2019). Effect Of Production Costs, General Administrative Costs, And Costs Marketing Against Profits In Food And Beverages Companies Registered At Indonesia Stock Exchange. Journal of Economics, Management, and Science Accounting, 7(2), 83–88.
Bustami, B., & Nurlela (2009). Cost accounting. Jakarta: Media Discourse Partners.
Carter, W. K. (2009). Cost accounting (14th ed.). Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
Felicia, & Gultom, R. (2018). Effect of production costs, quality costs and promotional costs against net profits in manufacturing companies listed on The Stock Exchange Indonesia Period 2013 – 2015. Journal of Management Science METHONOMIX.
Ginanjar, Y. (2020). Sales volume as a moderating variable on the effect of profit net with promotion fees. Journal of Financial Accounting And Information Systems, 1(1).
Januarsah, I., Jubi, J., Inrawan, A., & Putri, D. E. (2019). Effect of production costs and marketing costs on company profits at PT. Pp London Sumatra Indonesia, Tbk Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange. Financial: Journal of Accounting, 5(1), 32–39.
Kasmir (2015). Analysis of financial statements. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Kieso, D. E., Weygandt, J. J., & Warfield, T. D. (2002). Intermediate accounting (E. Salim, Trans.) (10th ed.). Jakarta: Erlangga.
Muawaningsih, M., & Mudjiyanti, R. (2013), The Influence of Cash Turnover, Accounts Receivable Turnover and Inventory Turnover on Company Profitability in Manufacturing Companies in the Food and Beverage Sector on the IDX Period 2009 – 2012. Compartment Journal, 11(2), 1–14.
Muktiadji, N., & Soemantri, S. (2009). Analysis of the influence of production costs in increasing company profitability: case study of PT. HM. Sampoerna, Tbk. Unitary Scientific Journal, 11(1), 1–8.
Mulyadi (2015). Cost accounting. Yogyakarta: YKPN College of Economics.
Munawir (2015). Financial statement analysis (4th ed.). Fourth Printing.
Nurawaliah, S., Sutrisno, S., & Nurmilah, R. (2020). Effect Of Production Costs And Costs Marketing Against Net Income (CV. NJ Food Industries). Proaksi Journal, 7(2), 135–150.
Oluwagbemiga, O., Olugbenga, O., & Solomon, Z. (2014). Cost Management Practices And Firms Performance Of Manufacturing Organizations. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 6(2), 234–239.
Rustami, P., Kirya, I. K., & Cipta, W. (2014). Effect Of Production Costs, Costs Promotion, And Sales Volume Against Profits In Coffee Companies Banyuatis Powder. Bisma E-Journal of Ganesha University of Education, 2(1), 1–9.
Sayyida, S. (2014). Effect Of Production Costs On Company Profits Performance. Journal of Business & Accounting, 4(1), 1–13.
Soyinka, K. A., Fagbayimu, M. O., Adeboroye, E., & Ogunmola, J. O. (2017). Decision Usefulness And Financial Reporting: The General Public Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 7(4), 160–168.
Staubus, G. J. (2013). The decision-usefulness theory of accounting: A limited history. New York: Routledge.
Wanialisa, M. (2011). Effect Of Direct Material Costs, Labor Costs Direct, Factory Overhead Costs To Gross Profit In Consumer Goods Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange. Journal of Accounting, 2(1).
Wibowo, E. M., & Iriyadi (2014). The Effect Of Inventory On Increases Company Profitability. Scientific Journal of Unitary Accounting, 2(1), 1–8.
Wulandari, M., & Abror Manohara Inggita, A. (2015). The Effect Of Production Cost to Net Profit of PT.Indorama Synthetics, Tbk. International Journal of Economics and Business.
Yuda, I. M. A., & Sanjaya, I. K. P. W. (2020). Effect of production costs, promotional costs and sales volume to profit in manufacturing companies listed on the stock exchange effect in period 2015-2017. ECONOMIC DISCOURSE (Journal of Economics, Business And Accounting), 19(1), 35–42.