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Abdillah, A., Hadi, S., Prabawani, B & Wijayanto, A. (2025). The effect of CEO’s social relational and moral capital on board process and performance of socially responsible company.Accounting, 11(2), 103-130.
Abdillah, A. F., Hadi, S. P., Prabawani, B., & Widiartanto, W. (2022, November 16). CSR During Pandemic COVID-19: Why Quality of Stakeholder Relationships Matters to Company’s Business Sustainability?
Ahn, S. Y., & Park, D. J. (2018). Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Longevity: The Mediating Role of Social Capital and Moral Legitimacy in Korea. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(1), 117–134.
Akram, T., Lei, S., Hussain, S. T., Haider, M. J., & Akram, M. W. (2016). Does relational leadership generate organizational social capital? A case of exploring the effect of relational leadership on organizational social capital in China. Future Business Journal, 2(2), 116–126.
Al-Ghamdi, S. A. A., & Badawi, N. S. (2019). Do corporate social responsibility activities enhance customer satisfaction and customer loyalty? Evidence from the Saudi banking sector. Cogent Business and Management, 6(1).
Arenas, D., Lozano, J. M., & Albareda, L. (2009). The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Perceptions Among Stakeholders. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(1), 175–197.
Ball, C., Burt, G., De Vries, F., & MacEachern, E. (2018). How environmental protection agencies can promote eco-innovation: The prospect of voluntary reciprocal legitimacy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129(October 2017), 242–253.
Barney, J. B. (2018). Why resource-based theory’s model of profit appropriation must incorporate a stakeholder perspective. Strategic Management Journal, 39(13), 3305–3325.
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Bhinekawati, R. (2017). Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development: Social capital and corporate development in developing economies. In Routledge (pp. 1–312).
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Brand, T., Blok, V., & Verweij, M. (2020). Stakeholder Dialogue as Agonistic Deliberation: Exploring the Role of Conflict and Self-Interest in Business-NGO Interaction. Business Ethics Quarterly, 30(1), 3–30.
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Edinger-Schons, L. M., Lengler-Graiff, L., Scheidler, S., Mende, G., & Wieseke, J. (2020). Listen to the voice of the customer—First steps towards stakeholder democracy. Business Ethics, 29(3), 510–527.
Edinger-Schons, L. M., Lengler-Graiff, L., Scheidler, S., & Wieseke, J. (2019). Frontline Employees as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Ambassadors: A Quasi-Field Experiment. Journal of Business Ethics, 157(2), 359–373.
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Camilleri, M. A. (2016). Reconceiving corporate social responsibility for business and educational outcomes. Cogent Business and Management, 3(1).
Caulkins, D. (2013). Note: 60 Years Howard Bowen (1953): Social Responsibility of the Businessman. Grinnell College.
Chang, D. R., Jang, J., Lee, H., & Nam, M. (2019). The effects of power on consumers’ evaluation of a luxury brand’s corporate social responsibility. Psychology and Marketing, 36(1), 72–83.
Chau, V. S., & Witcher, B. J. (2008). Dynamic capabilities for strategic team performance management: The case of Nissan. Team Performance Management, 14(3–4), 179–191.
Chen, Y.-C., Hung, M., & Wang, Y. (2018). The effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on firm profitability and social externalities: Evidence from China. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 65(1), 169–190.
Choi, J., & Wang, H. (2009). Research notes and commentaries: Stakeholder relations and the persistence of corporate financial performance. Strategic Management Journal, 30(8), 895–907.
Claridge, T. (2020). Social capital at different levels and dimensions : a typology of social capital. In Social Capital Research (Issue June).
Cudjoe, M. A., Abdul Latiff, A. R., Abu Kasim, N. A., & Hisham Bin Osman, M. N. (2019). Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) initiatives in developing economies: Challenges faced by oil and gas firms in Ghana. Cogent Business and Management, 6(1).
Dang, V. T., Nguyen, N., & Wang, J. (2020). Consumers’ perceptions and responses towards online retailers’ CSR. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 48(12), 1277–1299.
Dentchev, N. A., Haezendonck, E., & van Balen, M. (2015). The Role of Governments in the Business and Society Debate. Business and Society, May, 1–18.
Dharmapala, D., & Khanna, V. (2018). The impact of mandated corporate social responsibility: Evidence from India’s Companies Act of 2013. International Review of Law and Economics, 56, 92–104.
Dunn, Katherine; Harness, D. (2019). Whose voice is heard? The influence of user-generated versus company-generated content on consumer scepticism towards CSR.
Dyer, J. H., & Singh, H. (1998). The Relational View : Cooperative Strategy and Sources of Interorganizational Competitive Advantage Author ( s ): Jeffrey H . Dyer and Harbir Singh Source : The Academy of Management Review , Vol . 23 , No . 4 ( Oct ., 1998 ), pp . 660-679 Published by : Academy of Management Review, 23(4), 660–679.
Edinger-Schons, L. M., Lengler-Graiff, L., Scheidler, S., Mende, G., & Wieseke, J. (2020). Listen to the voice of the customer—First steps towards stakeholder democracy. Business Ethics, 29(3), 510–527.
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