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Vithessonthi, C., & Tongurai, J. (2015). The effect of firm size on the leverage–performance relationship during the financial crisis of 2007–2009. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 29, 1-29.
Albertazzi, U., & Gambacorta, L. (2009). Bank profitability and the business cycle. Journal of Financial Stability, 5(4), 393-409.
Almazari, A. A. (2014). Impact of internal factors on bank profitability: Comparative study between Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 4(1), 125.
Beck, T., & Levine, R. (2004). Stock markets, banks, and growth: Panel evidence. Journal of Banking & Finance, 28(3), 423-442.
Berger, A. N., & Udell, G. F. (1998). The economics of small business finance: The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial growth cycle. Journal of Banking & Finance, 22(6-8), 613-673.
Chortareas, G., Cipollini, A., & Eissa, M. A. (2012). Switching to floating exchange rates, devaluations, and stock returns in MENA countries. International Review of Financial Analysis, 21, 119-127.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A., & Detragiache, E. (1998). The determinants of banking crises in developing and developed countries. Staff Papers, 45(1), 81-109.
Eriņa, J., & Lāce, N. (2011). Latvian Commercial Bank Profitability Indicators. publication. editionName, 1316-1325.
Galí, J. (2008). Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle: an introduction to the new Keynesian framework.
Greenwald, B. C., & Stiglitz, J. E. (1993). Financial market imperfections and business cycles. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108(1), 77-114.
Hope, O. K., & Langli, J. C. (2010). Auditor independence in a private firm and low litigation risk setting. The Accounting Review, 85(2), 573-605.
Levine, R. (1999). Financial development and economic growth: views and agenda. The World Bank.
Pagano, M. (1993). Financial markets and growth: an overview. European economic review, 37(2-3), 613-622.
Vithessonthi, C., & Tongurai, J. (2015). The effect of firm size on the leverage–performance relationship during the financial crisis of 2007–2009. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 29, 1-29.