Credit card fraud poses a significant challenge for both consumers and organizations worldwide, particularly with the increasing reliance on credit cards for financial transactions. Therefore, it is crucial to establish effective mechanisms to detect credit card fraud. However, the uneven distribution of instances between the two classes in the credit card dataset hinders traditional machine learning techniques, as they tend to prioritize the majority class, leading to inaccurate fraud pre- dictions. To address this issue, this paper focuses on the use of the Elbow Fuzzy Noise Filtering SMOTE (EFN-SMOTE) technique, an oversampling approach, to handle unbalanced data. EFN-SMOTE partitions the dataset into multiple clusters using the Elbow method, applies noise filtering to each cluster, and then employs SMOTE to synthesize new minority instances based on the nearest majority instance to each minority instance, thereby improving the model’s ability to perceive the decision boundary. EFN-SMOTE’s performance was evaluated using an Artificial Neural Network model with four hidden layers, resulting in significant improvements in classification performance, achieving an accuracy of 0.999, precision of 0.998, sensitivity of 0.999, specificity of 0.998, F-measure of 0.999, and G-Mean of 0.999.