Strain-softening material models have conventionally had a pathological mesh sensitivity in finite element simulations and composite materials are indifferent to this problem. Spurious localization is... s inherent to the structural problem in strain-driven softening. This limitation is caused as the partial differential equations (that govern the structural problem) become ill-posed as the tangent modulus becomes negative, for which uniqueness of the solution with respect to the spatial discretization is lost. This causes the numerical results to unrealistically concentrate in a single layer of elements. A basic theory of overcoming mesh sensitivity is the non-local continuum theory. In this work, three different non-local models with isotropic weight function have been proposed and implemented to work in conjunction with a composite micro-mechanical material model. The effect of a weighing function in each of these formulations has been studied in detail. All three non-local formulations have been observed to produce a nice smeared effect of damage unlike the local damage models.