Organizational commitment is an essential part of business development especially in educational system. In this paper, we study the relationship between six personal characteristics of employees of A... Azad University in province of Arak, Iran. The proposed study designs and distributes a questionnaire among experts who are involved in education systems. The population of this survey includes 900 employees who are enrolled in educational as well as administration levels and chooses a sample of 269 people for the survey. The questionnaire consists of different questions in Likert scale and there are six independent variables including age, gender, educational background, marital status, job experience and salary. We study the relationship of these six items with organization commitment. The results of our survey indicate that marital status is the most influential factor on organizational commitment followed by educational background and job experience. Based on the results of this survey, we can conclude that those employees who could get more experience and maintain a good educational background will more likely to stay with a firm than young employees more