Many people are aware of taking care of the global environment, so they demand environmentally friendly business activities. The government also has responded to the commotion by requiring companies t... to produce friendly and safe products or services to their customers. Hotel industries react to it by implementing the concept of green hotels. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the Internet of Things, strategic green purchasing and green operation have impacted green employee behavior in star-hotels in East Java. Eighty-two (82) questionnaires were distributed, but only 62 questionnaires were valid, with a response rate of 75.60 %. SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square) was used to analyze the data. The results show that the Internet of Things (IoT) has a significant impact on green hotel operation, with the T-statistic value of 0.378. green purchasing has a significant impact on green hotel operation, with the T-statistic value of 0.545, and green employee behavior, with the T-statistic value of 0.346. The Internet of things (IoT) has no significant impact on green employee behavior directly but through green hotel operation. The use of energy efficiency and the existence of good waste management as indicators of green hotel operation has an impact on green employee behavior of 0.346 more