This study aims at exploring the effect of marketing 5.0 as a whole construct on marketing performance and the moderating role of customer resources between these two variables. Moreover, the study aims at examining the effects of marketing 5.0 dimensions, i.e., predictive marketing, contextual marketing, augmented marketing, and agile marketing on marketing performance as well as the moderating role of customer resources in the effect of each dimension on marketing performance. Collecting data by a closed-end questionnaire from a sample consisting of 186 managers and sales persons in clothing shops, the results pointed out that there is a statistically significant effect of marketing 5.0 on marketing performance and there is a statistically significant moderating effect of customer resources between marketing 5.0 and marketing performance. Furthermore, the results revealed that three dimensions of marketing 5.0, i.e., predictive marketing, contextual marketing, and augmented marketing, exerted significant effects on marketing performance. As well, customer resources significantly moderated the effects of predictive marketing and augmented marketing on marketing performance. Such results contribute to marketing performance literature through highlighting the importance of both marketing 5.0 and customer resources together in enhancing marketing performance.