Authors: Duc Tai Do, Thi Huong Nguyen, Son Tung Ha, Manh Dung Tran, Huu Anh Nguyen, Duc Dinh Truong
Keywords: Determinants, Employment, Accounting graduates
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 2055 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Fahad Awad Aber Sawaean, Khairul Anuar Mohd Ali
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Leadership, Learning orientation, Innovation capacity, Organizational Performance
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 10530 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Le Trung Thanh, Doan Xuan Hau, Nguyen Ngoc Huyen, Nguyen Thi Phuong Linh, Duong Cong Doanh, Ngo Thi Viet Nga
Keywords: Internal and external barriers, Entrepreneurial intention, Vietnamese students
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 1899 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Tung Tran Anh, Trung Tran Duc, Trang Tran Thi, Nhung Trinh Hong
Keywords: Aviation industry, Delta Air Lines, Service quality, Brand image, Perceived value, Pricing policy, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 2052 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Prasadja Ricardianto, Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, Rini Setiawati, Rudy Max Damara Gugat
Keywords: Employee engagement, Leadership style, Ship officer, Ship crew, Work effectiveness, Work life balance
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 4193 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Sima Ghaleb Magatef, Raed Ahmad Momani
Keywords: Commercials Advertising (ads), Ads Message content, Ads Frequency, Characters used in the ads, Means of ads, children awareness, Children interest, Children response, Parent's purchase decision, Direct response, Indirect response, Jordanian parents
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 2497 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Thi Thanh Tam Nguyen, Hoa Phuong Tran, Thuy Ha Dao
Keywords: Quality, Social infrastructure projects, Industrial Hanoi, Vietnam
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 1159 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Pebi Kurniawan, Wiwi Hartati, Sari Laelatul Qodriah, Badawi Badawi
Keywords: Knowledge sharing, Absorptive Capacity, Ambidexterity, Innovation Capability, Quality Performance
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 4498 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Muhamad Nasyat Muhamad Nasir, Mahadzirah Mohamad, Nur Izzati Ab Ghani, Asyraf Afthanorhan
Keywords: Destination Attractiveness, Place Attachment, Tourist Satisfaction, Destination Loyalty, Mediation, Phantom Approach
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 5824 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Sang Nguyen Minh, Tam Tran Thi Thanh
Keywords: Commercial banks, Non-interest income, Operational efficiency, Vietnam
Journal: MSL | Year: 2020 | Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Views: 3525 | Reviews: 0
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