The purpose of this research is to explore the relationships between information literacy, digital literacy, media literacy, Attitude toward use, and employability to examine the role of information a... and digital literacy in influencing employees' intentions to use technology in the workplace. The research sample for Indonesia was 250 respondents and for Malaysia there were 298 respondents. The data collection method uses Google Forms, distributed to respondents through purposive random sampling technique. The research results indicate that in Indonesia, Computer Literacy (CL) on Perceived Usefulness (PU), PU on Attitude towards Use (ATT), and ATT on Employability (EMP) have a big influence. On the other hand, Information Literacy (IL) and CL have a small influence on Employability. Likewise, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has little influence on ATT. Malaysia, which has a big influence is Digital Literacy (DL) on Employability (EMP) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). However, DL has a small influence on PU, as does IL on EMP, PEOU, and PU. Likewise, the influence of PEOU on PU is small.