A consideration of the integral variables of customer location, traffic flow, and road conditions to determine the best feasible delivery routes is a big challenge in Logistical operations. A poor routing strategy that delivers products places an ineffective gloss and eventually converts into high operating expenses, over-consumption of fuel, and shipment delays. The paper’s goal is to build a model for the logistics management of the company which aims for effective management of the truck allocation and vehicle routing using K-means clustering and TSP. K-means clustering is often used to classify the sites of delivery based on their closeness in space, hence simplifying the problem by reducing its dimensionality. The proposed algorithm considered customer location prioritization in deliveries, delivery task allocation, and truck allocation to enable timely delivery. Therefore, this paper presented a solution to enhance the logistics operations of beverage brand “KINZA” by optimizing its truck loading and delivery route. The model would ensure that each truck is able to travel optimally, with vehicle-routing algorithms applied in a way to avoid all unnecessary waste of time and distance. Finally, the main scope of this paper is to develop and design a dynamic logistics platform for the KINZA Company distribution network.