This paper examines the determinants of banks’ performance in emerging economies. Sustainable growth of emerging economies depends on the financial performance of their banks’. The determinants of banks’ performance are, therefore, analyzed through panel econometric techniques over the crisis period of 2008-2014 using data of the top 50 banks from the 10 sampled emerging economies. Both banks’ specific and macroeconomic variables are considered in the analysis. Results reveal that macroeconomic variables like GDP and inflation are significant forces behind high Return on Assets (ROA) in emerging economies banks’, however, both negatively influenced the Net Interest Margins (NIM). Among the banks’ specific variables high profitability and NIM are related to high operating costs. This shows that expenses are managed properly in these economies. Further, leverage has a positive impact on both (ROA) and (NIM).While reserve requirement has negatively and significantly influence both profitability and net interest margins, which indicates the prominence of central bank’s monetary policy by considering the importance of liquidity for emerging economies commercial banks in economic recovery phase.