This study examines the intricate relationships among Blockchain Technology utilization, Supply Chain Efficiency, Export Performance, and the Financial Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise... es (SMEs). The research aims to elucidate the impact of technology adoption on various operational and financial aspects within the SME context. Employing a quantitative research design, data was collected from a diverse sample of SMEs across industries. The relationships were analyzed using statistical techniques, and the hypotheses were tested to uncover the implications of Blockchain Technology integration on SMEs' performance dimensions. The findings reveal that the adoption of Blockchain Technology significantly enhances Supply Chain Efficiency, underscoring its potential for optimizing operational workflows. However, the direct impact of technology on SME Financial Performance is not established, suggesting the importance of a holistic approach to financial growth. Moreover, the positive association between Blockchain Technology and Export Performance highlights the pivotal role of technology in fostering international trade success. Theoretical implications underscore the intricate interplay between technology adoption, operational efficiencies, and financial outcomes in SMEs. Managerially, the study advocates for SMEs to strategically integrate technology within their supply chain management practices to achieve enhanced efficiency and market competitiveness. Limitations include the potential for contextual variations and measurement biases. Future research can delve deeper into the moderating factors that influence the relationship between technology and financial performance in SMEs. The novelty of this study lies in its comprehensive examination of the interrelationships between these factors within the SME context more