The shift in learning communication patterns in higher education emerged along with the end of the pandemic, accelerating the transformation of digital communication. This study aims to explain the digital communication variable of the CMC model, the digital technology variable of the technology and determinism model, the SIKA LMS variable of the technology acceptance model (TAM), the discipline variable of the Attitude and Behavior theory model, and the graduation variable of the Media Dependence model as part of the communication using the computer. Quantitative research method with SEM PLS analysis. Furthermore, the data collection technique was used with a proportionate stratified random sampling population of 3416 students and a sample of 302 active students working on the final project. The analysis in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling, with 5 variables, namely digital communication (X1), digital technology (X2), SIKA LMS (X3), student discipline (X4) and timely graduation (X5), conducting outer model tests, goodness of fit models, and model testing inner. Results show that the discipline variable obtained the highest average of 4.22. In contrast, the digital communication transformation obtained a very significant direct influence on the shift in learning patterns for timely graduation.