This paper optimizes joint mixed bundling, assortment planning and pricing problems for complementary retail categories that comprise substitutable items. These categories are divided into one primary category and multiple secondary categories and based on cross-selling effect, customers of primary category can opt to buy from other categories. It is assumed that the bundle can comprise one product of each offered complementary categories. A mixed-integer nonlinear programming is proposed that maximizes total profit by optimizing strategy of bundling, assortment selection and prices of single products and the bundle under a maximum-surplus customer choice model. Then because of computational considerations, this model is linearized and converted to a mixed-integer linear programming; whereby exact solution for even large-scale problems can be obtained. The results show that if cross-selling effect between product categories is overlooked or bundling of products is not allowed, then significant profit losses, will be resulted. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on bundling strategies in assortment selection decisions.