It is a well-known fact that quality of work life (QWL) is considered as a philosophy to make the people more effective at workplace by understanding their psychological well-being and involvement or attachment. The main objective of the current investigation was to understand the degree of the QWL amongst the employees working in the Saudi Arabia. The random sampling method was applied to select the data from employees working in the public and private sectors. The QWL scale and biographical information sheet were used to gather the information from the employees. Based on the research objective and design of the investigation, factorial analysis, Cronbach’s alpha value for reliability check and other statistical techniques were used to explore the facts of the data. The results show that six factors such as autonomy, inter-group relation, recognition, economic benefits, self-respect and supervisory relations were most important determinants of QWL; married and public sector employees found to have high mean score on QWL as compared with their counterparts and majority of employees in the company were having low level of quality of work life. Certain mechanism was discussed to enhance the QWL of the employees to make the organization more effective and viable.