Studying the factors in influencing the users’ intentions to adopt Big Data technology in Malaysia is crucial. This study adopted three grand theories which consisted of Dissemination of Innovation (D... DOI) theory, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and Technology-Organization Environment (TOE) framework. The model specifies technological, organizational, and environmental factors as determinants of the users’ intentions to adopt big data technology. This study aims to review the technology, organizational and environmental factors that can determine the intentions towards big data technology adoption. A total of 224 questionnaires were obtained and screened. Data was analyzed using the Partial Least Square Modelling of Structural Equations due to one of the best software for verifying structured data on structural equations modelling (SEM) Smart PLS 3.0 as analytical tools. This study finds that the predictor variables of compatibility, security are significant and critically direct to the users’ intentions to adopt big data technology. The results indicate that the model is suited for studying users’ intentions to adopt Big Data technology in educational organizations. This study can help the Malaysian ministry of education to emphasize the important factors in further developing the use of Big Data technology in organizations. The findings provide important recommendations and implications for BDA technology practitioners and application developers, which could coincide with successful BDA technology deployment. This study provides practitioners with practical recommendations for guidance in incorporating and endorsing BDA activities in their organizations in order to maximize the benefits of revolutionary technology, particularly in government agencies more