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Souisa, W. (2018). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on business performance. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(4), 1-6.
Thurow, L. C. (2000). Building wealth: the new rules for individuals, companies, and nations in a knowledge-based economy. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 59(2), 351-354.
Wisner, J. D., & Fawcett, S. E. (1991). Linking firm strategy to operating decisions through performance measurement. Production and Inventory Management Journal, 32(3), 5.
Yasin, N. A., Ridjal, S., & Jjufri, M. (2019). Human capital and entrepreneurship and their impact on the productivity of tradi-tional craftsmen. Revista ESPACIOS, 40(04), 8-20.
Atmosoedarjo et al. (2000) . Sutera Alam Indonesia. Yogyakarta. Yayasan Sarana Wana Jaya.
Bergstrand, J. H. (1990). The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model, the Linder hypothesis and the determinants of bilateral intra-industry trade. The Economic Journal, 100(403), 1216-1229.
Calvert, L. A., Cuervo, M., Lozano, I., Villareal, N., & Arroyave, J. (2008). Identification of three strains of a virus associated with cassava plants affected by frogskin disease. Journal of phytopathology, 156(11‐12), 647-653..
Choo, S., & Wong, M. (2006). Entrepreneurial intention: triggers and barriers to new venture creations in Singapore. Singapore Management Review, 28(2), 47-64.
Huber, G.P. (1991). Organizational learning. The contributing processes and the literatures. Organization Science, 2(February 1991), 88-115.
Jaworski, B. J., & Kohli, A. K. (1993). Market orientation: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Marketing, 57(3), 53-70..
Slater, S. F., & Narver, J. C. (1994). Does competitive environment moderate the market orientation-performance relationship?. Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 46-55.
Narver, J. C., Slater, S. F., & MacLachlan, D. L. (2000). Total market orientation, business performance, and innovation (No. 116). Cambridge, MA: Marketing Science Institute.
Porter, M. E. (1990). The Competitive Advantage of Nations. The MacMillan Press Ltd.
Sahabuddin, R. (2018). Effect of entrepreneurship commitment to self-efficacy through intention of entrepreneurship and competence. International Journal of Business and Management Science, 8(1), 67-81.
Sinkula, J. M. (1994). Market information processing and organizational learning. Journal of Marketing, 58(1), 35-45..
Souisa, W. (2018). The effects of entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation on business performance. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(4), 1-6.
Thurow, L. C. (2000). Building wealth: the new rules for individuals, companies, and nations in a knowledge-based economy. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 59(2), 351-354.
Wisner, J. D., & Fawcett, S. E. (1991). Linking firm strategy to operating decisions through performance measurement. Production and Inventory Management Journal, 32(3), 5.
Yasin, N. A., Ridjal, S., & Jjufri, M. (2019). Human capital and entrepreneurship and their impact on the productivity of tradi-tional craftsmen. Revista ESPACIOS, 40(04), 8-20.