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Zhu, X., Xie, L., Lin, G & Ma, X. (2022). Decision analysis of individual supplier in a vendor-managed inventory program with revenue-sharing contract.International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations , 13(3), 405-420.
Aviv, Y. (2007). On the benefits of collaborative forecasting partnerships between retailers and manufacturers. Management Science, 53(5), 777-794.
Bai, Q., Jin, M., & Xu, X. (2019). Effects of carbon emission reduction on supply chain coordination with vendor-managed deteriorating product inventory. International Journal of Production Economics, 208, 83-99.
Beheshti, H. M., Clelland, I. J., & Harrington, K. V. (2020). Competitive advantage with vendor managed inventory. Journal of Promotion Management, 26(6), 836-854.
Bookbinder, J. H., Gümüş, M., & Jewkes, E. M. (2010). Calculating the benefits of vendor managed inventory in a manufacturer-retailer system. International Journal of Production Research, 48(19), 5549-5571.
Brandstätter, E., & Körner, C. (2014). Attention in risky choice. Acta psychologica, 152, 166-176.
Busse, M. R., Lacetera, N., Pope, D. G., Silva-Risso, J., & Sydnor, J. R. (2013). Estimating the effect of salience in wholesale and retail car markets. American Economic Review, 103(3), 575-79.
Cachon, G. P., & Lariviere, M. A. (2005). Supply chain coordination with revenue-sharing contracts: Strengths and limitations. Management Science, 51(1), 30-44.
Cai, J., Hu, X., Tadikamalla, P. R., & Shang, J. (2017). Flexible contract design for VMI supply chain with service-sensitive demand: Revenue-sharing and supplier subsidy. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(1), 143-153.
Chakraborty, A., Chatterjee, A. K., & Mateen, A. (2015). A vendor-managed inventory scheme as a supply chain coordination mechanism. International Journal of Production Research, 53(1), 13-24.
Chen, L. T., & Wei, C. C. (2012). Multi-period channel coordination in vendor-managed inventory for deteriorating goods. International Journal of Production Research, 50(16), 4396-4413.
Phan, D. A., Vo, T. L. H., Lai, A. N., & Nguyen, T. L. A. (2019). Coordinating contracts for VMI systems under manufacturer-CSR and retailer-marketing efforts. International Journal of Production Economics, 211, 98-118.
Fang, C., Ma, X., Zhang, J., & Zhu, X. (2021). Personality information sharing in supply chain systems for innovative products in the circular economy era. International Journal of Production Research, 59(19), 5992-6001.
Fisher, M. L. (1997). What is the right supply chain for your product?. Harvard Business Review, 75, 105-117.
Gerchak, Y., & Wang, Y. (2004). Revenue-sharing vs. wholesale-price contracts in assembly systems with random demand. Production and operations Management, 13(1), 23-33.
Guo, P. (2010). One-shot decision approach and its application to duopoly market. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2(3), 213-232.
Guo, P. (2011). One-shot decision theory. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, 41(5), 917-926.
Guo, P. (2019). Focus theory of choice and its application to resolving the St. Petersburg, Allais, and Ellsberg paradoxes and other anomalies. European Journal of Operational Research, 276(3), 1034-1043.
Guo, P., & Ma, X. (2014). Newsvendor models for innovative products with one-shot decision theory. European Journal of Operational Research, 239(2), 523-536.
Guo, P., Yan, R., & Wang, J. (2010). Duopoly market analysis within one-shot decision framework with asymmetric possibilistic information. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3(6), 786-796.
Haitao Cui, T., Raju, J. S., & Zhang, Z. J. (2007). Fairness and channel coordination. Management science, 53(8), 1303-1314.
Hariga, M., Babekian, S., & Bahroun, Z. (2019). Operational and environmental decisions for a two-stage supply chain under vendor managed consignment inventory partnership. International Journal of Production Research, 57(11), 3642-3662.
Hong, X., Chunyuan, W., Xu, L., & Diabat, A. (2016). Multiple-vendor, multiple-retailer based vendor-managed inventory. Annals of Operations Research, 238(1-2), 277-297.
Hu, B., Meng, C., Xu, D., & Son, Y. J. (2018). Supply chain coordination under vendor managed inventory-consignment stocking contracts with wholesale price constraint and fairness. International Journal of Production Economics, 202, 21-31.
Hu, W., Li, Y., & Wang, W. (2017). Benefit and risk analysis of consignment contracts. Annals of Operations Research, 257(1), 641-659.
Kadiyala, B., Özer, Ö., & Bensoussan, A. (2020). A Mechanism Design Approach to Vendor Managed Inventory. Management Science, 66(6), 2628-2652.
Lacetera, N., Pope, D. G., & Sydnor, J. R. (2012). Heuristic thinking and limited attention in the car market. American Economic Review, 102(5), 2206-36.
Lee, J. Y., Cho, R. K., & Paik, S. K. (2016). Supply chain coordination in vendor-managed inventory systems with stockout-cost sharing under limited storage capacity. European Journal of Operational Research, 248(1), 95-106.
Li, S., Zhu, Z., & Huang, L. (2009). Supply chain coordination and decision making under consignment contract with revenue sharing. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(1), 88-99.
Lim, Y. F., Wang, Y., & Wu, Y. (2015). Consignment contracts with revenue sharing for a capacitated retailer and multiple manufacturers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17(4), 527-537.
Ma, X. (2019). Pricing to the scenario: price-setting newsvendor models for innovative products. Mathematics, 7(9), 814.
Masatlioglu, Y., Nakajima, D., & Ozbay, E. Y. (2012). Revealed attention. American Economic Review, 102(5), 2183-2205.
Sainathan, A., & Groenevelt, H. (2019). Vendor managed inventory contracts-coordinating the supply chain while looking from the vendor’s perspective. European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1), 249-260.
Simon, H. A. (1976). From substantive to procedural rationality. Boston: Springer.
Stewart, N., Hermens, F., & Matthews, W. J. (2016). Eye movements in risky choice. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29(2-3), 116-136.
Ugarte, G. M, Golden, J. M., & Dooley, K. J. (2016). Lean versus green: The impact of lean logistics on greenhouse gas emissions in consumer goods supply chains. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(2), 98-109.
Wang, C., & Guo, P. (2017). Behavioral models for first-price sealed-bid auctions with the one-shot decision theory. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(3), 994-1000.
Zammori, F., Braglia, M., & Frosolini, M. (2009). A standard agreement for vendor managed inventory. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 2(2), 165-186.
Zanoni, S., Jaber, M. Y., & Zavanella, L. E. (2012). Vendor managed inventory (VMI) with consignment considering learning and forgetting effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2), 721-730.
Zhao, X., Si, D., Zhu, W., Xie, J., & Shen, Z. J. (2019). Behaviors and Performance Improvement in a Vendor-Managed Inventory Program: An Experimental Study. Production and Operations Management, 28(7), 1818-1836.
Zhu X., & Guo P. (2017) Approaches to four types of bilevel programming problems with nonconvex nonsmooth lower level programs and their applications to newsvendor problems. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 86(2), 255-275.
Zhu, X., & Guo, P. (2020). Bilevel programming approaches to production planning for multiple products with short life cycles. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 18(2), 151-175.
Bai, Q., Jin, M., & Xu, X. (2019). Effects of carbon emission reduction on supply chain coordination with vendor-managed deteriorating product inventory. International Journal of Production Economics, 208, 83-99.
Beheshti, H. M., Clelland, I. J., & Harrington, K. V. (2020). Competitive advantage with vendor managed inventory. Journal of Promotion Management, 26(6), 836-854.
Bookbinder, J. H., Gümüş, M., & Jewkes, E. M. (2010). Calculating the benefits of vendor managed inventory in a manufacturer-retailer system. International Journal of Production Research, 48(19), 5549-5571.
Brandstätter, E., & Körner, C. (2014). Attention in risky choice. Acta psychologica, 152, 166-176.
Busse, M. R., Lacetera, N., Pope, D. G., Silva-Risso, J., & Sydnor, J. R. (2013). Estimating the effect of salience in wholesale and retail car markets. American Economic Review, 103(3), 575-79.
Cachon, G. P., & Lariviere, M. A. (2005). Supply chain coordination with revenue-sharing contracts: Strengths and limitations. Management Science, 51(1), 30-44.
Cai, J., Hu, X., Tadikamalla, P. R., & Shang, J. (2017). Flexible contract design for VMI supply chain with service-sensitive demand: Revenue-sharing and supplier subsidy. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(1), 143-153.
Chakraborty, A., Chatterjee, A. K., & Mateen, A. (2015). A vendor-managed inventory scheme as a supply chain coordination mechanism. International Journal of Production Research, 53(1), 13-24.
Chen, L. T., & Wei, C. C. (2012). Multi-period channel coordination in vendor-managed inventory for deteriorating goods. International Journal of Production Research, 50(16), 4396-4413.
Phan, D. A., Vo, T. L. H., Lai, A. N., & Nguyen, T. L. A. (2019). Coordinating contracts for VMI systems under manufacturer-CSR and retailer-marketing efforts. International Journal of Production Economics, 211, 98-118.
Fang, C., Ma, X., Zhang, J., & Zhu, X. (2021). Personality information sharing in supply chain systems for innovative products in the circular economy era. International Journal of Production Research, 59(19), 5992-6001.
Fisher, M. L. (1997). What is the right supply chain for your product?. Harvard Business Review, 75, 105-117.
Gerchak, Y., & Wang, Y. (2004). Revenue-sharing vs. wholesale-price contracts in assembly systems with random demand. Production and operations Management, 13(1), 23-33.
Guo, P. (2010). One-shot decision approach and its application to duopoly market. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, 2(3), 213-232.
Guo, P. (2011). One-shot decision theory. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans, 41(5), 917-926.
Guo, P. (2019). Focus theory of choice and its application to resolving the St. Petersburg, Allais, and Ellsberg paradoxes and other anomalies. European Journal of Operational Research, 276(3), 1034-1043.
Guo, P., & Ma, X. (2014). Newsvendor models for innovative products with one-shot decision theory. European Journal of Operational Research, 239(2), 523-536.
Guo, P., Yan, R., & Wang, J. (2010). Duopoly market analysis within one-shot decision framework with asymmetric possibilistic information. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3(6), 786-796.
Haitao Cui, T., Raju, J. S., & Zhang, Z. J. (2007). Fairness and channel coordination. Management science, 53(8), 1303-1314.
Hariga, M., Babekian, S., & Bahroun, Z. (2019). Operational and environmental decisions for a two-stage supply chain under vendor managed consignment inventory partnership. International Journal of Production Research, 57(11), 3642-3662.
Hong, X., Chunyuan, W., Xu, L., & Diabat, A. (2016). Multiple-vendor, multiple-retailer based vendor-managed inventory. Annals of Operations Research, 238(1-2), 277-297.
Hu, B., Meng, C., Xu, D., & Son, Y. J. (2018). Supply chain coordination under vendor managed inventory-consignment stocking contracts with wholesale price constraint and fairness. International Journal of Production Economics, 202, 21-31.
Hu, W., Li, Y., & Wang, W. (2017). Benefit and risk analysis of consignment contracts. Annals of Operations Research, 257(1), 641-659.
Kadiyala, B., Özer, Ö., & Bensoussan, A. (2020). A Mechanism Design Approach to Vendor Managed Inventory. Management Science, 66(6), 2628-2652.
Lacetera, N., Pope, D. G., & Sydnor, J. R. (2012). Heuristic thinking and limited attention in the car market. American Economic Review, 102(5), 2206-36.
Lee, J. Y., Cho, R. K., & Paik, S. K. (2016). Supply chain coordination in vendor-managed inventory systems with stockout-cost sharing under limited storage capacity. European Journal of Operational Research, 248(1), 95-106.
Li, S., Zhu, Z., & Huang, L. (2009). Supply chain coordination and decision making under consignment contract with revenue sharing. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(1), 88-99.
Lim, Y. F., Wang, Y., & Wu, Y. (2015). Consignment contracts with revenue sharing for a capacitated retailer and multiple manufacturers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 17(4), 527-537.
Ma, X. (2019). Pricing to the scenario: price-setting newsvendor models for innovative products. Mathematics, 7(9), 814.
Masatlioglu, Y., Nakajima, D., & Ozbay, E. Y. (2012). Revealed attention. American Economic Review, 102(5), 2183-2205.
Sainathan, A., & Groenevelt, H. (2019). Vendor managed inventory contracts-coordinating the supply chain while looking from the vendor’s perspective. European Journal of Operational Research, 272(1), 249-260.
Simon, H. A. (1976). From substantive to procedural rationality. Boston: Springer.
Stewart, N., Hermens, F., & Matthews, W. J. (2016). Eye movements in risky choice. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 29(2-3), 116-136.
Ugarte, G. M, Golden, J. M., & Dooley, K. J. (2016). Lean versus green: The impact of lean logistics on greenhouse gas emissions in consumer goods supply chains. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 22(2), 98-109.
Wang, C., & Guo, P. (2017). Behavioral models for first-price sealed-bid auctions with the one-shot decision theory. European Journal of Operational Research, 261(3), 994-1000.
Zammori, F., Braglia, M., & Frosolini, M. (2009). A standard agreement for vendor managed inventory. Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 2(2), 165-186.
Zanoni, S., Jaber, M. Y., & Zavanella, L. E. (2012). Vendor managed inventory (VMI) with consignment considering learning and forgetting effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(2), 721-730.
Zhao, X., Si, D., Zhu, W., Xie, J., & Shen, Z. J. (2019). Behaviors and Performance Improvement in a Vendor-Managed Inventory Program: An Experimental Study. Production and Operations Management, 28(7), 1818-1836.
Zhu X., & Guo P. (2017) Approaches to four types of bilevel programming problems with nonconvex nonsmooth lower level programs and their applications to newsvendor problems. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 86(2), 255-275.
Zhu, X., & Guo, P. (2020). Bilevel programming approaches to production planning for multiple products with short life cycles. 4OR-A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 18(2), 151-175.