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Çimen, T., Baykasoğlu, A & Akyol, S. (2022). Assembly line rebalancing and worker assignment considering ergonomic risks in an automotive parts manufacturing plant.International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations , 13(3), 363-384.
Ağpak, K. (2010). An approach to find task sequence for re‐balancing of assembly lines. Assembly Automation, 30(4), 378–387.
Akyol, S. D., & Baykasoğlu, A. (2019a). ErgoALWABP: a multiple-rule based constructive randomized search algorithm for solving assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem under ergonomic risk factors. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(1), 557–573.
Akyol, S. D., & Baykasoğlu, A. (2019b). A multiple-rule based constructive randomized search algorithm for solving assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(2), 557–573.
Altemeier, S., Helmdach, M., Koberstein, A., & Dangelmaier, W. (2010). Reconfiguration of assembly lines under the influence of high product variety in the automotive industry - A decision support system. International Journal of Production Research, 48(21), 6235–6256.
Arcus, A. L. (1966). COMSOAL A Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines. International Journal of Production Research, 4(4), 259–277.
Baykasoglu, A., Tasan, S. O., Tasan, A. S., & Akyol, S. D. (2017). Modeling and solving assembly line design problems by considering human factors with a real-life application. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 27(2), 96–115.
Belassiria, I., Mazouzi, M., ELfezazi, S., Cherrafi, A., & ELMaskaoui, Z. (2018). An integrated model for assembly line re-balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 56(16), 5324–5344.
Borba, L., & Ritt, M. (2014). A heuristic and a branch-and-bound algorithm for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 45, 87–96.
Celik, E., Kara, Y., & Atasagun, Y. (2014). A new approach for rebalancing of U-lines with stochastic task times using ant colony optimisation algorithm. International Journal of Production Research, 52(24), 7262–7275.
Chaves, A. A., Lorena, L. A. N., & Miralles, C. (2007). Clustering search approach for the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 1469–1478.
Corominas, A., Pastor, R., & Plans, J. (2008). Balancing assembly line with skilled and unskilled workers. Omega, 36(6), 1126–1132.
Costa, A. M., & Miralles, C. (2009). Job rotation in assembly lines employing disabled workers. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2), 625–632.
Fattahi, P., & Samouei, P. (2016). An Analytical Approach for Single and Mixed-Model Assembly Line Rebalancing and Worker Assignment Problem. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 9(1), 79–91.
Fichera, S., Costa, A., & Cappadonna, F. A. (2017). Heterogeneous workers with learning ability assignment in a cellular manufacturing system. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 8(4), 427–440.
Gamberini, R., Gebennini, E., Grassi, A., & Regattieri, A. (2009). A multiple single-pass heuristic algorithm solving the stochastic assembly line rebalancing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 47(8), 2141–2164.
Gamberini, R., Grassi, A., & Rimini, B. (2006). A new multi-objective heuristic algorithm for solving the stochastic assembly line re-balancing problem. International Journal of Production Economics, 102(2), 226–243.
Girit, U., & Azizoğlu, M. (2021). Rebalancing the assembly lines with total squared workload and total replacement distance objectives. International Journal of Production Research, 59(22), 6702–6720.
Grangeon, N., Leclaire, P., & Norre, S. (2011). Heuristics for the re-balancing of a vehicle assembly line. International Journal of Production Research, 49(22), 6609–6628.
Guo, Z. X., Wong, W. K., Leung, S. Y. S., Fan, J. T., & Chan, S. F. (2008). A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Optimization Model for Solving the Flexible Assembly Line Balancing Problem With Work Sharing and Workstation Revisiting. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 38(2), 218–228.
Hignett, S., & McAtamney, L. (2000). Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Applied Ergonomics, 31(2), 201–205.
Ishigaki, A. (2018). Heuristic approach and application for rebalancing of a mixed-model assembly line. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 12(3), 1–10.
Lai, R., Hou, L., & Wu, Y. (2015). Evolution Balancing of the Small-Sized Wheel Loader Assembly Line. Shock and Vibration, 2015, 1–11.
Li, G., & Buckle, P. (1999). Current techniques for assessing physical exposure to work-related musculoskeletal risks, with emphasis on posture-based methods. Ergonomics, 42(5), 674–695.
Li, Y. (2017). The type-II assembly line rebalancing problem considering stochastic task learning. International Journal of Production Research, 55(24), 7334–7355.
Li, Y., & Boucher, T. O. (2017). Assembly line balancing problem with task learning and dynamic task reassignment. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88(9–12), 3089–3097.
Li, Y., Li, Z., & Saldanha-da-Gama, F. (2021). New approaches for rebalancing an assembly line with disruptions. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1–18.
Liu, C., Li, W., Lian, J., & Yin, Y. (2012). Reconfiguration of assembly systems: From conveyor assembly line to serus. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31(3), 312–325.
Makssoud, F., Battaïa, O., Dolgui, A., Mpofu, K., & Olabanji, O. (2015). Re-balancing problem for assembly lines: new mathematical model and exact solution method. Assembly Automation, 35(1), 16–21.
Makssoud, F., Battäıa, O., Dolgui, A., Battaïa, O., & Dolgui, A. (2013). An Exact Method for the Assembly Line Re-balancing Problem. International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 414, 159–166.
Mardani-Fard, H. A., Hadi-Vencheh, A., Mahmoodirad, A., & Niroomand, S. (2020). An effective hybrid goal programming approach for multi-objective straight assembly line balancing problem with stochastic parameters. Operational Research, 20(4), 1939–1976.
McAtamney, L., & Nigel Corlett, E. (1993). RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics, 24(2), 91–99.
Miralles, C., García-Sabater, J. P., Andrés, C., & Cardós, M. (2008). Branch and bound procedures for solving the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: Application to Sheltered Work centres for Disabled. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(3), 352–367.
Mokhtari, H., & Mozdgir, A. (2015). A Bi-Objective Approach for Design of an Assembly Line Re-Balancing System: Mathematical Model and Differential Evolution Algorithms. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 26(2), 105–117.
Moreira, M. C. O., Miralles, C., & Costa, A. M. (2015). Model and heuristics for the Assembly Line Worker Integration and Balancing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 54, 64–73.
Occhipinti, E. (1998). OCRA: A concise index for the assessment of exposure to repetitive movements of upper limbs. Ergonomics, 41, 1290–1311.
Oliveira, F. S., Vittori, K., Russel, R. M. O., & Travassos, X. L. (2012). Mixed assembly line rebalancing: A binary integer approach applied to real world problems in the automotive industry. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 13(6), 933–940.
Otto, A., & Scholl, A. (2011). Incorporating ergonomic risks into assembly line balancing. European Journal of Operational Research, 212(2), 277–286.
Özbakır, L., & Seçme, G. (2020). A hyper-heuristic approach for stochastic parallel assembly line balancing problems with equipment costs. Operational Research.
Rahman, C. L. (2010). Re-balancing of Generalized Assembly Lines – Searching Optimal Solutions for SALBP. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, January, 3–8.
Ramezanian, R., & Khalesi, S. (2021). Integration of multi-product supply chain network design and assembly line balancing. Operational Research, 21(1), 453–483.
Sancı, E., & Azizoğlu, M. (2017). Rebalancing the assembly lines: exact solution approaches. International Journal of Production Research, 55(20), 5991–6010.
Schaub, K., Caragnano, G., Britzke, B., & Bruder, R. (2013). The European Assembly Worksheet. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 14(6), 616–639.
Scholl, A. (1993). Data of assembly line balancing problems. Schriften Zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 16/93.
Scholl, A. (1999). Balancing and Sequencing of Assembly Lines (2nd ed., p. 318). Physica.
Serin, F., Mete, S., & Çelik, E. (2019). An efficient algorithm for U-type assembly line re-balancing problem with stochastic task times. Assembly Automation, AA-07-2018-106.
Sikora, C. G. S., Lopes, T. C., & Magatão, L. (2017). Traveling worker assembly line (re)balancing problem: Model, reduction techniques, and real case studies. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(3), 949–971.
Tóth, N., & Kulcsár, G. (2021). New models and algorithms to solve integrated problems of production planning and control taking into account worker skills in flexible manufacturing systems. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 12(4), 381–400.
Waters, T. R. (1994). Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Science.
Yang, C., & Gao, J. (2016). Balancing mixed-model assembly lines using adjacent cross-training in a demand variation environment. Computers & Operations Research, 65, 139–148.
Yang, C., Gao, J., & Sun, L. (2013). A multi-objective genetic algorithm for mixed-model assembly line rebalancing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(1), 109–116.
Zacharia, P. T., & Nearchou, A. C. (2016). A population-based algorithm for the bi-objective assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 49, 1–9.
Zha, J., & Yu, J. J. (2014). A hybrid ant colony algorithm for U-line balancing and rebalancing in just-in-time production environment. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33(1), 93–102.
Zhang, Y.-H. Y., Hu, X.-F. X., & Wu, C.-X. C. (2018). Push Rule-Based Heuristic Method for Multi-objective Two-Sided Assembly Line Rebalancing Problem. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, pmsms.
Zhang, Y., Hu, X., & Wu, C. (2018). A modified multi-objective genetic algorithm for two-sided assembly line re-balancing problem of a shovel loader. International Journal of Production Research, 56(9), 3043–3063.
Zhang, Y., Hu, X., & Wu, C. (2020). Improved imperialist competitive algorithms for rebalancing multi-objective two-sided assembly lines with space and resource constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 58(12), 3589–3617.
Akyol, S. D., & Baykasoğlu, A. (2019a). ErgoALWABP: a multiple-rule based constructive randomized search algorithm for solving assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem under ergonomic risk factors. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(1), 557–573.
Akyol, S. D., & Baykasoğlu, A. (2019b). A multiple-rule based constructive randomized search algorithm for solving assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 30(2), 557–573.
Altemeier, S., Helmdach, M., Koberstein, A., & Dangelmaier, W. (2010). Reconfiguration of assembly lines under the influence of high product variety in the automotive industry - A decision support system. International Journal of Production Research, 48(21), 6235–6256.
Arcus, A. L. (1966). COMSOAL A Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines. International Journal of Production Research, 4(4), 259–277.
Baykasoglu, A., Tasan, S. O., Tasan, A. S., & Akyol, S. D. (2017). Modeling and solving assembly line design problems by considering human factors with a real-life application. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 27(2), 96–115.
Belassiria, I., Mazouzi, M., ELfezazi, S., Cherrafi, A., & ELMaskaoui, Z. (2018). An integrated model for assembly line re-balancing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 56(16), 5324–5344.
Borba, L., & Ritt, M. (2014). A heuristic and a branch-and-bound algorithm for the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 45, 87–96.
Celik, E., Kara, Y., & Atasagun, Y. (2014). A new approach for rebalancing of U-lines with stochastic task times using ant colony optimisation algorithm. International Journal of Production Research, 52(24), 7262–7275.
Chaves, A. A., Lorena, L. A. N., & Miralles, C. (2007). Clustering search approach for the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, 1469–1478.
Corominas, A., Pastor, R., & Plans, J. (2008). Balancing assembly line with skilled and unskilled workers. Omega, 36(6), 1126–1132.
Costa, A. M., & Miralles, C. (2009). Job rotation in assembly lines employing disabled workers. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2), 625–632.
Fattahi, P., & Samouei, P. (2016). An Analytical Approach for Single and Mixed-Model Assembly Line Rebalancing and Worker Assignment Problem. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 9(1), 79–91.
Fichera, S., Costa, A., & Cappadonna, F. A. (2017). Heterogeneous workers with learning ability assignment in a cellular manufacturing system. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 8(4), 427–440.
Gamberini, R., Gebennini, E., Grassi, A., & Regattieri, A. (2009). A multiple single-pass heuristic algorithm solving the stochastic assembly line rebalancing problem. International Journal of Production Research, 47(8), 2141–2164.
Gamberini, R., Grassi, A., & Rimini, B. (2006). A new multi-objective heuristic algorithm for solving the stochastic assembly line re-balancing problem. International Journal of Production Economics, 102(2), 226–243.
Girit, U., & Azizoğlu, M. (2021). Rebalancing the assembly lines with total squared workload and total replacement distance objectives. International Journal of Production Research, 59(22), 6702–6720.
Grangeon, N., Leclaire, P., & Norre, S. (2011). Heuristics for the re-balancing of a vehicle assembly line. International Journal of Production Research, 49(22), 6609–6628.
Guo, Z. X., Wong, W. K., Leung, S. Y. S., Fan, J. T., & Chan, S. F. (2008). A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Optimization Model for Solving the Flexible Assembly Line Balancing Problem With Work Sharing and Workstation Revisiting. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 38(2), 218–228.
Hignett, S., & McAtamney, L. (2000). Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Applied Ergonomics, 31(2), 201–205.
Ishigaki, A. (2018). Heuristic approach and application for rebalancing of a mixed-model assembly line. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, 12(3), 1–10.
Lai, R., Hou, L., & Wu, Y. (2015). Evolution Balancing of the Small-Sized Wheel Loader Assembly Line. Shock and Vibration, 2015, 1–11.
Li, G., & Buckle, P. (1999). Current techniques for assessing physical exposure to work-related musculoskeletal risks, with emphasis on posture-based methods. Ergonomics, 42(5), 674–695.
Li, Y. (2017). The type-II assembly line rebalancing problem considering stochastic task learning. International Journal of Production Research, 55(24), 7334–7355.
Li, Y., & Boucher, T. O. (2017). Assembly line balancing problem with task learning and dynamic task reassignment. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 88(9–12), 3089–3097.
Li, Y., Li, Z., & Saldanha-da-Gama, F. (2021). New approaches for rebalancing an assembly line with disruptions. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1–18.
Liu, C., Li, W., Lian, J., & Yin, Y. (2012). Reconfiguration of assembly systems: From conveyor assembly line to serus. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31(3), 312–325.
Makssoud, F., Battaïa, O., Dolgui, A., Mpofu, K., & Olabanji, O. (2015). Re-balancing problem for assembly lines: new mathematical model and exact solution method. Assembly Automation, 35(1), 16–21.
Makssoud, F., Battäıa, O., Dolgui, A., Battaïa, O., & Dolgui, A. (2013). An Exact Method for the Assembly Line Re-balancing Problem. International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, 414, 159–166.
Mardani-Fard, H. A., Hadi-Vencheh, A., Mahmoodirad, A., & Niroomand, S. (2020). An effective hybrid goal programming approach for multi-objective straight assembly line balancing problem with stochastic parameters. Operational Research, 20(4), 1939–1976.
McAtamney, L., & Nigel Corlett, E. (1993). RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics, 24(2), 91–99.
Miralles, C., García-Sabater, J. P., Andrés, C., & Cardós, M. (2008). Branch and bound procedures for solving the Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: Application to Sheltered Work centres for Disabled. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(3), 352–367.
Mokhtari, H., & Mozdgir, A. (2015). A Bi-Objective Approach for Design of an Assembly Line Re-Balancing System: Mathematical Model and Differential Evolution Algorithms. International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 26(2), 105–117.
Moreira, M. C. O., Miralles, C., & Costa, A. M. (2015). Model and heuristics for the Assembly Line Worker Integration and Balancing Problem. Computers & Operations Research, 54, 64–73.
Occhipinti, E. (1998). OCRA: A concise index for the assessment of exposure to repetitive movements of upper limbs. Ergonomics, 41, 1290–1311.
Oliveira, F. S., Vittori, K., Russel, R. M. O., & Travassos, X. L. (2012). Mixed assembly line rebalancing: A binary integer approach applied to real world problems in the automotive industry. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 13(6), 933–940.
Otto, A., & Scholl, A. (2011). Incorporating ergonomic risks into assembly line balancing. European Journal of Operational Research, 212(2), 277–286.
Özbakır, L., & Seçme, G. (2020). A hyper-heuristic approach for stochastic parallel assembly line balancing problems with equipment costs. Operational Research.
Rahman, C. L. (2010). Re-balancing of Generalized Assembly Lines – Searching Optimal Solutions for SALBP. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, January, 3–8.
Ramezanian, R., & Khalesi, S. (2021). Integration of multi-product supply chain network design and assembly line balancing. Operational Research, 21(1), 453–483.
Sancı, E., & Azizoğlu, M. (2017). Rebalancing the assembly lines: exact solution approaches. International Journal of Production Research, 55(20), 5991–6010.
Schaub, K., Caragnano, G., Britzke, B., & Bruder, R. (2013). The European Assembly Worksheet. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 14(6), 616–639.
Scholl, A. (1993). Data of assembly line balancing problems. Schriften Zur Quantitativen Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 16/93.
Scholl, A. (1999). Balancing and Sequencing of Assembly Lines (2nd ed., p. 318). Physica.
Serin, F., Mete, S., & Çelik, E. (2019). An efficient algorithm for U-type assembly line re-balancing problem with stochastic task times. Assembly Automation, AA-07-2018-106.
Sikora, C. G. S., Lopes, T. C., & Magatão, L. (2017). Traveling worker assembly line (re)balancing problem: Model, reduction techniques, and real case studies. European Journal of Operational Research, 259(3), 949–971.
Tóth, N., & Kulcsár, G. (2021). New models and algorithms to solve integrated problems of production planning and control taking into account worker skills in flexible manufacturing systems. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 12(4), 381–400.
Waters, T. R. (1994). Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Science.
Yang, C., & Gao, J. (2016). Balancing mixed-model assembly lines using adjacent cross-training in a demand variation environment. Computers & Operations Research, 65, 139–148.
Yang, C., Gao, J., & Sun, L. (2013). A multi-objective genetic algorithm for mixed-model assembly line rebalancing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(1), 109–116.
Zacharia, P. T., & Nearchou, A. C. (2016). A population-based algorithm for the bi-objective assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 49, 1–9.
Zha, J., & Yu, J. J. (2014). A hybrid ant colony algorithm for U-line balancing and rebalancing in just-in-time production environment. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33(1), 93–102.
Zhang, Y.-H. Y., Hu, X.-F. X., & Wu, C.-X. C. (2018). Push Rule-Based Heuristic Method for Multi-objective Two-Sided Assembly Line Rebalancing Problem. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, pmsms.
Zhang, Y., Hu, X., & Wu, C. (2018). A modified multi-objective genetic algorithm for two-sided assembly line re-balancing problem of a shovel loader. International Journal of Production Research, 56(9), 3043–3063.
Zhang, Y., Hu, X., & Wu, C. (2020). Improved imperialist competitive algorithms for rebalancing multi-objective two-sided assembly lines with space and resource constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 58(12), 3589–3617.