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Setini, M., Yasa, P & Sitiari, N. (2025). MSME digitalization: How are social capital factors in encouraging the use of digital applications?.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 9(1), 47-56.
Aagaard, A. (2018). Digital business models: Driving transformation and innovation. In Digital Business Models: Driving Transformation and Innovation.
Aboalganam, K., Alhanatleh, H., Al-Okaily, M., Alghizzawi, M., Khaddam, A., & Almajali, D. (2024). Examining antecedents’ factors influencing the customer co-creation value using open-sooq app in Jordan. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(3), 2005–2022.
Adomako, S., Mole, K. F., Franklin, R. J., & Murnieks, C. Y. (2023). Entrepreneurial passion and venture profit: Examining the moderating effects of political connections and environmental dynamism in an emerging market. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 41(2), 204–232.
Ali, O., Shrestha, A., Jaradat, A., & Al-Ahmad, A. (2022). An Evaluation of Key Adoption Factors towards Using the Fog Technology. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(3).
Amaya, A., Campoverde, J., & Granda, M. L. (2024). The effect of dynamic capabilities on msmes digitalization: Exploring the moderating role of firm age. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 19(1), 40–51.
Anggadini, S. D., Wahab, D. A., Soegoto, D. S., & Yunanto, R. (2023). Digital Transformation Approaches for Enhancing the Success of MSMEs. INCITEST 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Informatics Engineering, Science and Technology.
Asare, R., Akuffobea, M., Quaye, W., & Atta-Antwi, K. (2015). Characteristics of micro, small and medium enterprises in Ghana: Gender and implications for economic growth. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 7(1), 26–35.
Ausat, A. M. A., & Peirisal, T. (2021). Determinants of E-commerce Adoption on Business Performance: A Study of MSMEs in Malang City, Indonesia. Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 20(2), 104–114.
Babolian Hendijani, R., & Jaszus, K. (2024). the Rise of Virtual Food Tourism Experiences: Integrating Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Self-Determination Theory. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 30(2), 249–258.
Barbera, F. (2017). Social networks, collective action and public policy: The embeddedness idea reconsidered. In Networks, Trust and Social Capital: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations from Europe (pp. 119–141). Taylor and Francis.
Bebbington, A., & Foo, K. (2024). Social capital and development. In The Companion to Development Studies (pp. 186–190). Taylor and Francis.
Berkman, E. T., & Wilson, S. M. (2021). So useful as a good theory? The practicality crisis in (social) psychological theory. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(4), 864–874.
Bhandari, H., & Yasunobu, K. (2009). What is social capital? A comprehensive review of the concept. Asian Journal of Social Science, 37(3), 480-510+323+327.
Bo, Q., Cao, M., Wang, Y., Xia, Y., & Liu, W. (2024). Organizational slack, ambidextrous search and high-tech SMEs’ performance: do strategic orientations matter? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1–11.
Boukr, A., Yazdifar, H., & Askarany, D. (2021). Contextual Factors and the Diffusion of MAIs in Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Sectors in Libya. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(9).
Casais, B. (2023). Conceptualizing an Omnichannel Approach for Social Marketing Under the Assumptions of the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Social Marketing Quarterly, 29(3), 208–224.
Chen, W. (2013). The Implications of Social Capital for the Digital Divides in America. Information Society, 29(1), 13–25.
Depaoli, P., Za, S., & Scornavacca, E. (2020). A model for digital development of SMEs: an interaction-based approach. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 27(7), 1049–1068.
Desai, H. (2023). Infusing Blockchain in accounting curricula and practice: expectations, challenges, and strategies. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 23(August), 97–135.
Dwumah, P., Amaniampong, E. M., Animwah Kissiedu, J., & Adu Boahen, E. (2024). Association between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of small and medium enterprises in Ghana: the role of network ties. Cogent Business and Management, 11(1).
El-Gohary, H., & Eid, R. (2012). DMA Model: Understanding digital marketing adoption and implementation by Islamic Tourism Organizations. Tourism Analysis, 17(4), 523–532.
Field, J. (2008). Social capital: Second edition. In Social Capital: Second Edition (Vol. 9780203930519). Routledge.
Gao, B. (2023). A uses and gratifications approach to examining users’ continuance intention towards smart mobile learning. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1–13.
Gayathri, R. (2023). Sustainability in the age of networking and virtual social capital: Neoteric approach. In Social Capital in the Age of Online Networking: Genesis, Manifestations, and Implications (pp. 73–90). IGI Global.
Ghazwani, S. S., & Alzahrani, S. (2024). The Use of Social Media Platforms for Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing and Its Effect on SMEs’ Profitability and Growth through Innovation. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(1).
Gupta, U., Agarwal, B., & Nautiyal, N. (2022). Financial Technology Adoption — A Case of Indian MSMEs. Finance: Theory and Practice, 26(6), 192–211.
Halstead, J. M., Deller, S. C., & Leyden, K. M. (2022). Social capital and community development: Where do we go from here? Community Development, 53(1), 92–108.
Haylemariam, L. G., Oduro, S., & Tegegne, Z. L. (2024). Entrepreneurial agility and organizational performance of IT firms: A mediated moderation model. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 20(2), 75–92.
Heatherton, A. T., & Walcott, V. A. (2009). Handbook of social interactions in the 21st century. In Handbook of Social Interactions in the 21st Century. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Henche, B. G., Salvaj, E., & Cuesta-Valiño, P. (2020). A sustainable management model for cultural creative tourism ecosystems. Sustainability, 12(22), 9554.
Hoang, D. C., Duc, P. M., & Anh, D. N. (2023). Fostering Digital Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparison between E-Governments of India and Vietnam. Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 10(2), 262–280.
Jamil, M. I. M. (2024). A discourse of the underlying concepts of digital transformation for MSMEs. In Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management: Insights in Education and Industry (pp. 1–20). IGI Global.
Kallmuenzer, A., Mikhaylov, A., Chelaru, M., & Czakon, W. (2024). Adoption and performance outcome of digitalization in small and medium-sized enterprises. Review of Managerial Science.
Key, T. M. (2017). Domains of Digital Marketing Channels in the Sharing Economy. Journal of Marketing Channels, 24(1–2), 27–38.
Kim, J. H., & Kang, E. (2023). An Empirical Research: Incorporation of User Innovativeness into TAM and UTAUT in Adopting a Golf App. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(10).
Komala, A. R., & Firdaus, D. W. (2023). Improving the Quality of Financial Statements and the Survival of Msmes Through Digital Economy: the Case of Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10(5), 752–763.
Lee, C., & Hallak, R. (2020). Investigating the effects of offline and online social capital on tourism SME performance: A mixed-methods study of New Zealand entrepreneurs. Tourism Management, 80(April), 104128.
Leite, J. (2023). administrative sciences Towards the Voluntary Adoption of Integrated Reporting :
Linares, Y., Colmenares, L., & Espinoza, N. (2011). Social capital: A fundamental tool in public policies for community development. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 17(1), 59–69.
Liu, R., Gupta, S., & Patel, P. (2023). The Application of the Principles of Responsible AI on Social Media Marketing for Digital Health. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(6), 2275–2299.
Lyu, C., Peng, C., Yang, H., Li, H., & Gu, X. (2022). Social capital and innovation performance of digital firms: Serial mediation effect of cross-border knowledge search and absorptive capacity. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 7(2).
Maurer, I., Bartsch, V., & Ebers, M. (2011). The value of intra-organizational social capital: How it fosters knowledge transfer, innovation performance, and growth. Organization Studies, 32(2), 157–185.
Meilariza, R., Mirah Delima, Z., & . Z. (2024). Digitalization of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 2024, 245–257.
Mikiewicz, P. (2021). Social capital and education–An attempt to synthesize conceptualization arising from various theoretical origins. Cogent Education, 8(1).
Mohammed Shebeen, T., Shanthi, R., & Mathiyarasan, M. (2024). Navigating Industry 4.0: Skill Development Strategies for Empowering MSMEs in the Digital Age. In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 536, pp. 453–462). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Nurfarida, I. N., Sudarmiatin, Hermawan, A., & Restuningdiah, N. (2023). Social customer relationship management and business performance: Evidence from small and medium enterprises. Quality - Access to Success, 24(197), 141–147.
Odeibat, A. S. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Managerial Capabilities on the Innovation Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Capabilities: A Literature Review. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 26(2), 94–108.
Prayoga, R. A., Wijaya, G., Fitriyah, N., Wicaksono, A., & Wahyono, E. (2024). Strengthening digital capital on social media for collective social action in micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, 10(1), 001.
Rahayu, S. K., Budiarti, I., Firdaus, D. W., & Onegina, V. (2023). Digitalization and Informal Msme: Digital Financial Inclusion for Msme Development in the Formal Economy. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10(1), 9–19.
Rodríguez-Peña, A. (2021). Assessing the impact of corporate entrepreneurship in the financial performance of subsidiaries of Colombian business groups: under environmental dynamism moderation. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 10(1).
Sastararuji, D., Hoonsopon, D., Pitchayadol, P., & Chiwamit, P. (2022). Cloud accounting adoption in Thai SMEs amid the COVID-19 pandemic: an explanatory case study. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(1).
Setini, M., Yasa, N. N. K., Supartha, I. W. G., Giantari, I. G. A. K., & Rajiani, I. (2020). The passway of women entrepreneurship: Starting from social capital with open innovation, through to knowledge sharing and innovative performance. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), 25.
Seyed-Mohamed, N., & Bolte, M. (2014). Taking a position in a structured business network. In Managing Networks in International Business (pp. 215–231). Taylor and Francis.
Shahzad, A., bin Zakaria, M. S. A., Kotzab, H., Makki, M. A. M., Hussain, A., & Fischer, J. (2023). Adoption of fourth industrial revolution 4.0 among Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1–14.
Shrestha, M. K. (2018). Network Structure, Strength of Relationships, and Communities’ Success in Project Implementation. Public Administration Review, 78(2), 284–294.
Steinfield, C., Scupola, A., & López-Nicolás, C. (2010). Social capital, ICT use and company performance: Findings from the Medicon Valley Biotech Cluster. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(7), 1156–1166.
Suharyati, Utami, K., & Supriadi, Y. N. (2023). Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Service Quality Bank, Fintech, Cooperative with CSI and IPA Methods. Quality - Access to Success, 24(193), 140–153.
Supari, S., & Anton, H. (2022). The Impact of the National Economic Recovery Program and Digitalization on MSME Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Economies, 10(7).
Tariq, A., Sumbal, M. S. U. K., Dabić, M., Raziq, M. M., & Torkkeli, M. (2024). Interlinking networking capabilities, knowledge worker productivity, and digital innovation: a critical nexus for sustainable performance in small and medium enterprises. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(11), 179–198.
Tereshchenko, E., Salmela, E., Melkko, E., Phang, S. K., & Happonen, A. (2024). Emerging best strategies and capabilities for university–industry cooperation: opportunities for MSMEs and universities to improve collaboration. A literature review 2000–2023. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 13(1).
Tresiana, N., & Duadji, N. (2023). CAN THE POLICY ENVIRONMENT IMPROVE THE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICE? Public Administration Issues, 5, 69–90.
Umami, I., Che Pee, A. N. B., Bin Sulaiman, H. A., & Mar’ati, F. S. (2023). A literature review of MSME success: Acceptance and use of technology, financial access, and strategic cooperation. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6.
Vu, P. M., Van Binh, T., & Duong, L. N. K. (2023). How social capital affects innovation, marketing and entrepreneurial orientation: the case of SMEs in Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam). Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1).
Whiteley, P. F. (2015). Social Capital. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition (pp. 174–180). Elsevier Inc.
Yadav, U. S., Aggarwal, R., Tripathi, R., & Kumar, A. (2024). BRIDGING THE SKILL GAP OF INDIAN HANDICRAFT INDUSTRY WORKERS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE PROBLEMS AND REMEDIES FOR HANDICRAFT ARTISANS. In Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis (Vol. 112A, pp. 183–202). Emerald Publishing.
Zaheer, M. A., Anjum, T., Díaz Tautiva, J. A., & Heidler, P. (2024). Digital Transformation of Enterprises to Enhance Sustainability: How Does the Reputation of Digital Applications Influence the Attributes of E-Commerce. Sustainability, 16(17), 7365.
Zhao, F., Barratt-Pugh, L., Standen, P., Redmond, J., & Suseno, Y. (2022). An exploratory study of entrepreneurial social networks in the digital age. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 29(1), 147–173.
Zheng, B., Yuan, Y., Li, H., & Jiang, Y. (2023). A study of digital transformation and MSMEs performance from a spatial perspective: Evidence from China. Journal of Economics and Management (Poland), 45(1), 319–343.
Ziakis, C., & Vlachopoulou, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing: Insights from a Comprehensive Review. Information (Switzerland), 14(12), 1–30.
Aboalganam, K., Alhanatleh, H., Al-Okaily, M., Alghizzawi, M., Khaddam, A., & Almajali, D. (2024). Examining antecedents’ factors influencing the customer co-creation value using open-sooq app in Jordan. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(3), 2005–2022.
Adomako, S., Mole, K. F., Franklin, R. J., & Murnieks, C. Y. (2023). Entrepreneurial passion and venture profit: Examining the moderating effects of political connections and environmental dynamism in an emerging market. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 41(2), 204–232.
Ali, O., Shrestha, A., Jaradat, A., & Al-Ahmad, A. (2022). An Evaluation of Key Adoption Factors towards Using the Fog Technology. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(3).
Amaya, A., Campoverde, J., & Granda, M. L. (2024). The effect of dynamic capabilities on msmes digitalization: Exploring the moderating role of firm age. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 19(1), 40–51.
Anggadini, S. D., Wahab, D. A., Soegoto, D. S., & Yunanto, R. (2023). Digital Transformation Approaches for Enhancing the Success of MSMEs. INCITEST 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Informatics Engineering, Science and Technology.
Asare, R., Akuffobea, M., Quaye, W., & Atta-Antwi, K. (2015). Characteristics of micro, small and medium enterprises in Ghana: Gender and implications for economic growth. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development, 7(1), 26–35.
Ausat, A. M. A., & Peirisal, T. (2021). Determinants of E-commerce Adoption on Business Performance: A Study of MSMEs in Malang City, Indonesia. Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri, 20(2), 104–114.
Babolian Hendijani, R., & Jaszus, K. (2024). the Rise of Virtual Food Tourism Experiences: Integrating Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Self-Determination Theory. Tourism and Hospitality Management, 30(2), 249–258.
Barbera, F. (2017). Social networks, collective action and public policy: The embeddedness idea reconsidered. In Networks, Trust and Social Capital: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations from Europe (pp. 119–141). Taylor and Francis.
Bebbington, A., & Foo, K. (2024). Social capital and development. In The Companion to Development Studies (pp. 186–190). Taylor and Francis.
Berkman, E. T., & Wilson, S. M. (2021). So useful as a good theory? The practicality crisis in (social) psychological theory. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 16(4), 864–874.
Bhandari, H., & Yasunobu, K. (2009). What is social capital? A comprehensive review of the concept. Asian Journal of Social Science, 37(3), 480-510+323+327.
Bo, Q., Cao, M., Wang, Y., Xia, Y., & Liu, W. (2024). Organizational slack, ambidextrous search and high-tech SMEs’ performance: do strategic orientations matter? Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1–11.
Boukr, A., Yazdifar, H., & Askarany, D. (2021). Contextual Factors and the Diffusion of MAIs in Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing Sectors in Libya. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(9).
Casais, B. (2023). Conceptualizing an Omnichannel Approach for Social Marketing Under the Assumptions of the Transtheoretical Model of Change. Social Marketing Quarterly, 29(3), 208–224.
Chen, W. (2013). The Implications of Social Capital for the Digital Divides in America. Information Society, 29(1), 13–25.
Depaoli, P., Za, S., & Scornavacca, E. (2020). A model for digital development of SMEs: an interaction-based approach. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 27(7), 1049–1068.
Desai, H. (2023). Infusing Blockchain in accounting curricula and practice: expectations, challenges, and strategies. International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, 23(August), 97–135.
Dwumah, P., Amaniampong, E. M., Animwah Kissiedu, J., & Adu Boahen, E. (2024). Association between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of small and medium enterprises in Ghana: the role of network ties. Cogent Business and Management, 11(1).
El-Gohary, H., & Eid, R. (2012). DMA Model: Understanding digital marketing adoption and implementation by Islamic Tourism Organizations. Tourism Analysis, 17(4), 523–532.
Field, J. (2008). Social capital: Second edition. In Social Capital: Second Edition (Vol. 9780203930519). Routledge.
Gao, B. (2023). A uses and gratifications approach to examining users’ continuance intention towards smart mobile learning. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1–13.
Gayathri, R. (2023). Sustainability in the age of networking and virtual social capital: Neoteric approach. In Social Capital in the Age of Online Networking: Genesis, Manifestations, and Implications (pp. 73–90). IGI Global.
Ghazwani, S. S., & Alzahrani, S. (2024). The Use of Social Media Platforms for Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing and Its Effect on SMEs’ Profitability and Growth through Innovation. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(1).
Gupta, U., Agarwal, B., & Nautiyal, N. (2022). Financial Technology Adoption — A Case of Indian MSMEs. Finance: Theory and Practice, 26(6), 192–211.
Halstead, J. M., Deller, S. C., & Leyden, K. M. (2022). Social capital and community development: Where do we go from here? Community Development, 53(1), 92–108.
Haylemariam, L. G., Oduro, S., & Tegegne, Z. L. (2024). Entrepreneurial agility and organizational performance of IT firms: A mediated moderation model. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, 20(2), 75–92.
Heatherton, A. T., & Walcott, V. A. (2009). Handbook of social interactions in the 21st century. In Handbook of Social Interactions in the 21st Century. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Henche, B. G., Salvaj, E., & Cuesta-Valiño, P. (2020). A sustainable management model for cultural creative tourism ecosystems. Sustainability, 12(22), 9554.
Hoang, D. C., Duc, P. M., & Anh, D. N. (2023). Fostering Digital Development of Small and Medium Enterprises: A Comparison between E-Governments of India and Vietnam. Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science, 10(2), 262–280.
Jamil, M. I. M. (2024). A discourse of the underlying concepts of digital transformation for MSMEs. In Digital Technologies in Modeling and Management: Insights in Education and Industry (pp. 1–20). IGI Global.
Kallmuenzer, A., Mikhaylov, A., Chelaru, M., & Czakon, W. (2024). Adoption and performance outcome of digitalization in small and medium-sized enterprises. Review of Managerial Science.
Key, T. M. (2017). Domains of Digital Marketing Channels in the Sharing Economy. Journal of Marketing Channels, 24(1–2), 27–38.
Kim, J. H., & Kang, E. (2023). An Empirical Research: Incorporation of User Innovativeness into TAM and UTAUT in Adopting a Golf App. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(10).
Komala, A. R., & Firdaus, D. W. (2023). Improving the Quality of Financial Statements and the Survival of Msmes Through Digital Economy: the Case of Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10(5), 752–763.
Lee, C., & Hallak, R. (2020). Investigating the effects of offline and online social capital on tourism SME performance: A mixed-methods study of New Zealand entrepreneurs. Tourism Management, 80(April), 104128.
Leite, J. (2023). administrative sciences Towards the Voluntary Adoption of Integrated Reporting :
Linares, Y., Colmenares, L., & Espinoza, N. (2011). Social capital: A fundamental tool in public policies for community development. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 17(1), 59–69.
Liu, R., Gupta, S., & Patel, P. (2023). The Application of the Principles of Responsible AI on Social Media Marketing for Digital Health. Information Systems Frontiers, 25(6), 2275–2299.
Lyu, C., Peng, C., Yang, H., Li, H., & Gu, X. (2022). Social capital and innovation performance of digital firms: Serial mediation effect of cross-border knowledge search and absorptive capacity. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 7(2).
Maurer, I., Bartsch, V., & Ebers, M. (2011). The value of intra-organizational social capital: How it fosters knowledge transfer, innovation performance, and growth. Organization Studies, 32(2), 157–185.
Meilariza, R., Mirah Delima, Z., & . Z. (2024). Digitalization of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. KnE Social Sciences, 2024, 245–257.
Mikiewicz, P. (2021). Social capital and education–An attempt to synthesize conceptualization arising from various theoretical origins. Cogent Education, 8(1).
Mohammed Shebeen, T., Shanthi, R., & Mathiyarasan, M. (2024). Navigating Industry 4.0: Skill Development Strategies for Empowering MSMEs in the Digital Age. In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (Vol. 536, pp. 453–462). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
Nurfarida, I. N., Sudarmiatin, Hermawan, A., & Restuningdiah, N. (2023). Social customer relationship management and business performance: Evidence from small and medium enterprises. Quality - Access to Success, 24(197), 141–147.
Odeibat, A. S. (2023). Exploring the Impact of Managerial Capabilities on the Innovation Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Organizational Capabilities: A Literature Review. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 26(2), 94–108.
Prayoga, R. A., Wijaya, G., Fitriyah, N., Wicaksono, A., & Wahyono, E. (2024). Strengthening digital capital on social media for collective social action in micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi, 10(1), 001.
Rahayu, S. K., Budiarti, I., Firdaus, D. W., & Onegina, V. (2023). Digitalization and Informal Msme: Digital Financial Inclusion for Msme Development in the Formal Economy. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 10(1), 9–19.
Rodríguez-Peña, A. (2021). Assessing the impact of corporate entrepreneurship in the financial performance of subsidiaries of Colombian business groups: under environmental dynamism moderation. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 10(1).
Sastararuji, D., Hoonsopon, D., Pitchayadol, P., & Chiwamit, P. (2022). Cloud accounting adoption in Thai SMEs amid the COVID-19 pandemic: an explanatory case study. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(1).
Setini, M., Yasa, N. N. K., Supartha, I. W. G., Giantari, I. G. A. K., & Rajiani, I. (2020). The passway of women entrepreneurship: Starting from social capital with open innovation, through to knowledge sharing and innovative performance. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(2), 25.
Seyed-Mohamed, N., & Bolte, M. (2014). Taking a position in a structured business network. In Managing Networks in International Business (pp. 215–231). Taylor and Francis.
Shahzad, A., bin Zakaria, M. S. A., Kotzab, H., Makki, M. A. M., Hussain, A., & Fischer, J. (2023). Adoption of fourth industrial revolution 4.0 among Malaysian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1–14.
Shrestha, M. K. (2018). Network Structure, Strength of Relationships, and Communities’ Success in Project Implementation. Public Administration Review, 78(2), 284–294.
Steinfield, C., Scupola, A., & López-Nicolás, C. (2010). Social capital, ICT use and company performance: Findings from the Medicon Valley Biotech Cluster. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(7), 1156–1166.
Suharyati, Utami, K., & Supriadi, Y. N. (2023). Customer Satisfaction Analysis of Service Quality Bank, Fintech, Cooperative with CSI and IPA Methods. Quality - Access to Success, 24(193), 140–153.
Supari, S., & Anton, H. (2022). The Impact of the National Economic Recovery Program and Digitalization on MSME Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Economies, 10(7).
Tariq, A., Sumbal, M. S. U. K., Dabić, M., Raziq, M. M., & Torkkeli, M. (2024). Interlinking networking capabilities, knowledge worker productivity, and digital innovation: a critical nexus for sustainable performance in small and medium enterprises. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(11), 179–198.
Tereshchenko, E., Salmela, E., Melkko, E., Phang, S. K., & Happonen, A. (2024). Emerging best strategies and capabilities for university–industry cooperation: opportunities for MSMEs and universities to improve collaboration. A literature review 2000–2023. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 13(1).
Tresiana, N., & Duadji, N. (2023). CAN THE POLICY ENVIRONMENT IMPROVE THE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICE? Public Administration Issues, 5, 69–90.
Umami, I., Che Pee, A. N. B., Bin Sulaiman, H. A., & Mar’ati, F. S. (2023). A literature review of MSME success: Acceptance and use of technology, financial access, and strategic cooperation. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 6.
Vu, P. M., Van Binh, T., & Duong, L. N. K. (2023). How social capital affects innovation, marketing and entrepreneurial orientation: the case of SMEs in Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam). Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1).
Whiteley, P. F. (2015). Social Capital. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition (pp. 174–180). Elsevier Inc.
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Zaheer, M. A., Anjum, T., Díaz Tautiva, J. A., & Heidler, P. (2024). Digital Transformation of Enterprises to Enhance Sustainability: How Does the Reputation of Digital Applications Influence the Attributes of E-Commerce. Sustainability, 16(17), 7365.
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