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Alam, M. (2023). An investigation on the use of digital marketing towards the customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of resturants in Saudi Arabia.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(4), 1493-1504.
Ahmed, S., Al Asheq, A., Ahmed, E., Chowdhury, U.Y., Sufi, T., & Mostofa, M.G. (2023). The intricate relationships of consumers’ loyalty and their perceptions of service quality, price and satisfaction in restaurant service. The TQM Journal, 35(2), 519-539.
Bernarto, I., & Purwanto, A. (2022). The effect of perceived risk, brand image and perceived price fairness on customer satisfaction. Brand Image and Perceived Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction (March 1, 2022).
Bhandari, R., & Sin, M.V.A. (2023). Optimizing digital marketing in hospitality industries. Startupreneur Bisnis Digital (SABDA Journal), 2(1).
Binsawad, M. (2020). Social media efficiency towards restaurant business: a comparison between social media profiles (case study in Saudi Arabia). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 31389-31399.
Chen, W.K., Riantama, D., & Chen, L.S. (2020). Using a text mining approach to hear voices of customers from social media toward the fast-food restaurant industry. Sustainability, 13(1), 268.
Deb, S.K., Nafi, S.M., & Valeri, M. (2022). Promoting tourism business through digital marketing in the new normal era: a sustainable approach. European Journal of Innovation Management, (ahead-of-print).
Delima, A., Ashary, H.M., & Usman, O. (2019). Influence of Service Quality, Product Quality, Price, Brand Image, and Promotion to Consumer Satisfaction Affecting on Consumer Loyalty (Online Shop). Product Quality, Price, Brand Im-age, and Promotion to Consumer Satisfaction Affecting on Consumer Loyalty (Online Shop)(January 1, 2019).
Diputra, I.G.A.W., & Yasa, N.N. (2021). The influence of product quality, brand image, brand trust on customer satisfac-tion and loyalty. American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM), 4(1), 25-34.
Fernandes Sampaio, C.A., Hernández Mogollón, J.M., & de Ascensão Gouveia Rodrigues, R.J. (2020). The relationship between market orientation, customer loyalty and business performance: A sample from the Western Europe hotel in-dustry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(2), 131-143.
Ginting, Y., Chandra, T., Miran, I., & Yusriadi, Y. (2023). Repurchase intention of e-commerce customers in Indonesia: An overview of the effect of e-service quality, e-word of mouth, customer trust, and customer satisfaction mediation. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 329-340.
Ginting, Y., Chandra, T., Miran, I., & Yusriadi, Y. (2023). Repurchase intention of e-commerce customers in Indonesia: An overview of the effect of e-service quality, e-word of mouth, customer trust, and customer satisfaction mediation. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 329-340.
Gunduz, C. (2023). An Evaluation of the Structure of the Halal Tourism Market and Its Current Situation in Europe. Mul-tifaceted Research in the Field of Tourism.
Han, S.H., Nguyen, B., & Lee, T.J. (2015). Consumer-based chain restaurant brand equity, brand reputation, and brand trust. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 50, 84-93.
Hariyanto, E. (2018). The influence of brand experience through brand trust and brand satisfaction toward brand loyalty consumer at Carl's Jr Surabaya. Petra Business and Management Review, 4(2).
Hidayat, A., Adanti, A.P., Darmawan, A., & Setyaning, A.N. (2019). Factors influencing Indonesian customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in local fast-food restaurant. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(3), 131-139.
Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., & Rialp, J. (2019). How does sensory brand experience influence brand equity? Considering the roles of customer satisfaction, customer affective commitment, and employee empathy. Journal of Business Re-search, 96, 343-354.
Keni, K., & Japiana, M. (2022). Factor Influencing Brand Loyalty In The Indonesian Food And Beverage Sector. Jurnal Manajemen, 26(2), 277-295.
Kim, Y.J., Park, J.S., & Jeon, H.M. (2021). Experiential value, satisfaction, brand love, and brand loyalty toward robot barista coffee shop: The moderating effect of generation. Sustainability, 13(21), 12029.
Kitsios, F., Kamariotou, M., Karanikolas, P., & Grigoroudis, E. (2021). Digital marketing platforms and customer satis-faction: Identifying eWOM using big data and text mining. Applied Sciences, 11(17), 8032.
Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., & Alnaser, A. (2020). The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction: Theoreti-cal and empirical underpinning. Management Science Letters, 10(15), 3561-3570.
Kwon, J.H., Jung, S.H., Choi, H.J., & Kim, J. (2021). Antecedent factors that affect restaurant brand trust and brand loyal-ty: focusing on US and Korean consumers. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(7), 990-1015.
Lee, M., Cai, Y., DeFranco, A., & Lee, J. (2020). Exploring influential factors affecting guest satisfaction: Big data and business analytics in consumer-generated reviews. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(1), pp.137-153.
Liu, C., Dou, X., Li, J., & Cai, L.A. (2020). Analyzing government role in rural tourism development: An empirical inves-tigation from China. Journal of Rural Studies, 79, 177-188.
Majeed, M., Asare, C., Fatawu, A., & Abubakari, A. (2022). An analysis of the effects of customer satisfaction and en-gagement on social media on repurchase intention in the hospitality industry. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2028331.
Mak, A.H., & Chang, R.C. (2019). The driving and restraining forces for environmental strategy adoption in the hotel in-dustry: A force field analysis approach. Tourism Management, 73, 48-60.
Muharam, H., Chaniago, H., Endraria, E., & Harun, A.B. (2021). E-service quality, customer trust and satisfaction: market place consumer loyalty analysis. Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi, 8(2), 237-254.
Myo, Y.N., Khalifa, G.S., & Aye, T.T. (2019). The impact of service quality on customer loyalty of Myanmar hospitality industry: the mediating role of customer satisfaction. International Journal of Management and Human Science (IJMHS), 3(3), 1-11.
Prasetyo, Y.T., Tanto, H., Mariyanto, M., Hanjaya, C., Young, M.N., Persada, S.F., Miraja, B.A. & Redi, A.A.N.P. (2021). Factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in online food delivery service during the COVID-19 pandemic: Its relation with open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), p.76.
Putri, N.K.W.D., & Alvin, S. (2023). Social Media Activities at Ulam Tawa Restaurant. Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 3(2), 261-274.
Raduzzi, A., & Massey, J.E. (2019). Customers satisfaction and brand loyalty at McDonalds Maroc. African Journal of Marketing Management, 11(3), 21-34.
Rather, R.A., Tehseen, S., Itoo, M.H., & Parrey, S.H. (2019). Customer brand identification, affective commitment, cus-tomer satisfaction, and brand trust as antecedents of customer behavioral intention of loyalty: An empirical study in the hospitality sector. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 29(2), 196-217.
Singh, S., Singh, G., & Dhir, S. (2022). Impact of digital marketing on the competitiveness of the restaurant indus-try. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 1-29.
Sornsaruht, P. (2020). Antecedents to the creation of ‘Thai Select Unique’restaurant brand equity. African Journal of Hos-pitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(2), 1-18.
Sürücü, Ö., Öztürk, Y., Okumus, F., & Bilgihan, A. (2019). Brand awareness, image, physical quality and employee be-havior as building blocks of customer-based brand equity: Consequences in the hotel context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 40, 114-124.
Susanty, A., & Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on cof-fee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 14-27.
Wantara, P., & Tambrin, M. (2019). The Effect of price and product quality towards customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on madura batik. International Tourism and Hospitality Journal, 2(1), 1-9.
Xia, M., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Linear and nonlinear relationships: a hybrid SEM-neural network approach to verify the links of online experience with luxury hotel branding. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 5(5), 1062-1079.
Xu, J.B., Prayag, G., & Song, H. (2022). The effects of consumer brand authenticity, brand image, and age on brand loyal-ty in time-honored restaurants: Findings from SEM and fsQCA. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, 103340.
Yu, C.E. (2020). Humanlike robots as employees in the hotel industry: Thematic content analysis of online reviews. Jour-nal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(1), 22-38.
Zibarzani, M., Abumalloh, R.A., Nilashi, M., Samad, S., Alghamdi, O.A., Nayer, F.K., Ismail, M.Y., Mohd, S., & Akib, N.A.M. (2022). Customer satisfaction with Restaurants Service Quality during COVID-19 outbreak: A two-stage methodology. Technology in Society, 70, 101977.
Bernarto, I., & Purwanto, A. (2022). The effect of perceived risk, brand image and perceived price fairness on customer satisfaction. Brand Image and Perceived Price Fairness on Customer Satisfaction (March 1, 2022).
Bhandari, R., & Sin, M.V.A. (2023). Optimizing digital marketing in hospitality industries. Startupreneur Bisnis Digital (SABDA Journal), 2(1).
Binsawad, M. (2020). Social media efficiency towards restaurant business: a comparison between social media profiles (case study in Saudi Arabia). Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 31389-31399.
Chen, W.K., Riantama, D., & Chen, L.S. (2020). Using a text mining approach to hear voices of customers from social media toward the fast-food restaurant industry. Sustainability, 13(1), 268.
Deb, S.K., Nafi, S.M., & Valeri, M. (2022). Promoting tourism business through digital marketing in the new normal era: a sustainable approach. European Journal of Innovation Management, (ahead-of-print).
Delima, A., Ashary, H.M., & Usman, O. (2019). Influence of Service Quality, Product Quality, Price, Brand Image, and Promotion to Consumer Satisfaction Affecting on Consumer Loyalty (Online Shop). Product Quality, Price, Brand Im-age, and Promotion to Consumer Satisfaction Affecting on Consumer Loyalty (Online Shop)(January 1, 2019).
Diputra, I.G.A.W., & Yasa, N.N. (2021). The influence of product quality, brand image, brand trust on customer satisfac-tion and loyalty. American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM), 4(1), 25-34.
Fernandes Sampaio, C.A., Hernández Mogollón, J.M., & de Ascensão Gouveia Rodrigues, R.J. (2020). The relationship between market orientation, customer loyalty and business performance: A sample from the Western Europe hotel in-dustry. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20(2), 131-143.
Ginting, Y., Chandra, T., Miran, I., & Yusriadi, Y. (2023). Repurchase intention of e-commerce customers in Indonesia: An overview of the effect of e-service quality, e-word of mouth, customer trust, and customer satisfaction mediation. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 329-340.
Ginting, Y., Chandra, T., Miran, I., & Yusriadi, Y. (2023). Repurchase intention of e-commerce customers in Indonesia: An overview of the effect of e-service quality, e-word of mouth, customer trust, and customer satisfaction mediation. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 329-340.
Gunduz, C. (2023). An Evaluation of the Structure of the Halal Tourism Market and Its Current Situation in Europe. Mul-tifaceted Research in the Field of Tourism.
Han, S.H., Nguyen, B., & Lee, T.J. (2015). Consumer-based chain restaurant brand equity, brand reputation, and brand trust. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 50, 84-93.
Hariyanto, E. (2018). The influence of brand experience through brand trust and brand satisfaction toward brand loyalty consumer at Carl's Jr Surabaya. Petra Business and Management Review, 4(2).
Hidayat, A., Adanti, A.P., Darmawan, A., & Setyaning, A.N. (2019). Factors influencing Indonesian customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in local fast-food restaurant. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(3), 131-139.
Iglesias, O., Markovic, S., & Rialp, J. (2019). How does sensory brand experience influence brand equity? Considering the roles of customer satisfaction, customer affective commitment, and employee empathy. Journal of Business Re-search, 96, 343-354.
Keni, K., & Japiana, M. (2022). Factor Influencing Brand Loyalty In The Indonesian Food And Beverage Sector. Jurnal Manajemen, 26(2), 277-295.
Kim, Y.J., Park, J.S., & Jeon, H.M. (2021). Experiential value, satisfaction, brand love, and brand loyalty toward robot barista coffee shop: The moderating effect of generation. Sustainability, 13(21), 12029.
Kitsios, F., Kamariotou, M., Karanikolas, P., & Grigoroudis, E. (2021). Digital marketing platforms and customer satis-faction: Identifying eWOM using big data and text mining. Applied Sciences, 11(17), 8032.
Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., & Alnaser, A. (2020). The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction: Theoreti-cal and empirical underpinning. Management Science Letters, 10(15), 3561-3570.
Kwon, J.H., Jung, S.H., Choi, H.J., & Kim, J. (2021). Antecedent factors that affect restaurant brand trust and brand loyal-ty: focusing on US and Korean consumers. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30(7), 990-1015.
Lee, M., Cai, Y., DeFranco, A., & Lee, J. (2020). Exploring influential factors affecting guest satisfaction: Big data and business analytics in consumer-generated reviews. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(1), pp.137-153.
Liu, C., Dou, X., Li, J., & Cai, L.A. (2020). Analyzing government role in rural tourism development: An empirical inves-tigation from China. Journal of Rural Studies, 79, 177-188.
Majeed, M., Asare, C., Fatawu, A., & Abubakari, A. (2022). An analysis of the effects of customer satisfaction and en-gagement on social media on repurchase intention in the hospitality industry. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2028331.
Mak, A.H., & Chang, R.C. (2019). The driving and restraining forces for environmental strategy adoption in the hotel in-dustry: A force field analysis approach. Tourism Management, 73, 48-60.
Muharam, H., Chaniago, H., Endraria, E., & Harun, A.B. (2021). E-service quality, customer trust and satisfaction: market place consumer loyalty analysis. Jurnal Minds: Manajemen Ide dan Inspirasi, 8(2), 237-254.
Myo, Y.N., Khalifa, G.S., & Aye, T.T. (2019). The impact of service quality on customer loyalty of Myanmar hospitality industry: the mediating role of customer satisfaction. International Journal of Management and Human Science (IJMHS), 3(3), 1-11.
Prasetyo, Y.T., Tanto, H., Mariyanto, M., Hanjaya, C., Young, M.N., Persada, S.F., Miraja, B.A. & Redi, A.A.N.P. (2021). Factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in online food delivery service during the COVID-19 pandemic: Its relation with open innovation. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), p.76.
Putri, N.K.W.D., & Alvin, S. (2023). Social Media Activities at Ulam Tawa Restaurant. Indonesian Journal of Business Analytics, 3(2), 261-274.
Raduzzi, A., & Massey, J.E. (2019). Customers satisfaction and brand loyalty at McDonalds Maroc. African Journal of Marketing Management, 11(3), 21-34.
Rather, R.A., Tehseen, S., Itoo, M.H., & Parrey, S.H. (2019). Customer brand identification, affective commitment, cus-tomer satisfaction, and brand trust as antecedents of customer behavioral intention of loyalty: An empirical study in the hospitality sector. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 29(2), 196-217.
Singh, S., Singh, G., & Dhir, S. (2022). Impact of digital marketing on the competitiveness of the restaurant indus-try. Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 1-29.
Sornsaruht, P. (2020). Antecedents to the creation of ‘Thai Select Unique’restaurant brand equity. African Journal of Hos-pitality, Tourism and Leisure, 9(2), 1-18.
Sürücü, Ö., Öztürk, Y., Okumus, F., & Bilgihan, A. (2019). Brand awareness, image, physical quality and employee be-havior as building blocks of customer-based brand equity: Consequences in the hotel context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 40, 114-124.
Susanty, A., & Kenny, E. (2015). The relationship between brand equity, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty on cof-fee shop: Study of Excelso and Starbucks. ASEAN Marketing Journal, 14-27.
Wantara, P., & Tambrin, M. (2019). The Effect of price and product quality towards customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on madura batik. International Tourism and Hospitality Journal, 2(1), 1-9.
Xia, M., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Linear and nonlinear relationships: a hybrid SEM-neural network approach to verify the links of online experience with luxury hotel branding. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 5(5), 1062-1079.
Xu, J.B., Prayag, G., & Song, H. (2022). The effects of consumer brand authenticity, brand image, and age on brand loyal-ty in time-honored restaurants: Findings from SEM and fsQCA. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107, 103340.
Yu, C.E. (2020). Humanlike robots as employees in the hotel industry: Thematic content analysis of online reviews. Jour-nal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(1), 22-38.
Zibarzani, M., Abumalloh, R.A., Nilashi, M., Samad, S., Alghamdi, O.A., Nayer, F.K., Ismail, M.Y., Mohd, S., & Akib, N.A.M. (2022). Customer satisfaction with Restaurants Service Quality during COVID-19 outbreak: A two-stage methodology. Technology in Society, 70, 101977.