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Wehbe, A., Merlo, C & Pilnière, V. (2020). Coupling project and system criteria for design coordination: A focus on competences management.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 4(1), 57-72.
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ANSI/EIA-632. (1998). Electronic Industries Alliance, Processes for Engineeringa System.
ATLAS. (2008 - 2011). Aides et assisTances pour la conception, la conduite et leur coupLage par les connAissanceS – Help and support for design, coordination and their coupling by knowledge.
Bahill, T., & Briggs, C. (2001). The systems engineering started in the middle process: A consensus of systems engineers and project managers. Systems Engineering, 4(2), 156–167.
Balbontin, A., Yazdani, B., Cooper, R., & Souder, W. (2000). New product development practices in American and British firms. Technovation, 20(5), 257-274. doi:10.1016/S0166-4972(99)00136-4
Boucher, X. (2009, April 18). Collaborative Decision-making Support System to Enhance Competencies within Enterprise Networks. Journal of Decision Systems, 18(3), 319-346.
Boujut, J.-F., & Tiger, H. (2002). A sociotechnical research method for analyzing and instrumenting the design activity. Journal of Design Research, 2(2), 121–134.
Boumane, A., Talbi, A., Tahon, C., & Bouami, D. (2006). Contribution à la modélisation de la compétence [Modeling contribution of competencies]. 6e conférence internationale de Modélisation et SIMulation, MOSIM’06. Rabat, Maroc.
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Coates, G., Whitfield, R., Duffy, A., & Hi, B. (2000). Co-ordination approaches and systems. Part II. An operational perspective. Research in Engineering Design, 12, 73–89.
Crozier, M., & Friedberg, E. (1977). L’acteur et le système [The actor and the system]. (Seuil, Ed.) Paris.
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De Witte, S. (1994). La notion de compétences : problèmes d’approches, dans La compétence, mythe, construction ou réalité ? [The competencies conception: approaches problems, in competencies, myth, construction or reality?]. In F. Minet, M. Palier, & S. De Witte (Eds.). Paris: L’Harmattan.
Defelix, C., & Retour, D. (2003). La gestion des compétences dans la stratégie de croissance d´une PME innovante : le cas Microtek [Competencies management in the growth strategy of an innovative SME: the Microtek case]. Revue Internationale PME, 16, 3-4.
Galster, M., & Avgeriou, P. (2015). An industrial case study on variability handling in large enterprise software systems. Journal of Information and Software Technology, 60, 16-31.
Giannini, F., Monti, M., Biondi, D., Bonfatti, F., & Moanari, P. (2002, December 1). A modelling tool for the management of product data in a co-design environment. Computer Aided Design, 34(14), 1063-1073.
Gilbert, P. (1994). La gestion des compétences : du discours à la construction de nouvelles pratiques sociales [Management of competences: from discourse to the construction of new social practices]. In C. Piganiol-Jacquet, Analyses et controverses en gestion des ressources humaines (pp. 213-230). L’Harmattan.
Gilbert, P. (2003). Jalons pour une histoire de la gestion des compétences [Milestones for a history of skills management]. In A. Klarsfeld, & E. Oiry, Gérer les compétences : des instruments aux processus : cas d'entreprises et perspectives théoriques (pp. 11-32). Paris, France: Vuibert.
Girard, P., & Doumeingts, G. (2004, March ). Modelling of the engineering design system to improve performance. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 46(1), 43-67.
Hatchuel, A. (1995). Les marchés à prescripteurs. Crise de l’échange et genèse sociale [Marching toward prescribers]. In A. Jacob, & H. Verin, L’inscription sociale du marché (L’Harmattan ed., pp. 205-225). Paris, France.
Hatchuel, A. (2008). Coopération et conception collective – Variété et crises des rapports de prescription [Cooperation and Collective Design - Variety and Crisis of Prescription Reporting]. In G. De Terssac, E. Friedberg, G. De Terssac, & E. Friedberg (Eds.), Coopération et Conception (Octares ed., pp. 101-121). Toulouse, France.
Hettiarachchi, C., Do, H., & Choi, B. (2016). Risk-based test case prioritization using a fuzzy expert system. (Elsevier, Ed.) Journal of Information and Software Technology, 69, 1-15.
INCOSE. (2015). Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities (4th ed.). (D. Walden, G. Roedler, K. Forsberg, R. Hamelin, & T. Shortell, Eds.) San Diego, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Kvan, T. (2000, July ). Collaborative design: what is it? (Elsevier, Ed.) Automation in Construction, 9(4), 409-415.
Le Boterf, G. (1994). De la Compétence, essai sur un attracteur étrange [Competence, try on a strange attractor]. Paris, France: Organisation.
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Mandon, N. (1990). Analyse des emplois et gestion anticipée des compétences [Management of anticipated competencies and job analysis ]. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Qualifications (CEREQ - Bref), Marseille, France.
Martinez, M., Fouletier, P., Park, K., & Favrel, J. (2001, December ). Virtual enterprise organisation, evolution and control. International Journal of Production Economics, 74(1 - 3), 225-238.
Masson, A., & Parlier, M. (2004). Les démarches compétence [The competence approaches]. Paris, France: ANACT.
Merlo, C., & Girard, P. (2003). GRAI Engineering: A Knowledge Modelling Method to Co-ordinate Engineering Design. International CIRP Design . Grenoble, France.
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Minel, S., Merlo, C., & Zolghadri, M. (2008). Analysing collaboration in order to propose a framework for supporting management of co-design network. ERIMA’08. Porto, Portugal.
Minet, F., Parlier, M., & De Witte, S. (1994). La compétence, mythe, construction ou réalité ? [Competence, myth, construction or reality?]. Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
Mintzberg, H. (1990). Le management. Voyage au centre des organisations [Management. Insights from within of organizations]. (J. Behar, Trans.) Paris, France: Organisation.
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Prasad, B. (1996). Concurrent engineering fundamentals (Vol. 1). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall.
Retour, D. (2002, Automne). Le management des compétences, quoi de neuf pour l’entreprise ? [Management of competences, what's new for the company?]. Management et Conjoncture Sociale, pp. 7-8.
Robin, V., Merlo, C., & Girard, P. (2007). PEGASE: A prototype of software to manage design system in a collaborative design environment, in Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability. In L. Geilson, & R. Curran (Ed.), 14th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (pp. 597-604). Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil: Springer.
Roucoules, L., Noel, F., Teissandier, D., Lombard, M., Debarbouille, G., Girard, P., & Merlo, C. (2006). IPPOP: an open source collaborative design platform to link product, design process and industrial organisation information. 6th International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, IDMME'06. Grenoble, France.
Veltz, P., & Zarifian, P. (1994). Travail collectif et modèles d'organisation de la production [Collective work and models of organization of production]. Le Travail Humain, 57(3), 239-249.
ANSI/EIA-632. (1998). Electronic Industries Alliance, Processes for Engineeringa System.
ATLAS. (2008 - 2011). Aides et assisTances pour la conception, la conduite et leur coupLage par les connAissanceS – Help and support for design, coordination and their coupling by knowledge.
Bahill, T., & Briggs, C. (2001). The systems engineering started in the middle process: A consensus of systems engineers and project managers. Systems Engineering, 4(2), 156–167.
Balbontin, A., Yazdani, B., Cooper, R., & Souder, W. (2000). New product development practices in American and British firms. Technovation, 20(5), 257-274. doi:10.1016/S0166-4972(99)00136-4
Boucher, X. (2009, April 18). Collaborative Decision-making Support System to Enhance Competencies within Enterprise Networks. Journal of Decision Systems, 18(3), 319-346.
Boujut, J.-F., & Tiger, H. (2002). A sociotechnical research method for analyzing and instrumenting the design activity. Journal of Design Research, 2(2), 121–134.
Boumane, A., Talbi, A., Tahon, C., & Bouami, D. (2006). Contribution à la modélisation de la compétence [Modeling contribution of competencies]. 6e conférence internationale de Modélisation et SIMulation, MOSIM’06. Rabat, Maroc.
Cleland, D., & Ireland, L. (2006). Project management: strategic design and implementation (5 ed.). London: McGraw-Hill Gb.
Coates, G., Whitfield, R., Duffy, A., & Hi, B. (2000). Co-ordination approaches and systems. Part II. An operational perspective. Research in Engineering Design, 12, 73–89.
Crozier, M., & Friedberg, E. (1977). L’acteur et le système [The actor and the system]. (Seuil, Ed.) Paris.
De Terssac, G. (2002). Le travail : une aventure collective [Work: a Global advanture] (Octarès ed.). Toulouse, France: Octarès.
De Witte, S. (1994). La notion de compétences : problèmes d’approches, dans La compétence, mythe, construction ou réalité ? [The competencies conception: approaches problems, in competencies, myth, construction or reality?]. In F. Minet, M. Palier, & S. De Witte (Eds.). Paris: L’Harmattan.
Defelix, C., & Retour, D. (2003). La gestion des compétences dans la stratégie de croissance d´une PME innovante : le cas Microtek [Competencies management in the growth strategy of an innovative SME: the Microtek case]. Revue Internationale PME, 16, 3-4.
Galster, M., & Avgeriou, P. (2015). An industrial case study on variability handling in large enterprise software systems. Journal of Information and Software Technology, 60, 16-31.
Giannini, F., Monti, M., Biondi, D., Bonfatti, F., & Moanari, P. (2002, December 1). A modelling tool for the management of product data in a co-design environment. Computer Aided Design, 34(14), 1063-1073.
Gilbert, P. (1994). La gestion des compétences : du discours à la construction de nouvelles pratiques sociales [Management of competences: from discourse to the construction of new social practices]. In C. Piganiol-Jacquet, Analyses et controverses en gestion des ressources humaines (pp. 213-230). L’Harmattan.
Gilbert, P. (2003). Jalons pour une histoire de la gestion des compétences [Milestones for a history of skills management]. In A. Klarsfeld, & E. Oiry, Gérer les compétences : des instruments aux processus : cas d'entreprises et perspectives théoriques (pp. 11-32). Paris, France: Vuibert.
Girard, P., & Doumeingts, G. (2004, March ). Modelling of the engineering design system to improve performance. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 46(1), 43-67.
Hatchuel, A. (1995). Les marchés à prescripteurs. Crise de l’échange et genèse sociale [Marching toward prescribers]. In A. Jacob, & H. Verin, L’inscription sociale du marché (L’Harmattan ed., pp. 205-225). Paris, France.
Hatchuel, A. (2008). Coopération et conception collective – Variété et crises des rapports de prescription [Cooperation and Collective Design - Variety and Crisis of Prescription Reporting]. In G. De Terssac, E. Friedberg, G. De Terssac, & E. Friedberg (Eds.), Coopération et Conception (Octares ed., pp. 101-121). Toulouse, France.
Hettiarachchi, C., Do, H., & Choi, B. (2016). Risk-based test case prioritization using a fuzzy expert system. (Elsevier, Ed.) Journal of Information and Software Technology, 69, 1-15.
INCOSE. (2015). Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities (4th ed.). (D. Walden, G. Roedler, K. Forsberg, R. Hamelin, & T. Shortell, Eds.) San Diego, USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Kvan, T. (2000, July ). Collaborative design: what is it? (Elsevier, Ed.) Automation in Construction, 9(4), 409-415.
Le Boterf, G. (1994). De la Compétence, essai sur un attracteur étrange [Competence, try on a strange attractor]. Paris, France: Organisation.
Le Boterf, G. (2010). Construire les compétences individuelles et collectives [Tailor individual and collective skills]. Paris, France: Organisation.
Mandon, N. (1990). Analyse des emplois et gestion anticipée des compétences [Management of anticipated competencies and job analysis ]. Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Qualifications (CEREQ - Bref), Marseille, France.
Martinez, M., Fouletier, P., Park, K., & Favrel, J. (2001, December ). Virtual enterprise organisation, evolution and control. International Journal of Production Economics, 74(1 - 3), 225-238.
Masson, A., & Parlier, M. (2004). Les démarches compétence [The competence approaches]. Paris, France: ANACT.
Merlo, C., & Girard, P. (2003). GRAI Engineering: A Knowledge Modelling Method to Co-ordinate Engineering Design. International CIRP Design . Grenoble, France.
Michel, S. (1993). Sens et contresens des bilans de compétences [Advantages and disadvantages of competencies listings] (Liaisons sociales ed.). Paris, France.
Minel, S., Merlo, C., & Zolghadri, M. (2008). Analysing collaboration in order to propose a framework for supporting management of co-design network. ERIMA’08. Porto, Portugal.
Minet, F., Parlier, M., & De Witte, S. (1994). La compétence, mythe, construction ou réalité ? [Competence, myth, construction or reality?]. Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
Mintzberg, H. (1990). Le management. Voyage au centre des organisations [Management. Insights from within of organizations]. (J. Behar, Trans.) Paris, France: Organisation.
Perrin, J. (1999). Pilotage et évaluation des processus de conception [Piloting and assessment of design processes]. (Editions l'Harmattan, Ed.) Paris, France.
Prasad, B. (1996). Concurrent engineering fundamentals (Vol. 1). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall.
Retour, D. (2002, Automne). Le management des compétences, quoi de neuf pour l’entreprise ? [Management of competences, what's new for the company?]. Management et Conjoncture Sociale, pp. 7-8.
Robin, V., Merlo, C., & Girard, P. (2007). PEGASE: A prototype of software to manage design system in a collaborative design environment, in Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering: Collaboration, Technology Innovation and Sustainability. In L. Geilson, & R. Curran (Ed.), 14th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (pp. 597-604). Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil: Springer.
Roucoules, L., Noel, F., Teissandier, D., Lombard, M., Debarbouille, G., Girard, P., & Merlo, C. (2006). IPPOP: an open source collaborative design platform to link product, design process and industrial organisation information. 6th International Conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, IDMME'06. Grenoble, France.
Veltz, P., & Zarifian, P. (1994). Travail collectif et modèles d'organisation de la production [Collective work and models of organization of production]. Le Travail Humain, 57(3), 239-249.