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Jeribi, A & Jarboui, A. (2015). The minimum price required by investors in IPOs.Decision Science Letters , 4(1), 63-76.
Agathee, U.S., Brooks, C., & Sannassee, R.V. (2012). Hot and cold IPO markets: The case of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 22(4), 168–192.
Aggarwal, S., Liu, C., & Rhee, R. (2008). Investor demand for IPOs and aftermarket performance: Evidence from the Hong Kong stock market. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 18(2), 176–190.
Ahmad-Zaluki, N.A., Campbell, K., & Goodacre, A. (2011). Earnings management in Malaysian IPOs: The East Asian crisis, ownership control, and post-IPO performance. The International Journal of Accounting, 46(2), 111–137.
Allen, F., & Faulhaber, G.R. (1989). Signaling by underpricing in the IPO market. Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2), 303–323.
Amihud, Y., Hauser, S., & Kirsh, A. (2003). Allocations, adverse selection, and cascades in IPOs: evidence from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Journal of Financial Economics, 68(1), 137–158.
Arthurs, D.J., Busenitz, L.W, & Hoskisson, R.E., Johnson, R.A. (2009). Signaling and initial public offerings: The use and impact of the lockup period. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(4), 360–372.
Ben Slama, S., & Boudriga, A., Boulila, N. (2011). Determinants of IPO underpricing: Evidence from Tunisia. The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 5(1), 13–32.
Beatty, R., & Ritter, J.R. (1986). Investment banking, reputation, and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Journal of Financial Economics, 15(1), 213–232.
Berger, D., & Turtle, H.J. (2012). Cross-sectional performance and investor sentiment in a multiple risk factor model. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(4), 1107–1121
Brennan, J., & Franks, J. (1997). Underpricing, ownership and control in initial public offerings of equity securities in the UK. Journal of Financial Economics, 45(3), 391–413.
Bubna, A., & Prabhala, N.R. (2011). IPOs with and without allocation discretion: Empirical evidence. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 20(4), 530–561.
Cheng, L.T.W., Chan, K.C., & Mak, B.S.C. (2005). Strategic share allocation and underpricings of IPOs in Hong Kong. International Business Review, 14(1), 41–59.
Chowdhry, B., & Sherman, A. (1996). International differences in oversubscription and underpricing of IPOs. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2(4), 359–381.
Degeorge, F., Derrien, F., & Womac, K.L. (2010). Auctioned IPOs: The US evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, 98 (2), 177–194.
Gana, M.R., & El Ammari, A. (2008). Initial underpricing and transfer of shares on the Tunisian stock exchange. Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, 5(3), 434–444.
How, J., & Yeo, J. (2000). The pricing of underwriting services in the Australian capital market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 8(3-4), 347–373.
Ibbotson, R. (1975). Price performance of common stock new issues. Journal of Financial Economics, 2(3), 235–272.
Jiang, L., & Li, G. (2013). Investor sentiment and IPO pricing during pre-market and aftermarket periods: Evidence from Hong Kong. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 23 (3), 65–82.
Jeribi, A., & Jarboui, A. (2014). Explaining deliberate IPO price discount: Evidence from the Tunisian stock market. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 6(2), 121–138.
Jeribi, A., Jeribi, Masmoudi .M., & Jarboui, A. (2014). Voluntary and Involuntary Underpricing in IPOs. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 6(2), 122-138.
Kanoun, S., & Taktak, S. (2013). Information asymmetries, issuers’ incentives and underpricing in emerging market: Some evidence from Tunisian IPO firms. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research, 3(5), 83–94.
Keloharju, M. (1993). The winner’s curse, legal liability, and the long-run price performance of initial public offerings in Finland. Journal of Financial Economics, 34(2), 251–277.
Koh, F., & Walter, T. (1989). A direct test of Rock & apos; s model of the pricing of unseasoned issues, Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2), 251-272.
Lee, P.J., Taylor, S.L., & Walter, T.S. (1996). Expected and realized returns for Singaporean IPOs: initial and long-run analysis. Pacific-Basin Finance, 4(2), 153–180.
Levis, M. (1990). The winner’s curse problem, interest costs and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Economic Journal, 100(399), 76-89.
Low, S.W., & Yong, O. (2011). Explaining over-subscription in fixed-price IPOs : Evidence from the Malaysian stock market. Emerging Markets Review, 12(3), 205–216.
Marisetty, V.B., & Subrahmanyam M.G. (2010). Journal of Financial Markets, 13(1), 196–223.
Michaely, R., & Shaw, W. (1994). The pricing of initial public offerings: tests of adverse-selection and signaling theories. Review of Financial Studies, 7(2), 279–319.
Mok, H., & Hui, Y. (1998). Under-pricing and aftermarket performance of IPOs in Shanghai, China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 6 (5), 453–474.
Neupane, S., & Poshakwale, S. (2012). Transparency in IPO mechanism: retail investors’ participation, IPO pricing and returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(7), 2064–2076.
Rock, K. (1986). Why new issues are underpriced. Journal of Financial Economics, 15 (1-2), 187–212.
Roosenboom, P. (2012).Valuing and pricing IPOs. Journal of finance and Banking, 36(6), 1653–1664.
Sherman, A.E., & Titman, S. (2002). Building the IPO order book : Underpricing and participation limits with costly information. Journal of Financial Economics, 65(1), 3–29.
Smith, C., (1986). Investment Banking and the Capital Acquisition Process. Journal of Financial Economics, 15(1), 3–29.
Welch, I., (1989). Seasoned offerings, imitation costs, and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Journal of Finance, 44(2), 421– 448.
Zheng, S.X., & Li, M. (2008). Underpricing, ownership dispersion, and aftermarket liquidity of IPO stocks. Journal of Empirical Finance, 15(3), 436–454.
Aggarwal, S., Liu, C., & Rhee, R. (2008). Investor demand for IPOs and aftermarket performance: Evidence from the Hong Kong stock market. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 18(2), 176–190.
Ahmad-Zaluki, N.A., Campbell, K., & Goodacre, A. (2011). Earnings management in Malaysian IPOs: The East Asian crisis, ownership control, and post-IPO performance. The International Journal of Accounting, 46(2), 111–137.
Allen, F., & Faulhaber, G.R. (1989). Signaling by underpricing in the IPO market. Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2), 303–323.
Amihud, Y., Hauser, S., & Kirsh, A. (2003). Allocations, adverse selection, and cascades in IPOs: evidence from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. Journal of Financial Economics, 68(1), 137–158.
Arthurs, D.J., Busenitz, L.W, & Hoskisson, R.E., Johnson, R.A. (2009). Signaling and initial public offerings: The use and impact of the lockup period. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(4), 360–372.
Ben Slama, S., & Boudriga, A., Boulila, N. (2011). Determinants of IPO underpricing: Evidence from Tunisia. The International Journal of Business and Finance Research, 5(1), 13–32.
Beatty, R., & Ritter, J.R. (1986). Investment banking, reputation, and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Journal of Financial Economics, 15(1), 213–232.
Berger, D., & Turtle, H.J. (2012). Cross-sectional performance and investor sentiment in a multiple risk factor model. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(4), 1107–1121
Brennan, J., & Franks, J. (1997). Underpricing, ownership and control in initial public offerings of equity securities in the UK. Journal of Financial Economics, 45(3), 391–413.
Bubna, A., & Prabhala, N.R. (2011). IPOs with and without allocation discretion: Empirical evidence. Journal of Financial Intermediation, 20(4), 530–561.
Cheng, L.T.W., Chan, K.C., & Mak, B.S.C. (2005). Strategic share allocation and underpricings of IPOs in Hong Kong. International Business Review, 14(1), 41–59.
Chowdhry, B., & Sherman, A. (1996). International differences in oversubscription and underpricing of IPOs. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2(4), 359–381.
Degeorge, F., Derrien, F., & Womac, K.L. (2010). Auctioned IPOs: The US evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, 98 (2), 177–194.
Gana, M.R., & El Ammari, A. (2008). Initial underpricing and transfer of shares on the Tunisian stock exchange. Journal of Corporate Ownership and Control, 5(3), 434–444.
How, J., & Yeo, J. (2000). The pricing of underwriting services in the Australian capital market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 8(3-4), 347–373.
Ibbotson, R. (1975). Price performance of common stock new issues. Journal of Financial Economics, 2(3), 235–272.
Jiang, L., & Li, G. (2013). Investor sentiment and IPO pricing during pre-market and aftermarket periods: Evidence from Hong Kong. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 23 (3), 65–82.
Jeribi, A., & Jarboui, A. (2014). Explaining deliberate IPO price discount: Evidence from the Tunisian stock market. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 6(2), 121–138.
Jeribi, A., Jeribi, Masmoudi .M., & Jarboui, A. (2014). Voluntary and Involuntary Underpricing in IPOs. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 6(2), 122-138.
Kanoun, S., & Taktak, S. (2013). Information asymmetries, issuers’ incentives and underpricing in emerging market: Some evidence from Tunisian IPO firms. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Research, 3(5), 83–94.
Keloharju, M. (1993). The winner’s curse, legal liability, and the long-run price performance of initial public offerings in Finland. Journal of Financial Economics, 34(2), 251–277.
Koh, F., & Walter, T. (1989). A direct test of Rock & apos; s model of the pricing of unseasoned issues, Journal of Financial Economics, 23(2), 251-272.
Lee, P.J., Taylor, S.L., & Walter, T.S. (1996). Expected and realized returns for Singaporean IPOs: initial and long-run analysis. Pacific-Basin Finance, 4(2), 153–180.
Levis, M. (1990). The winner’s curse problem, interest costs and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Economic Journal, 100(399), 76-89.
Low, S.W., & Yong, O. (2011). Explaining over-subscription in fixed-price IPOs : Evidence from the Malaysian stock market. Emerging Markets Review, 12(3), 205–216.
Marisetty, V.B., & Subrahmanyam M.G. (2010). Journal of Financial Markets, 13(1), 196–223.
Michaely, R., & Shaw, W. (1994). The pricing of initial public offerings: tests of adverse-selection and signaling theories. Review of Financial Studies, 7(2), 279–319.
Mok, H., & Hui, Y. (1998). Under-pricing and aftermarket performance of IPOs in Shanghai, China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 6 (5), 453–474.
Neupane, S., & Poshakwale, S. (2012). Transparency in IPO mechanism: retail investors’ participation, IPO pricing and returns. Journal of Banking and Finance, 36(7), 2064–2076.
Rock, K. (1986). Why new issues are underpriced. Journal of Financial Economics, 15 (1-2), 187–212.
Roosenboom, P. (2012).Valuing and pricing IPOs. Journal of finance and Banking, 36(6), 1653–1664.
Sherman, A.E., & Titman, S. (2002). Building the IPO order book : Underpricing and participation limits with costly information. Journal of Financial Economics, 65(1), 3–29.
Smith, C., (1986). Investment Banking and the Capital Acquisition Process. Journal of Financial Economics, 15(1), 3–29.
Welch, I., (1989). Seasoned offerings, imitation costs, and the underpricing of initial public offerings. Journal of Finance, 44(2), 421– 448.
Zheng, S.X., & Li, M. (2008). Underpricing, ownership dispersion, and aftermarket liquidity of IPO stocks. Journal of Empirical Finance, 15(3), 436–454.